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Simultaneous Multiplayer for Mac?

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  • Simultaneous Multiplayer for Mac?

    There are several posts in the MP forum about a "hack" for the windoz version of Civ 2, which will allow them to make there moves simultaneously.

    I have not been able to figure out where the corresponding setting change should be made for the Mac OS version.

    Perhaps there is a Mac OS whiz out there that can figure it out.

    If you think you can... go look at the posts in the MP forum for Civ II.

    They are changing the windoz INI file and setting

    [This message has been edited by Epik (edited December 17, 2000).]

  • #2
    WOW! Big news! Impressive MP thread! Based on the following line in the Thread: Anyways, I got tinkering about in the .EXE file, and figured out that if you add "Simultaneous=1" to the CIV.INI in your \WINDOWS directory, I'm going to do some serious directory diving with ResEdit and Code Warrior Lite. I ought to at least be able to render my game unusable!

    Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
    - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
    "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

    Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


    • #3
      Found "Simultaneous" in the Civilization II Gold 1.1 application file using Word, but can't figure out how to edit it. Code Warrior Lite won't open it. I am obviously NOT a programmer! I'll wager some smart Mac coder out there knows the answer! Well, I'm off to play "Pajama Sam 2" with my little Sam!

      Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
      - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
      "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

      Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


      • #4
        Time to write Brian Neese....

        Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
        - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
        "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

        Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


        • #5
          Letter from Brian Nesse to MacUser, received on 21-Dec-00.

          Yes, I'm still alive, but I did leave MacSoft on March 31st. Since then I
          have been working on improving the Macintosh Communicator 4.7x browser for

          I do vaguely recall the simultaneous switch. I can't remember if I turned it
          on or not. For that matter, I'm not even sure where I saw it... It was in
          one of the game structures somewhere I think. I remember looking at it for a
          while and then deciding to move on... I don't remember why.

          The real reason I'm contacting you however (yes, I was going to email you
          even before I saw your post) is regarding the enclosed application. It's a
          little something I've been puttering with in my spare time. I recently
          decided that it was time to finish it up before I went on Christmas vacation
          (honestly I knew I wouldn't have any time to work on it in early 2001 due to
          other obligations, but the Christmas story sounds good .

          I hope you find this little tool somewhat useful (I think you might).

          Merry Christmas, and have a great holiday season.

          Brian S. Nesse
          Principal Software Engineer
          Netscape Communications Corp.

          Windows 95: n.
          32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8
          bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor,
          written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

          The following is Brian's reply to my reply. I have posted it because he commented a bit more about the Simultaneous Switch, plus Enquiring Minds want to know! My writing is in italics; let me know if it it too confusing.

          HEY!!! Good to hear from you! Glad you're alive! Since you surf the ACS
          Forums, you are probably up on some of the news of the ACS Mac users,
          however, unless you visit the Off Topic Forum, you would not have heard
          where Finbar is spending his Christmas holiday: ITALY! Yes, one of our
          favorite Aussies is off to wine and dine his way across the Italian country
          side. Perhaps he'll bring back some culture to share with some of the Oz
          Trolls (say Alexander's Horse, for example )

          I didn't know there was an off topic forum Wow, Italy huh? That ought to
          be some Christmas vacation.

          I'm somewhat disappointed that you couldn't help with a hack for the
          simultaneous turns switch, but I'm sure it was left off for a good reason.
          If, however, something comes to mind, could you please drop us a line or
          post to the ACS Mac Forum?

          If you read my message carefully, you'll note that I didn't actually say I
          couldn't help I just haven't currently volunteered to do so . As I
          noted, the demands on my time are soon to me somewhat intense.

          Speaking of the Forum, would you mind if I posted your letter or could you
          post a reply regarding the simultaneous turns switch? Actually, you wouldn't
          happen to be hiding behind an ACS Screen Name would you? If so you need to> come out and play! We won't bug you too much! (well, maybe Horse will...)

          You can post the letter if you like. I have not signed on to the ACS forums
          in other than a guest capacity... I seem to recall they demanded an email
          address and I wasn't sure I really wanted to open myself to that sort of
          abuse just yet .

          Thanks for the Scenario Converter! I'll give it a whirl and post it on the
          ACS Mac page (I REALLY need to make time to work on that!). It seems that
          Scenario creation/conversion is becoming the real use for the Mac Pages.

          Yeah, I saw all the posts and conversion talk. That's what go me started
          thinking about this in the first place.

          Well, it's time to head to work. Good luck with your current job at
          Netscape; I'll give Netscape another whirl for solidarity!

          No obligations. I understand that people like IE, I just happen to like 4.x
          and was offered the opportunity to help improve it.


          Well, I suffered a giga-crash on the ol' Hard Drive this morning and have spent part of my day doing a clean install and downloading the 8.6 update and generally trying to make things work again. Once I have stuff working I'll post Brian's Scenario Conversion utility. And Brian, if you see this, get Netscape to support the scroll-wheel on my MS IntelliMouse Explorer and then I'll think about switching for good!

          edit - format errors
          Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
          - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
          [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited December 22, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited December 22, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited December 22, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited December 22, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by MacUser (edited December 22, 2000).]
          "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

          Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


          • #6
            A bit of good news... while I still do not know how to flip the simultaneous switch for Mac Os... I was able to join a game today and play a simultaneous turn game. Apparently only the host has to flip the switch.

            The game does speed up a lot, too much in my opinion. There is not much time to chat or negotiate with other players. I suppose part of the problem with this was the fact that the host insisted on setting the timer at 2 minute.

            The message boxes (Your Move, Waiting on others to complete move or production turns, etc) become annoying because they pop up so frequently.

            I cannot be certain, because things went by so quickly, but I think I missed some unit movements when I tried to check my cities during the movement phase.

