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Mac SMAC PBeM #1

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  • #46
    Turn 2106 -> Gaians.

    Happy new year.


    • #47
      Fellow inhabitants of Chiron. It gives me great pleasure in announcing the formation of the Alpha Centauri Cartographic Society.

      This society has been created to enable all colonists of Alpha Centauri to share in the knowledge gained through exploration of this mysterious planet.

      The price of membership is a mere 10 energy units membership fee plus dues of 5 energy units per year transmitted to the UN. You will also be expected to transmit your current world map to the UN. What do you get in return? You will receive, each year an updated map of the world showing the areas explored by each participating colony.

      Reap the rewards of cooperation! Participate!


      • #48
        Methinks the cartography peolpe are charging too much. Anyhow, the exploration of this planet should be a process of gentle exploration.
        The Scout Section of our glorious Gaia faction offers expert advice on how to do "green" exploration without any danger to the planet or to the explorers for 10 credits.

        Turn to the Hive
        Steamweasel: will change pbem strategy gaming on the mac.
        --> We still need helpers, contact me ASAP!


        • #49
          Bah humbug


          • #50
            Turn 2106 --> CEO Rue


            • #51
              The Hive has settled the Borehole cluster, and seeks to turn its unique mineral advantages to the Hives own hidden agenda.

              The Hive shall not pay the UN. Maps should be free and for all to acquire, if the UN wishes to co-ordinate it they should so so with the charity of man in mind. Has the UN changed since planetfall so much, they sound like the morganites?

              Chairman Baston
              The Hive.


              • #52
                Turn 2106-->Spartans (Stumpy)


                • #53
                  Turn 2106 --> Jon of the Peacekeepers.

                  As to the "Cartography Society":

                  This is precisely the kind of beaurocratic nonsense we sought to leave behind -- bother us no more with it.
                  Stumpy the Stump


                  • #54
                    Turn um 2107 to Gaians

                    I am hurt that my plans to help improve our communal knowledge of Planet have been received with such attitudes as shown by my fellow colony leaders.

                    Oddly enough these leaders were quite happy to exchange their maps in return for technological assistance.


                    • #55
                      Turn 2107 --> CEO Rue


                      • #56
                        Turn 2107 --> Stumpy of Spartans


                        • #57
                          Turn 2108 -> The Hive

                          Exploration so far is extremely exciting. We have found ways to improve our lives with the planet by significant amounts.
                          Steamweasel: will change pbem strategy gaming on the mac.
                          --> We still need helpers, contact me ASAP!


                          • #58
                            Turn 2108, to Provost Ashman

                            The Hive has agreed baties and pacts with practically all the factions. Despite the Hive "techniques" of population control we wish to form productive and strong relations with our counterparts,


                            • #59
                              Turn 2108 --> CEO Rue


                              • #60
                                Turn 2108 ---> Stumpy of Spartans

