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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod (Ptw Version)

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  • MOD: korn's Blitz Mod (Ptw Version)

    I've been working on an update of the Blitz Mod for PtW, and here it is. It is an early version but it should work, if you encounter any problems please report them. The zip file supposedly remember file pathways so it should put the files in the right place when you extract it. Play around with it and tell me what you think. I will post more soon.



    Non Combat
    Settler 0.0.1 50/3 (wheeled)
    Worker 0.0.1 10/1
    Scout 0.0.1 10 (invisible, hidden nationality, free upkeep)
    Explorer 0.0.2 20 (invisible, hidden nationality, free upkeep)
    *Conquistador 3.2.2 40 (invisible, all terrain as roads, zoc) horses
    *Army 0.0.2 150 (blitz, zoc, +9 hp)

    Warrior 1.1.1 10
    Jaguar Warrior 1.1.2 10 (imc: forest, jungle)
    Archer 3.1.1 20
    Bowman 3.2.1 20
    Swordsman 4.2.1 30 iron
    Gallic Swordsman 4.2.2 40 iron
    Immortal 4.2.1 20 (-2 hp) iron
    Legion 4.2.1 30 (+3 hp) iron
    Longbowman 6.2.1 40
    Bezerk 9.3.1 60 (Amphibious, +2 hp)
    Medieval Infantry 7.4.1 50 iron
    Guerrilla 1.1.4 12/1/4 40/1 (invisible, hidden nationality, lethal land bombardment, -4 hp, free upkeep)
    Marine 22.10.2 110/1 (amphibious, zoc) rubber
    Paratrooper 18.12.2 110/1 (8 air drop range, zoc) rubber
    Special Forces 20.10.5 130 (amphibious, invisible, see invisible, 8 air drop range, blitz, -6 hp)

    Spearman 2.2.1 20
    Hoplite 2.3.1 20
    Impi 2.2.2 20
    Numideon Mercenary 3.3.1 30 (free upkeep)
    Pikeman 4.4.1 40
    Musketman 8.8.1 60 saltpeter
    Musketeer 12.8.1 60 saltpeter
    Rifleman 10.10.2 80/1
    Infantry 14.14.2 100/1 rubber
    Mech Infantry 24.26.4 140/1 (wheeled, blitz, zoc) iron, oil, rubber

    Chariot 2.1.2 30 (zoc) horses
    War Chariot 3.1.2 30 (zoc) horses
    Horseman 3.1.2 40 (zoc) horses
    Mounted Warrior 5.1.2 40 (zoc) horses
    Knight 5.2.2 60 (zoc) iron, horses
    Ansar Warrior 7.2.2 60 (blitz, zoc) iron, horses
    Keshik 6.1.2 50 (imc: mountains, hills, zoc) horses
    Rider 5.2.3 60 (zoc) iron, horses
    Samurai 5.4.2 60 (zoc) iron
    War Elephant 10.8.1 80 (zoc)
    Cavalry 9.4.3 80 (zoc) horses, saltpeter
    Cossack 9.6.3 80 (zoc) horses, saltpeter
    Siphai 14.4.3 80 (zoc) horses, saltpeter
    Tank 24.12.3 130/1 (wheeled, blitz, zoc, cannot airlift) iron, oil
    Panzer 24.12.4 120/1 (wheeled, blitz, zoc, cannot airlift, imc:forest) iron, oil
    Modern Armor 32.16.4 150/1 (wheeled, blitz, zoc, cannot airlift) iron, oil, aluminum

    Catapult 0.1.1 8/1/3 40 (wheeled) iron
    Cannon 0.1.1 16/1/4 80 (wheeled) iron, saltpeter
    Artillary 0.1.2 18/1/4 120 (blitz, helicopter transportable) iron
    Radar Artillary 0.1.3 20/2/6 160 (wheeled, blitz, cannot airlift) aluminum, oil

    Cruise Missile 0.0.1 60 30/6/2 (leathal land, leathal sea, can load into Aegis Cruisers and nuclear subs) aluminum
    Tactical Nuke 0.0.1 180 10 aluminum, uranium
    ICBM 0.0.1 250 aluminum, uranium

