UPDAtE!!!!! The installer is updated...!
It took me a long time but the project I started in January is finally complete!! This is the completests civilization created as far as I know. Some creators did only graphics, the others changed civ3mod, but this one has both.
I thank all the people who supprted and and shaped my ideas with their vaulable feedbacks.
Quick List:
-New Civilopedia Entries
-New unit->Janissaries: Ottoman Empire's UU. 5/2/2; replaces knight; costs one shield less than knight (6); upgrades to marine.
-New leaderhead (base face Caesar; most of the face is changed and many additions are made).
-All of the graphics required for a civilization are included.
-Different animations for different eras.
-Different clothing for different eras(leader).
-50 city names: I didn't include any cities outside Turkey's border since it can cause a conflict
problem with other civilizations (Egyptians, Greeks..).
-Changed Aztecs to militaristic, expansionist (was militaristic, religious).
-Replaced Zulu with Ottoman Empire (militaristic, religious)
-Replaced the Zulu UU with Ottoman UU since Zulu UU will not be needed anymore (the civ3multitool crashes my mod, that is why I don't have a new unit.)
Not Included:
-Animations for Janissaries. Suggested unit animation to be used is Musketman. I am sorry... I barely had enough time this week to finish the leaderhead. I won't be able to compete the unit till the end of summer...
Installation Notes:
->Ottoman_Empire.zip has all the files (except Su_b01.flc) in it. See readme for installation details.
->Su_b01.zip has the middle age animation. Unzip it in Art\Flics folder. It won't replace anything.
The files:
Janissarie.zip- removed after 50 downloads. (is in the installer now)
It took me a long time but the project I started in January is finally complete!! This is the completests civilization created as far as I know. Some creators did only graphics, the others changed civ3mod, but this one has both.

I thank all the people who supprted and and shaped my ideas with their vaulable feedbacks.
Quick List:
-New Civilopedia Entries
-New unit->Janissaries: Ottoman Empire's UU. 5/2/2; replaces knight; costs one shield less than knight (6); upgrades to marine.
-New leaderhead (base face Caesar; most of the face is changed and many additions are made).
-All of the graphics required for a civilization are included.
-Different animations for different eras.
-Different clothing for different eras(leader).
-50 city names: I didn't include any cities outside Turkey's border since it can cause a conflict
problem with other civilizations (Egyptians, Greeks..).
-Changed Aztecs to militaristic, expansionist (was militaristic, religious).
-Replaced Zulu with Ottoman Empire (militaristic, religious)
-Replaced the Zulu UU with Ottoman UU since Zulu UU will not be needed anymore (the civ3multitool crashes my mod, that is why I don't have a new unit.)
Not Included:
-Animations for Janissaries. Suggested unit animation to be used is Musketman. I am sorry... I barely had enough time this week to finish the leaderhead. I won't be able to compete the unit till the end of summer...
Installation Notes:
->Ottoman_Empire.zip has all the files (except Su_b01.flc) in it. See readme for installation details.
->Su_b01.zip has the middle age animation. Unzip it in Art\Flics folder. It won't replace anything.
The files:
Janissarie.zip- removed after 50 downloads. (is in the installer now)
