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Attempting to rid culture from the game

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  • Attempting to rid culture from the game

    Ok, so I have never really had too much of a problem, but lately in the games i've been playing (not sure, has culture been toned up in version 1.29?), all of a sudden i can barely capture a size 1 city without it flipping over in a few terms. This is makes the game virtually unplayable. AI wars result in no one capturing any cities because cities always flip back to their original owners, meaning that the borders in 2000 ad are the same borders as in 1000 bc. So i've decided to try and remove culture from the game, so that the game can once again become playalbe.

    I tried taking away the culture points for all improvements in the editor, but then I realized I still need at least one building to make culture so that borders can still expand (cause a city with no culture has borders that does not even cover the whole city radius), so i left culture points for temples and palaces, but then for some reason cities still culturally flip like there is no tommorow. So has anybody figured out any ways to remove culture flipping from the game, while still allowing for city borders to at least reach out to the end of the city radius?

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  • #2
    One thing you can do that should really reduce flipping is change the assimilation chances for the governments. They all are default to very small (like 1, 2, or 3% chance per turn that a citizen assimilates). I changed mine so that its more like 10% chance per turn in democracy, and the other govs from there. That way if you hold a city for 20-30 turns the pop should convert over to your civ.

    The other thing you can do isn't a rule change at all, but use more troops The # of troops in a city does reduce the chance of it flipping.

    But what I ussually do, is just don't stop taking the ai's cities until there is no culture overlap, that seems to really cut the chance of a flip back. It still happens, but then its ussually like just 1 in 10-15 cities I took, and then after there were no more cities for that civ on the continent with me, so its easy to take right back.

    EDIT: Oh and if you really do want to totally turn culture flipping off, I sort of suspect that setting all the assimilation rates to 100% would more or less accomplish that except for flips related to just culture values and not foreign nationals.


    • #3
      Oh my god - there's a thread on this in the general forum. I'd better not get started on this one...
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      • #4
        Originally posted by wervdon
        One thing you can do that should really reduce flipping is change the assimilation chances for the governments. They all are default to very small (like 1, 2, or 3% chance per turn that a citizen assimilates). I changed mine so that its more like 10% chance per turn in democracy, and the other govs from there. That way if you hold a city for 20-30 turns the pop should convert over to your civ.

        The other thing you can do isn't a rule change at all, but use more troops The # of troops in a city does reduce the chance of it flipping.

        But what I ussually do, is just don't stop taking the ai's cities until there is no culture overlap, that seems to really cut the chance of a flip back. It still happens, but then its ussually like just 1 in 10-15 cities I took, and then after there were no more cities for that civ on the continent with me, so its easy to take right back.

        EDIT: Oh and if you really do want to totally turn culture flipping off, I sort of suspect that setting all the assimilation rates to 100% would more or less accomplish that except for flips related to just culture values and not foreign nationals.
        OMG I LOVE YOU I seriously did not think of this. If this works, you will have literally made this game playable for me!!! And i was just about to put my civ cd into the great hard disk up in the sky .....


        • #5
          Originally posted by zulu9812
          Oh my god - there's a thread on this in the general forum. I'd better not get started on this one...
          THANK YOU


          • #6
            noooooo ...... It doesnt seem to be working. I set the assymlation rates to 90% for each government type, but even after 20 or 30 turns, enemy citizens in cities which i have conquered from the AI are still retaining their old nationality, and this is even after the resistance has ended. With these settings, shouldnt the enemy citizens in my recently conquered cities be assymlating into my culture in 1 or 2 turns at the most?


            • #7
              Odd thats what I thought it did.... You did set it for all government types?

              The help says:
              Assimilation Chance (Government Properties)
              Determines the percent chance, per turn, that a foreign national in the city with the selected government type will assimilate into the current nationality of the city.

              That sounds like it runs a % chance each turn to change the nationality of one citizen and it either flips one to your nationality or it doesn't. Possibly it also chooses which citizen to test for flipping by random? In a city of 10 citizens, that would mean each citizen just had a 1 in 10 chance of flipping even if it was set at 100%.

              In any case, that was my only idea for truelly taking it mostly out, sorry it didnt work out.


              • #8
                Oh and incidently, Im not a bit against reloading the auto-save if a city flips and takes a signicant portion of my army with it since I consider that part broken. (ie. if it flips and takes 4 calvary with it, Ill reload, but if it flips and takes a rifleman or something I go with it)

                I still wish they'd fix it so that when a city flips it either creates partisan units to fight it out with your garrisoned army or it at least expels your garrisoned troops to the nearest city as opposed to *poof* your troops decided to spontanously disband at the first sign of resistance. Other than that though, I like flipping


                • #9
                  Also, I think you have to start a new game for the rules to take effect...
                  This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
                  If the problem persists, please contact the program vendor.


                  • #10
                    Oh definately Krayzeenblk. The bic information a game was started with is stored in the save these days I didnt even think of that


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Krayzeenbk
                      Also, I think you have to start a new game for the rules to take effect...
                      Of course, every time i test new rules, i always create a custom scenario to do it.

