I am currently embroiled in a masive world war thanks to everyong having MPPs and France starting an unprovoked war over a small town. The problem is America and Zululand (My two largest bordering Civs) are bombing the heck out of my border cities and my fighters / jet fighters seem to be afraid to do anything about it. I have set them all on Air Superiority and although my opponents fighters are effectively attacking my bombing runs, mine just sit in base and hide when their bombers come over. This has happened for well over 10 turns now... not a single instance of an attempt at an intercept on my part.
I have watched carefully and their bombers are within the 1/2 range of my fighters (many times just one and two squares from my cities), yet my air force remains passive. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I doing something wrong? BTW - still playing version 1.07f. Does 1.21f address this issue? Please advise.
I have watched carefully and their bombers are within the 1/2 range of my fighters (many times just one and two squares from my cities), yet my air force remains passive. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I doing something wrong? BTW - still playing version 1.07f. Does 1.21f address this issue? Please advise.