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SCENARIO: Japanese Pacific Theatre of Operation

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  • SCENARIO: Japanese Pacific Theatre of Operation

    WWII Pacific Theatre of Operation (Japan)

    Scenario file is at end of this post
    Political/geographical screenshot maps are in next post (readme)
    Units for the scenario are in the 3rd post

    This is my first scenario for civ3. This one is mainly about naval warfare in the pacific during ww2.

    This is the final version. I would like to add stuff later on though. IMO this scenario makes naval warfare fun.
    The AI will send attack fleet to naval chokepoints, subs will be your nightmare, and more.

    I tried to make the scenario to be kept on a fast pace, with minimal cities and units. However turns still take a
    while to complete, its like a civ3 game in modern age, with about a dozen cities. You also have to manage a multi front
    war set across 2 continents and 1 ocean, not forgetting that you manage land/air/sea forces, and the defense of each

    If you follow the first or second goal, you know your turns are limited so this makes things much different.

    When playing be careful of the Russians (Stalin's Soviet Union). You start at war with the Soviets (among other civs), so
    defend yourself appropriately on the russian front (Manchuria area). Don't expect the soviets to be nice neighbors, there
    tanks will try to blitz right through you right at the start (Stalin is dying to get a golden age..)

    Bombers are lethal at sea and ground. Artillery is lethal to ground units. Battleships are lethal to sea units.
    Destroyers can upgrade to AEGIS cruisers, but the scenario isnt meant to go on that long (robotics).

    When taking over cities, remember that most cities already have a significant industrial strength. It's up to you
    if you want to destroy that industrial strength, or capture it. Since turns are short in reserve, building a factory
    takes up a large portion of the time avaialble for the war.

    Remember that air trade is off, and only sea and coast tiles can do water trade. also don't move any naval unit in
    an ocean square or else it might sink !!

    Watchout for enemy subs..

    Pick something to research when you start. Either radio or economics (both required to advance an era).

    Don't forget to install the units and please post comments after you try out my scenario or if you have any questions, etc!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by smellymummy; August 14, 2002, 18:38.

  • #2

    WWII Pacific Theatre of Operation (Japan) (for civ3 v1.29, playing on a 100x100 map)

    Naval warfare scenario based on the war in the pacific during world war II (ww2).
    This scenario is a SAV file. You simply download it and load it as a game, after installing the required units.

    It's a SAV file because:
    1- The difficulty is custom
    2- The map had to be revealed
    3- Political relations had to be set
    4- Other starting conditions had to be set

    You're the leader of the strong and the proud Japanese civilization. As a direct descendant of the Sun Goddess
    Amaterasu, it is your right to lead all the Asian people to a life of prosperity.

    However western powers do not wish to lose there mighty colonial powers in Asia, and have hampered your
    progress by closing the flow of oil and rubber you need so badly. Now you're faced with an unavoidable war in
    Asia that you can no longer supply.

    Good luck!

    How to win:

    Accomplish one of the four goals:

    1- Control these cities before 1350 BC (about 60 turns or 5 years)

    (already under your control)
    Tokyo, Kure, Sapporo, Naha, Iwo Jima, Taipei, Seoul, Dairen, Saipan, Marshall Islands.

    (not under your control)
    Pekin, Tientsin, Wuhan, Shanghai, Nanking, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Saigon, Bangkok, Manila, Davao, Guam,
    Singapore, Sandakan, Banjarmasin, Jakarta, Sorong, Jayapura, Port Moresby, East Timor, Guadalcanal,
    Midway, Johnston Atoll, Pearl Harbor.

    2- Accomplish these goals before 2310 BC (about 36 turns or 3 years)

    Capture Pearl Harbor, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and destroy Washington (raze the USA capital
    to the ground).

