Ok, so I have never really had too much of a problem, but lately in the games i've been playing (not sure, has culture been toned up in version 1.29?), all of a sudden i can barely capture a size 1 city without it flipping over in a few terms. This is makes the game virtually unplayable. AI wars result in no one capturing any cities because cities always flip back to their original owners, meaning that the borders in 2000 ad are the same borders as in 1000 bc. So i've decided to try and remove culture from the game, so that the game can once again become playalbe.
I tried taking away the culture points for all improvements in the editor, but then I realized I still need at least one building to make culture so that borders can still expand (cause a city with no culture has borders that does not even cover the whole city radius), so i left culture points for temples and palaces, but then for some reason cities still culturally flip like there is no tommorow. So has anybody figured out any ways to remove culture flipping from the game, while still allowing for city borders to at least reach out to the end of the city radius?
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I tried taking away the culture points for all improvements in the editor, but then I realized I still need at least one building to make culture so that borders can still expand (cause a city with no culture has borders that does not even cover the whole city radius), so i left culture points for temples and palaces, but then for some reason cities still culturally flip like there is no tommorow. So has anybody figured out any ways to remove culture flipping from the game, while still allowing for city borders to at least reach out to the end of the city radius?
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