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Natural Wonders of the World

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  • #16
    My graphics weren't all that good You'd be better off starting from scratch
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #17
      My graphics would look like scratches.


      • #18
        I tried making a couple of 'natural wonders' in my General Mega Mod,
        I made a Great Waterfall resource with trade +11, resource+3 on mountain squares, but you have to make it a resource so it only appears rarely ( theres maybe 1 on every second big island)
        use rarity value of 50.

        I just need a graphic for it, i might make one.. maybe i should put it next to floodplains, they have movement 2 in my mod anyhow, so a cliff waterfall would be ok.

        I also had Ancient ruins, for jungles/woods but they are more for giving trade/research for archeological value.

        I've just made these for production bonuses mainly , no small wonders as yet, but that would work too.
        I have tried making hoover dam need a Great Waterfall.. should help to make this less powerful a wonder.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Pyrodrew
          That's true, but no civilization built the Great Barrier Reef or Grand Canyon... they were just there.
          The great Barrier reef has its own small wonder: Surfers Paradise, a place where holiday makers go for enjoyment,

          Make it a nice income (tourism money) and happiness
          EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


          • #20
            Originally posted by SpencerH
            With v1.29 (or was it 1.21) there was no limit to the number of resources you could add (previously the icon limit was 24). Despite that change there was still a limit because of the number of icon spaces in the city view. If you had too many resources and luxuries and you opened the 'wrong' view the game crashed.
            I just ran into that. After going a bit crazy with the strategic resources, trying to get to the city view would crash the game to desktop. If anyone knows what the limit is exactly, I'd appreciate the info.

            By any chance have they added a scrolling city view window for resources in PTW? I think that would solve the problem.


            • #21
              I reckon you are on to something Bane Star!
              My thought was to create a new strategic resource called "Heritage Value". It could be set to appear only in Mountain, Forest, Jungle and, perhaps, Coastal terrain. Don't know with what tech it should appear, though!
              On it's own, it grants bonus gold to whichever city has it in it's radius. It also allows you, however, to build either a "Tourism Industry" Small Wonder, or perhaps a "National Park" Small Wonder. Either of these Wonders should be Capital Dependant (i.e. palace), and should grant continental happiness effects, and a +50% income for that city. It would require 5 marketplaces to build as well!
              Anyway, just a thought.



              • #22
                I've been thinking about this since I'm working on ideas for my Fantasy mod,

                Maybe a 'volcano' that provides extra resouces but has a negative impact on the population, maybe haunted forests, secret mana vault, deserted ruins,

                and as for the town based 'buildings'

                volcano = Dwarven mines? = + production
                Haunted forests = Necromancers tower = ghost unit
                secret mana vault = Elven Ley Lines = magician unit
                deserted ruins = Architects palace = Beutified structures = +happiness

                etc etc,, I'm sure I could think of hundreds but I'll put them in the game
                EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


                • #23
                  Yes, I have thought some very similar things. For example dragons.

                  I'd gladly make an dragon unit which would be possible to build only if Dragon Lair resource is in city radius. Unfortunately it is possible to do with improvements only, isn't it?


                  Red Dragon - 12/11/8, -1HP, Flyer, Can be built only if Dragon Lair and Saltpeter within city radius...


                  • #24
                    Quite easy, really.

                    First of all-volcanoes. Make it a "strategic resource" which appears only in mountains and hills. Give it a bonus production and maybe money??, but give it -1 food, just for balance.

                    As for Dragons, the dragons lair could also be a "Strategic Resource", appearing only in mountains or in Tundra! Gives +3 gold (those dragons do love sitting on those beds of treasure ), but -1 production (all your miners keep getting eaten ) and -1 food (Well, if you were a farmer, would you plant crops near a dragons lair? ) You could even have a "Treasure hunting" improvement based on the same resource.

                    Anyway, just a thought!



                    • #25
                      On a more civ note, how about an Olympic Bid resource, a resource of one, which will allow you to build the Olympic Stadium small wonder. Which of course is a huge source of pride and accomplishment for all your people.


                      • #26
                        Does anyone have *.pcx picture files for these great ideas? A generic 'heritage value' would be ok, but I would prefer to actually see a unique image for each natural wonder.
                        A volcano in Mexico is considered a natural wonder.
                        Some waterfalls are considered natural wonders too.
                        But I've seen no *.pcx files for these (I was hoping for a better waterfall image than the bland blue line one the game has.)

                        deserted ruins = Architects palace = Beutified structures = +happiness
                        I have this & it looks great for building Stonehenge too.
                        Ruins look good on any land terrain.
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Pyrodrew

                          I have this & it looks great for building Stonehenge too.
                          Ruins look good on any land terrain.
                          It does look good but why didn't you include the file? I'm afraid I can't help you much with images, I've just been using ones I've seen around. I'm not much at drawing freehand.


                          • #28
                            I got the ruins image (and all my images) from downloads here too. The ruins image came from a goodyhuts image file in the downloads sections here. I just didn't use it as a goodyhut... rather cut & pasted it into the resources.pcx.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                              I got the ruins image (and all my images) from downloads here too. The ruins image came from a goodyhuts image file in the downloads sections here. I just didn't use it as a goodyhut... rather cut & pasted it into the resources.pcx.
                              Do you happen to remember the name of the thread, or the file? I kind of like the idea of adding ruins as a luxury resource, provided Firaxis has actually fixed the 8 luxury limit. I'm still putting that to the test.


                              • #30
                       is the file's name.

                                If you go to the Downloads section here &/or CivFanatics you should come across the image too in their Graphics section.