    Galley 1.1.4 30|2 (sink in sea, sink in ocean)
    Sloop 3.2.5 40 (sink in ocean, imc: sea)
    Caravel 1.2.4 50|3 (imc: sea, ocean)
    Galleon 1.2.5 60|4 (imc: sea, ocean)
    Frigate 6.4.2 6/1/3 80 (all terrain as roads, blitz)
    Man-o-War 8.5.2 6/1/3 80 (all terrain as roads, blitz)
    Privateer 3.1.7 40 (imc: sea, ocean)
    Ironclad 12.10.3 8/1/2 100 (all terrain as roads, blitz) iron, coal
    Transport 1.3.8 100 (imc: sea, ocean) oil
    Battleship 30.25.3 18/2/3 240 (all terrain as roads, blitz) iron, oil
    Destroyer 12.16.4 12/1/2 120 (all terrain as roads, blitz) oil
    Submarine 15.6.3 100 (all terrain as roads, blitz, invisible, detect invisible)
    Aircraft Carrier 1.4.3 200|5 (all terrain as roads, blitz, radar) iron, rubber
    Nuclear Sub 14.16.3 180|3 (all terrain as roads, blitz, invisible, detect invisible)
    Aegis Cruiser 22.26.4 22/1/2 160|2 (all terrain as roads, blitz, radar, detect invisible, transport cruise missiles) aluminum, oil

    Fighter 5.5.2 15/6/2 100 (blitz) oil
    Bomber 0.2.1 12/12/8 120 oil, rubber
    Jet Fighter 20.20.3 18/8/3 150 (blitz) aluminum, oil
    F-15 30.30.3 18/8/3 150 (blitz) aluminum, oil
    Jet Bomber 0.6.2 16/16/8 180 (blitz) aluminum, oil
    Stealth Fighter 0.0.2 20/14/6 180 (blitz, stealth, radar) aluminum, oil, uranium
    Stealth Bomber 0.0.1 60/100/10 450 (blitz, stealth, radar) aluminum, oil, uranium
    Spy Plane 0.0.1 1./100/1 80 (stealth, detect invisible) aluminum, oil

    Combat Experience
    Conscript 4 40% retreat
    Regular 6 50% retreat
    Veteran 9 65% retreat
    Elite 14 85% retreat

    Miscellaneous Changes
    *Dropped defensive terrain bonus for desert, plains, grassland, floodplains, tundra, coast, sea, and ocean
    *Changed fortify bonus from 25% to 50%
    *Changed the Heroic Epic from a small wonder to a great wonder, obsolete with military tradition
    *Dropped victorious army requirement from Military Academy
    *Changed number of cities needed for an army from 4 to 2
    *Changed chance to intercept an enemy air mission from 50% to 75%
    *Changed chance to intercept a stealth mission from 5% tp 4%
    Attached Files
    Last edited by korn469; November 4, 2002, 13:44.

  • #2
    Woooo hoooooo!! First one!

    Do you have an updated PediaIcons.txt file? I found that my mod (spawned from yours) got a lot of errors because it couldn't find some ANIMNAME references.


    • #3

      all of the files should be in the zip, and it should work because i finally got it working on my computer...though i'll say one thing, adding buildings and units to the game is harder in PtW than it was in Civ3 with the multitool, because of getting all of the text files correct

      anyways just incase auto extracting it doesn't work correctly here is where you need to extract the files from the zip

      *locate the PtW scenarios file
      extract Blitz Mod.bix directly into it
      *Create a folder in the PtW scenarios file and name it Blit Mod
      *in the Blitz Mod folder create two other folder and name one Art the other text
      *in the art folder create two other folders name one Civilopedia and name the other one Units
      *in the Civilopedia folder create a folder called Icons
      *in the Icons folder create a folder called units
      *in the units folder extract the pcx files
      *go back to the blitz mod/art folder and in the folder named units create the following six folders, Colonist, Engineer, Special Forces, Sloop, Jet Bomber, Spy Plane and then extract each .ini file to the folder with the same name
      *go back to the blitz mod/text folder and extract the Civilopedia.txt and the PediaIcons.txt files to this folder

      when i created the zip file i told it to remember pathways so it should create all of the correct folders, but if not that is where the files go...i hope that helps


      • #4
        so has anyone got a chance to play it yet? what do you think of the mod so far?


        • #5
          (Sorry about the delay)

          It appears as though everything works fine. I know how difficult it can be to upgrade a mod to such an extent.


          • #6

            well how do you like it so far? i still have some things to implement but i wanted to make sure units were working first


            • #7
              Re: korn's Blitz Mod (Ptw Version)

              Originally posted by korn469
              Bezerk 9.3.1 60 (Amphibious, +2 hp)
              Against a 4 defense pikeman? You made him stronger than in the regular game!

              You also made the War Elephant uber-powerful, but that's ok cause India has the worst UU in the regular game.
              "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

              Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


              • #8
                I would agree. The Berserk is a bit overpowered, IMO.


                • #9
                  the thing to remember is that the fortify bonus is +50% instead of 25% in normal civ3 so a fortifed pikeman in a city would have a defensive power of 8; though i might cut down on the bonus hitpoints

                  the war elephant does has a really high attack and defense but it only moves one and it costs more than normal knights

                  in general all UUs are more powerful than their civ3 versions, what i'm hoping to do though is have each UU be on about the same level of power