    3- Reach domination victory (long game)

    4- Reach diplomatic victory (even longer game)

    Civilizations in the game:

    Super powers:
    United States of America, President Roosevelt
    Japan, Emperor Hirohito

    Western powers:
    Canada, Prime Minister Mackenzie King
    Soviet Union, Generalissimo Joseph Stalin
    India, Viceroy Mountbatten
    Commonwealth of Australia, Governor-General Isaac Isaacs

    Minor American powers:
    Republica del Venezuela, Presidente Angarita
    Republica del Ecuador, Presidente Velasco Ibarra
    Republica del Peru, Presidente Manuel Prado
    Republica del Chile, Presidente Pedro Cerda
    Cuba, Presidente Batista
    Mexico, Presidente Cardenas

    Minor Asian powers:
    China, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
    French Indochina, Marshal Philippe Petain
    Netherlands Indies, Governor-General Van Starkenborgh
    Mongolia, Marshal Choybalsan

    Different rules:

    The Japanese government (Imperialism) type is only avaialble with Integrated Defense, an advance you
    wont normally discover until much much later. Don't topple your Japanese monarchy!

    New units are in the next posts.

    Settlers can't be built. The cities present on the map when started are the only possible cities during the

    There is no more Air Trade routes. It's all sea and land routes (Paratroopers still work though). So now
    blockades do work effectively.

    Workers are much more expensive. Railways, mines and irrigation are therefore much more valuable, so
    take care when bombarding.

    Ocean tiles cost 6 movement points and all sea units may sink in them. The AI avoids it and so should you
    unless you wish to lose your naval units.

    New minor wonders (some new, some are replacements) are called HQs. There is Asian HQ, Naval HQ and
    a Pacific HQ. These act just like the forbidden palace.

    List of new wonders:

    Hawaii (+1 trade per worked tile)
    East Indies Company (same as smith trading)
    Canadian Dominion (2x research output)
    Islam (+2 happy in all cities)
    Dutch Empire (+1 happy in all cities, 2x research)
    National Food reserves (free granary in all cities)
    Hubble Telescope (+1 happy in all cities, 2x research)
    Panama Canal (+1 trade per worked tile)
    Christianity (doubles effects of Cathedrals)
    Way of the Samurai (free baracks in all cities)
    Buddhism (doubles effects of Temples)
    Australian Dominion (2x research)
    British Empire (2x research, +1 happy in all cities)
    French Empire (2x research, +1 happy in all cities)
    Buddhist Temple (free Temple in all cities)
    Japanese Empire (2x research, +1 happy in all cities)

    Player situation at the start of the game:

    Government, Imperialism
    10 cities, 3800 gold (with a -205 per turn deficit)

    Researching: Nothing

    Spies: United States, Australia, Netherland Indies, French Indochina and China

    Embassies in all civs except Venezuela, Peru, Cuba

    Foreign relations:
    At war with: Soviet Union, China, French Indochina, Australia, Netherland Indies, Venezuela,

    Bad relations with India, United States, Canada, Cuba, Peru
    Good relations with Ecuador (plus active trade and a ROP) and Chile (plus active trade and a ROP)

    Gracious relations with Mongolia, with Military alliance against China (plus ROP and trade)

    Active trades: Iron to Ecuador, Wines from Chile, Ivory, Spices and Gems from India, Iron to India,
    Incense and
    Horses from Mongolia, Coal to Mongolia.

    Trade routes to oil and rubber have just been cut off. Cities building items requiring oil/rubber can still
    finish the item in the current queue.

    Military situation:
    -Air force reserves stationed in taipei
    -Paratroopers fortified in Taipei and waiting for Luzon airdrops (Manila)
    -Battalions and imperial marines in troop transports to fight in indochina/dutch indies/philipine front,
    coming from main japan island
    -Aircraft carrier fleet ready to destroy american fleet near pearl harbor
    -Smaller aircraft carrier begining to engage hong kong and hanoi
    -1 patrol aircraft carrier fleet watching russian border, 1 patrol carrier fleet watching iwojima/midway sea
    -Army near Saigon waiting for orders to march in
    -Tank units set to take over chinese cities of Wuhan, Pekin, Tientsin, Shangai and Nanking

    Active units:
    Fighters/bombers waiting orders
    Troop transports, some destroyers and submarines
    Chinese mainland attack force

    Military: 414 units
    84 Battalion, 52 artillery, 16 Kha-Go, 7 workers +4 captured chinese workers
    57 marines, 1 Yamato Class, 8 battleships, 2 Hosho Class, 2 Unryu Class, 4 Shokaku Class, 4 Akagi Class, 12
    destroyers, 12 submarines, 9 transports
    16 paratroopers, 58 fighters, 70 japanese bombers

    Stuff I'd like to add:

    Leaderheads for each civs, still pictures or even animated ones
    More custom made units and sounds
    A version that uses civ3 default units


    The save game gets the "polar ice caps" turned on after saving (post scenario config). It does this all the time,
    so unfortunately they are there.

