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simple question about resources in mods

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  • simple question about resources in mods

    i play my own mod - heavily modded, but works just fine. usually play on standard world with 16 civs.
    by the time industrial age rolls around, natural selection has weeded things down to around 8 - 12 civs, of which 60 - 80% might make it.

    this is when i suddenly find out, all too often, that thee is 1 or 2 freakin coal resources in the world.

    well i don't want this in my modded game. i notice the numbersin the mod editor, and thought i understood them - higher the number, less likely. but then i just thought "appearance/dissapearrance ratio" so this just has to do with whether during the game, some resourse appears/gets depleted, or does it apply to the initial spread of resources? how can it be cone to simply make resources more commen? does giving them to more types of terrain do it?
    what am i missing?
    "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

    i like ibble blibble

  • #2
    The higher the number the more likely.

    Also in randomized world there is a limit to hom many resorces total, so more types, less of every type. Hoplefully you can set total resorces in PTW.

    You can still manually set many resorces in the map editor.


    • #3
      When making a mod I always make sure there is enough of everything to go around, although sometimes I will short a resource (leaving only one or two) just to make things interesting.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bolt
        The higher the number the more likely.

        Also in randomized world there is a limit to hom many resorces total, so more types, less of every type. Hoplefully you can set total resorces in PTW.

        You can still manually set many resorces in the map editor.
        higher number more likely?


        ok, may explain things - thought it was a ratio - like 200 means 1 in 200 chance a resourse will appear/dissappear - so 800 would make it very unlikely either..........which does not address the basic problem - not enough. did not know about total limit, though.....

        yeah, don't mind competition for resources, but hate when a critical resource is so rare only 1 or 2 have it - esp. something so commen as coal - crap, even resource pathetic japan has coal on the north island!
        "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

        i like ibble blibble


        • #5
          Re: simple question about resources in mods

          Originally posted by bigvic
          i play my own mod - heavily modded, but works just fine. usually play on standard world with 16 civs.
          by the time industrial age rolls around, natural selection has weeded things down to around 8 - 12 civs, of which 60 - 80% might make it.

          this is when i suddenly find out, all too often, that thee is 1 or 2 freakin coal resources in the world.

          well i don't want this in my modded game. i notice the numbersin the mod editor, and thought i understood them - higher the number, less likely. but then i just thought "appearance/dissapearrance ratio" so this just has to do with whether during the game, some resourse appears/gets depleted, or does it apply to the initial spread of resources? how can it be cone to simply make resources more commen? does giving them to more types of terrain do it?
          what am i missing?
          The appearance ratio determines how many of a resource is placed on the map when it is first created. This determines the total amount throughout the game, and never changes. If a resource disappears, it will reappear somewhere else on the map. As it's explained in the help, in an 8 player game, a number of 160 means that there will be two resources per civ, though not necessarily in each of their territory. That means that each increase of 10 adds another resource on the map. If the number is set to 0, the resource will be placed on the map randomly. The highest number you can have is 900, meaning 90 of a particular resource.

          The disappearance probablity works like a ratio. If the number is 100, that means there's a 1/100 chance each turn that a particular resource will disappear. As I mentioned, if a resource disappears, it will pop up somewhere else on the map. If the number is set to 0, the resource will never disappear.

          Increasing the types of terrain that a resource is available in makes no difference to the total number: that's determined by the appearance ratio. All it will do is spread out the total to a wider area of the world.

          As for Coal, it's not exactly the greatest icon; it's not always easy to see, especially if it's in a Jungle. In fact it's probably the worst in the game for visibility. That might be part of your problem. Maybe you could try using one that stands out more. Also use the Ctrl-Shift-M shortcuts as someone mentioned in your other post. You'll no doubt find a few Coal directly underneath a city somewhere.


          • #6
            well, this is exactly the problem, then - i saw "ratio" and assumed higher number wrong.......well, never mind - this solves my problem - had set appearance "ratio" low - makes sense. so on my modded standard map 16 power deal, i really shoud set appearance numbers high to take into account more crowding. cool! learn something new all the time! thanks
            "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

            i like ibble blibble

