Level, not exactly. It crashed a lot. And if it didn't the colours looked decidedly psychadelic. But all should be smooth sailing now, touch wood.
No announcement yet.
My King Tiger attempt
Is this unit still in working ????? Plz continue your magnificent project !?W.I.N.T.E.R :cool:
Dead Winter reigns in Aramar
CIV2:Download GNB3 Now!!!-Napoleonic Unit Compendium-CIV3:*NEW*Leibstandarte SS-*NEW*Me-109 E
"The way I understand it the Russians are a combination of evil and incompetence- sort off like the Post Office with tanks..." M. Phillips THIRD REICH TEAM
wow, the model is great
just one point which is wrong:
on the last picture of the attack animation you can see through the "weels" of the KT, which was impossible, cause the King Tiger had a "Schachtellaufwerk" (like all german tanks after the PZ IV)
take a look at this blueprint and you'll see what I mean
As for the Pzkpfw II, I don't think it is a must have tank, since it only saw combat in Poland and France. There are other tanks which have a higher reuseablelity, like the Panzer IV F2 and older Versions (http://www.panzerlexikon.de/panzeriv.jpg).
Originally posted by W.I.N.T.E.R
Is this unit still in working ????? Plz continue your magnificent project !?
Uhm, if you are not finishing this unit, would you mind if sb else gives it a try ??? It is really a beauty and would be great if completed !!!!!!!!!!W.I.N.T.E.R :cool:
Dead Winter reigns in Aramar
CIV2:Download GNB3 Now!!!-Napoleonic Unit Compendium-CIV3:*NEW*Leibstandarte SS-*NEW*Me-109 E
"The way I understand it the Russians are a combination of evil and incompetence- sort off like the Post Office with tanks..." M. Phillips THIRD REICH TEAM
To view latest developments on Colonel Rombus' unit please follow this link:
*** SAVE THE KING TIGER ! ***W.I.N.T.E.R :cool:
Dead Winter reigns in Aramar
CIV2:Download GNB3 Now!!!-Napoleonic Unit Compendium-CIV3:*NEW*Leibstandarte SS-*NEW*Me-109 E
"The way I understand it the Russians are a combination of evil and incompetence- sort off like the Post Office with tanks..." M. Phillips THIRD REICH TEAM
My apologies for vanishing without a trace. Working with FLICster and the 256-colour pallette just proved too difficult...and I had other projects I needed to resume, so I took a short vacation from the project which, without warning, turned into an extended vaction and shortly after that, retirement. I'd clean forgotten about it until W.I.N.T.E.R emailed me recently. Again, sorry for my tardiness. With luck, Atum (see the CivFanatics thread posted by W.I.N.T.E.R) will follow through better than I did.Regards,
Col. Rhombus
Save the King Tiger
Colonel Rhombus,
I wish you would reconsider your descision to abandon work on the King Tiger. While I realize that there may be a bit of a learning curve in creating units, this one has such a huge potential that I'd really like to see it completed. I don't think there is a tank unit that can compare with this one. It is absolutely fantastic. Could you please continue it's development.
The Kingpin,"Do all you can to go in by the narrow door! A lot of people will try to get in, but will not be able to." ~ Luke 13:24 (CEV)