    Some weird bug keeps renaming Yamoto unit to Yamato, will be trying to figure out that problem.

    When there is a bombing (airplane) near the edge of the map (north/south) and the bomber animation
    goes beyond the edges, the game sits there forever waiting for the bomber to return (who obviously fell off
    the edge of the world). I moved cities away from the edge, but it can still happen when fighting units. I can't
    figure out how to fix this, so save and becareful at the edges (anyone know if this a civ3 bug?)


    No civilopedia.txt or anything else that mods the core game to much. I don't have any leaderheads either
    since I wasn't sure on how to exactly package it (if anyone can help on that).

    The map was made using the bmp2bic program. I took the marla world map, made it a bic2bmp, then
    trimmed it down to 100x100. Then it was all about fixing little things and making it fun to play on.

    There are historical inacuracies, many I'm sure that I'm unaware of. This scenario is for fun not realism and
    it mainly comes from my love of a Pacific War game made by Koei, PTO and PTO 2 (PTO as in Pacific
    Theatre of operation).

    For example on the Sumatra Island, I placed a city called "Sumatra". No such thing I know. And Granada
    being part of Mexico. Or Venezuela covering three nations. There are other things too I'm sure.
    Spelling errors might be in there too, but as far as geographical locations go, different maps have
    different spellings... so blame it on Rand McNally and the Ufficio Cartografico del touring club italiano.
    And geographical errors are present too. Most of those are there for a reason though :-)

    If anyone wants more information about stats, units, improvements, anything, let me know. And if you
    download this please let me know what you think !

    Geographical map:

    Political map:

    Last edited by smellymummy; August 14, 2002, 18:41.


    • #3

      I'm using a mix of civ3 default animations and custom created ones. It's just a 4.5 meg download, and then all
      you need to do is unzip it to your X:\PATH_TO_CIV3\ART\UNITS\ directory.

      Units file 1
      Units file 2

      If you already have the required animations you could always copy them, just use the same names (for the folder and ini...)

      This is the list of units:

      Air Transport (advanced helicopter) by BlueO from apolyton
      Akagi Class (Japanese buildable only carrier, using default carrier animation)
      Albatros (weak fighter, buildable by allies if they have no oil) by Kinboat from civfanatics
      Asian Infantry (standard infantry for Asia using the NVA infantry animation) by sween32 from apolyton
      B-52 bomber (operational range of 6 bomber, comes with rocketry) by Timeline from apolyton
      Battalion (standard Japanese infantry requiring rubber, using the same NVA infantry animation above)
      Casablanca Class (carrier that is buildable by allies, uses the ww2 carrier animation) by papajohns from civfanatics
      Essex Class (carrier that is buildable by allies, using default carrier animation)
      Fokker (weak fighter, buildable by allies if they have no oil) by Kinboat from civfanatics
      Hosho Class (Japanese buildable only carrier, uses the same ww2 carrier animation above)
      Imperial Marines (Japanese UU, marine type unit) by TVA22 from civfanatics
      Infanteria (standard Infantry animation, for latin american civs, draftable, requires no rubber and starts GA)
      Kamikaze (cheap bomber, costs 1 pop point, acts like a cruise missile) by TVA22 from civfanatics
      Kha-Go (Japanese tanks, same stats) by Kinboat from civfanatics
      Lexington Class (carrier that is buildable by allies, using default carrier animation)
      Me-262 (expensive fighter Japan can build [by from ze germans] if no oil) by TVA22 from civfanatics
      Military Transport (transport any land unit, requires oil, uses transport animation)
      Mongolian Riders (UU for mongolia, uses the Cossack animation)
      Nuclear Carrier (advanced carrier for all civs, default carrier animation)
      Shokaku Class (Japanese buildable only carrier, using default carrier animation)
      Stuka (expensive bomber Japan can build [by from ze germans] if no oil) by Smoking Mirror from civfanatics
      Su-2 bomber (just a 2nd type of bomber allies can build, not a exact su-2 animation) by Smoking Mirror from civfanatics
      Su-6 bomber (just a 3rd type of bomber allies can build, not a exact su-6 animation) by Smoking Mirror from civfanatics
      Tiger (Soviet Union UU using the Panzer animation)
      Torpedo Boat (weak naval unit, uses the ironclad animation)
      Troop Transport (basic transport foot only units, uses transport animation)
      Unryu Class (Japanese buildable only carrier, uses the same ww2 carrier animation above)
      Wasp Class (carrier that is buildable by allies, uses the same ww2 carrier animation above)
      Yamato Class (yamato, mighty Japanese battleship, very expensive) by TVA22 from civfanatics
      Last edited by smellymummy; August 14, 2002, 18:42.


