Man, what a month!! "Whaat a loong strange trip it's been..."
So, after having loads o' fun at LEGOLand and Disneyland (San Diego is a great city!), it's time to turn my attention to the ACS Mac site. Unfortunately, there is so much to do that I really can't remember what is missing and what I've promised! Soooo.... I'm going to start a "TO DO" list thread. Feel free to add to the list to help me get things straightened up!
BTW, if any of ya'll send me an e-mail, be sure to include your ACS screen name, sometimes I don't recognize "John Smith" as "KillFasterMan"!
So, after having loads o' fun at LEGOLand and Disneyland (San Diego is a great city!), it's time to turn my attention to the ACS Mac site. Unfortunately, there is so much to do that I really can't remember what is missing and what I've promised! Soooo.... I'm going to start a "TO DO" list thread. Feel free to add to the list to help me get things straightened up!
BTW, if any of ya'll send me an e-mail, be sure to include your ACS screen name, sometimes I don't recognize "John Smith" as "KillFasterMan"!
