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It's possible that Stardock will make a Master of Magic 2

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  • It's possible that Stardock will make a Master of Magic 2

    Stardock is a company that created Galactic Civilizations so it's perhaps our last hope to get a high-quality MoM2.

    There is a thread on their forums.

    (c)Brad Wardell (Forum nick - Frogboy)
    I think the question is, if Stardock did a MOM2 would enough people pre-order it to justify the considerable risk involved in making a sequel to a 10 year old game.

    Do people trust Stardock enough to turn out a good game enough to pre-order?

    (c)Brad Wardell
    Before I would pre-order I would like to see some idea of what Stardock propose. I do not require great graphics (case in point Galciv). I dont even watch the video scenes after the first couple of times.
    That is essentially what we would do. Take the original game and enhance the graphics (3D engine still top down but now you could zoom in and out on the map at will) and give it a good AI.
    (c)Brad Wardell
    If we did a MOM2 it would be in conjunction with Atari who currently owns the rights.

    But doing such a game will be quite expensive. More expensive than a GalCiv type game. So it's not known how many people would buy the game once it came out and so there's an element of risk involved. We would want to get at least 5k pre-orders.
    (c)Brad Wardell
    But the reason the risk ON US would be high for doing a MOM2 would be precisely because Stardock would have full control over the game.

    That's the trade off. Stardock would self-fund the project (i.e. 7 digit budget). The reason Galactic Civilizations was done in the way it was was because we self-funded that. That gives us a lot of flexibility. But that flexibility comes with a price.

    5k pre-orders at $45 apiece would be less than a quarter of the game's budget. But at least it would give us a good inkling that there was a demand for this game still. After all, some might argue that Age of Wonders and HOMM and other games have filled this niche (I don't personally agree with that).
    (c)Brad Wardell
    If anyone wants to let others know about this poll please feel free.

    For Stardock, the risk is too big to acquire the rights (Stardock would own the rights to a Master of Magic 2 so we would have creative control) if there isn't enough demand.

    I am not certain that there is enough demand for a MOM 2 at this point to justify the expense.

    We'll be deciding whether to pursue this or not in the next week or two.

    Release date would be Fall 2006.
    Knowledge is Power

  • #2
    I voted for it. I've told Brad I'd alpha, beta, and pre-order the game.
    (Knight Errant Of Spam)


    • #3
      Ooh Ooh, I'd post $200 to buy 4 copies.
      Pentagenesis for Civ III
      Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
      Pentagenesis Gallery


      • #4
        #148 by Avatar Frogboy - 8/5/2004 10:28:18 AM

        I think we're going to do it.
        Looks promising....
        None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


        • #5
          That is great news indeed. Three cheers for Stardock (once again - they are the best darn game developer out there)

          Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


          • #6
            More good news:

            #190 by Avatar Frogboy - 8/17/2004 4:04:15 PM

            There is nothing official going on yet with Master of Magic. We're still in negotiation with Atari on it. There probably won't be "news" real soon as these kinds of licenses tend to be lengthy and complicated to nail down and agree to (how many "Expansion packs" are allowed, can it be distributed electronically? How will it be handled on, etc.). But we will try to set up soon so that there's a forum there for people to discuss things. Until then, it's oaky to talk here about what you'd like in there. But for those people looking for a radical change, that's not going to happen. We *like* Master of Magic. We just think it needs updated graphics and effects and a better computer AI and maybe a few new building and units or something. We don't want a MOO3 type scenario where the basic game is being changed. Stardock diabolical plan is to bring turn based strategy games back to the norm. And one way we think that can be helped is with a new Master of Magic done RIGHT. And that means not messing around with what made it a good game in the first place. And unlike most developers, Stardock can pay for its own development on its own so no would-be publisher can force us to "modernize" the game play. We're going to focus on making a fantasy strategy game that adheres to the spirit. That doesn't mean a MOM from Stardock is going to just be a MOM clone down to the nth degree. I'm sure there will be lots of nitpicking because we'll make some tweak to the game (for instance we might mess around with some of the spells a bit).


            • #7
              Any more news?
              “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

              ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


              • #8
                Yes, from Brad Wardell:
                Bummer, the artist we were trying to hire in from the west isn't going to be able to come. Now we're still stuck without a lead modeler on Master of Magic/Sorcery. The search continues.
                They're doing a TBS fantasy game, though it's not yet sure whether it's going to be MoM2.
                Clash of Civilization team member
                (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                web site and forum here on apolyton)


                • #9
                  Where did you find that quote, LDiCesare? I don't remember seeing it in the GalCiv forums.


                  • #10
                    Latest quote from Brad Wardell:
                    Right now Galactic Civilizations II is in development. But we are also in pre-production of a certain "Master" fantasy strategy game. And we need more people to make it reach its potential.
                    That's from
                    The previous quote comes from one of the numerous blogs of Brad Wardell, somewhere at probably the Draginol one).
                    Clash of Civilization team member
                    (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                    web site and forum here on apolyton)


                    • #11
                      Looks like it's a certain thing, then.


                      • #12
                        Any news regarding this?