      • #4
        hey smellymummy, i'm going to try this out tonight... sounds exciting! I've been waiting for a WW2 scenario to come about. I won't be able to tell you yea or nay on historical accuracy, but I'll be able to tell you how fun it is


        • #5
          Cool, I'll give it a go.
          "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
          --P.J. O'Rourke


          • #6

            There are two top quality units you should add to this scenario:

            The Kha-Go tank and Imperial Marines. I am not certain if they are here at Apolyton, but they are at Civfanatics in the Completed Mods / Units forum.

            I have installed both in my game, and they are high quality graphics with killer sounds. As good as the units that come with the game, maybe better.

            Just thought I'd pass that on.

            Youre scenario map screenshot is VERY impressive.


            • #7
              thanks for the tip about the units joespaniel, I didnt think about checking out civfanatics for units... and there sure is plenty! Don't think I'll be adding any yet, but that imperial marine just might make it in.

              has anyone got any comments about the scenario?

              I'm fixing and changing some stuff and any feeback would help


              • #8
                I just posted the final (after 28 downloads). Also edited the posts so there is more information.
                More new unit graphics are being used now (thanks to that tip above). Everything is hosted on civfanatics at the moment, on this thread.

                Anyone know if I can host the files here on apolyton (its larger than 500kb...) ? And is it possible to rename this thread?


                • #9
                  could you make it one download please? looks awesome


                  • #10
                    if i could get webspace that allows larger files I would make it all one file, but can't do it as is.


                    • #11
                      I don't have the time to look closer on your scenario but it looks very good so far, just two small points you might look into:
                      1. as far as I remember Japan never fought the Soviets (remember that Soviet spy telling stalin that there was no danger from the japanese, allowing him to move sibirean troops to the german front?)
                      2. 4 different carrier types for the japanese without any visible differnces are quite confusing, also they hardly differ from each other expect for defense and building costs.


                      • #12
                        thanks tarpoon,

                        1- The soviet situation was hard to make out in the scenario. They had to be aiding Japan's enemies, but without a war? Translate history to civ3.... Also I had to make sure that Soviets couldnt supply Japan with oil (and that would make things real easy). Setting it up so Japan would be at war was necessary. When the game starts the player has the choice to invade Soviet (taking Nomonhan or Vladivostock for example) or to withdraw and try to get peace.

                        2- The 4 different carrier classes arent really that confusing. In the game they look just like carriers and thats about it. When you right click on a carrier group the different names of the carriers seem to make spotting your planes simpler since you know that on the hosho class you'll find fighters, or on the Akagi class you have bombers, or on that Shokaku class its just elite bombers.

                        Also each carrier has same stats (a/d/m) and the differences in some is only the cost (in shields) and its HP. The point was just to compensate for the 4 carriers the Allied civs can build.

                        Might do that though, give carriers some differences in stats, not sure yet - changing there stats too much might make that confusing!


                        • #13
                          Question: Are the two soviet oil sources and the alaskan oil the only oil sources on the map?
                          "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                          Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jaguar Warrior
                            Question: Are the two soviet oil sources and the alaskan oil the only oil sources on the map?
                            No they are not.

                            There are 8 Oil sources that are being used at the start of the game:

                            2 in mexico, 2 in venezuela, 1 in USA, 1 in Canada and 2 in the dutch indies.

                            Then there is 2 sources that are not being used:

                            1 in Alaska, 1 in northern canada (both are beside roads, just waiting for the AI to colonize...)


                            • #15
                              wow, I missed a lot.
                              "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                              Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005

