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Question about Rate of Fire

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  • Question about Rate of Fire

    Ok: Rate of Fire (RoF), does it refer only to bombardment, or does it aply to _any_ unit that attacks/defends? For instance, If I were to set the RoF of a Modern Armor to 2, would I be able to do 2 points of dammage to another unit every time my MA successfully attacked? Or is this somthing that only aplies to bombardment?
    Do the Job

    Remember the World Trade Center

  • #2
    The editor help function says 'Rate of Fire defines how many times a bombarding unit will attacking during a turn'. So it sounds like Rate of Fire applies only to bombarding units.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Ed O'War
      The editor help function says 'Rate of Fire defines how many times a bombarding unit will attacking during a turn'. So it sounds like Rate of Fire applies only to bombarding units.
      Yeah, you are right. I was just hoping...
      Do the Job

      Remember the World Trade Center


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andrew Cory

        Yeah, you are right. I was just hoping...
        The abilty you're looking for I think is called Blitz, in the list on the bottom left of the Unit screen. It will allow a unit to attack as many times as it has movement points.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willem

          The abilty you're looking for I think is called Blitz, in the list on the bottom left of the Unit screen. It will allow a unit to attack as many times as it has movement points.
          Not-- quite. Blitz does do what you say, but I want to be able to do more dammage durring each _round_ of combat...

          For instance: Unit A (12.6.2) attacks unit B (6.13.1), the comptuer rolls to see if unit A can score higher on its attack than Unit B can on its defence. If so, then Unit A does one HP of dammage to Unit B, If Unit A scores lower than unit B, then Unit A takes a point of dammage. If they tie, then no dammage is awarded. Combat continues until one unit is dead, or Unit A retreats, if possible. What I would like to do is let Unit A deal out more than one point of dammage per round of combat. Currently you can do this with bombard units, but they fight somewhat differently, as you know...
          Do the Job

          Remember the World Trade Center


          • #6
            No, no.

            There is no Firepower form Civ2 in Civ3.


            • #7
              Originally posted by player1
              No, no.

              There is no Firepower form Civ2 in Civ3.
              Yes, but there is somthing called Rate of Fire. Really, my question has nothing to do with firepower...

              I should say "as far as I know". What did Firepower do in Civ2? I knew that it existed, but I am not sure that I know what it did...
              Do the Job

              Remember the World Trade Center


              • #8
                Firepower in Civ 2 was the amount of damage inflicted each time the unit won a round of combat. So, a unit with Firepower 1 would inflict 1 point of damage, with 2 Firepower 2 points of damage each round of combat, etc. Unfortunately Civ 3 doesn't have this concept, so you have to approximate for it by manipulating the number of hit points for units or by adjusting their attack/defense values. Though, personally, I think a firepower system for Civ 3 could be an interesting addition under certain circumstances.
                No comment.


                • #9
                  ROF is some sort of bombardment firepower.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ed O'War
                    Firepower in Civ 2 was the amount of damage inflicted each time the unit won a round of combat. So, a unit with Firepower 1 would inflict 1 point of damage, with 2 Firepower 2 points of damage each round of combat, etc. Unfortunately Civ 3 doesn't have this concept, so you have to approximate for it by manipulating the number of hit points for units or by adjusting their attack/defense values. Though, personally, I think a firepower system for Civ 3 could be an interesting addition under certain circumstances.
                    Thanks. I agree that firepower might be a good thing for certain mods. Just immagine if all UUs had extra HP + extra FP. I mean, the man-o-war might be worth somthing...
                    Do the Job

                    Remember the World Trade Center

