Rename Unit
Renames the selected unit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the name of the unit is how the game identifies the necessary graphics and control files required to display the unit in the game. If you rename the unit in the editor YOU MUST rename the unit's directory (\ART\UNITS\UNITNAME\) as well as the INI file that controls the animations files (\ART\UNITS\UNITNAME\UNITNAME.ini).
OK, fine...
1. where are these?
2. will altering these screw the whole game up?
Renames the selected unit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the name of the unit is how the game identifies the necessary graphics and control files required to display the unit in the game. If you rename the unit in the editor YOU MUST rename the unit's directory (\ART\UNITS\UNITNAME\) as well as the INI file that controls the animations files (\ART\UNITS\UNITNAME\UNITNAME.ini).
OK, fine...
1. where are these?
2. will altering these screw the whole game up?