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Attention Games Workshop fans (both of you)

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  • #31

    Hey, count me in! I Warhammer! I've got Dwarves, Empire, Orc/Goblin, Wood Elf and Chaos armies. I can't mod, but I'llplay test them to death if you'll let me. Just a few thjoughts:

    Dwarves - no horses, but a lot of tough infanty, a gyrocopter, lots of artillery, tunnel system usable only by them, the Skaven, and goblins (but not orcs)

    Empire - steam tank, artillery as good as the dwarves, good cheap infantry and cavalry

    Orc/Goblins - catapults, wolf cavalry, boar cavalry, poor to good infantry, catapults

    Wood Elves - Treemen, supurb archers and cavalry, hawk riders and giant eagles, scouts and spearmen

    Chaos - beastmen, really tough cavalry, i like the idea of them being the barbarians
    Lude Fortier, Lude Juste, Nemini Damnum!


    • #32
      AS I'm doing a fantasy mod and the unique Units list is looking rather hefty, Lemme know how you guys are going to get around this, If your going to get around it,.... I mean sure dwarves dont traditionally have horse units but dont they have alot of donkey/mules in thier place, are you going with 2 seperate units or 'counting' the mule as the basis for the dwarven mounted or discountiung the unit alltogether (which is easy enough, just add the unit obsolete for all mounted troops for the technology Dwarven Heriatage that dwarves start the game with)
      EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


      • #33
        I looked at GW's copyright page and it doesn't look like there's any problem making a Civ3 mod as long as we don't sell it, and make a title screen specifing the mod is based on Games Workshop's Tabletop Fantasy Battle Game. I've found some 3d models of a Rhino tank, Space Marine Air Speeder?, and some armor for Space Marines. There are also 3d models of Empire and Bretonnian Knights and I just bought a female elf model this weekend. I've just finished making my first Leader Flics and posted them at CivFanatics in the Graphic Modpack Forum (they are Amazon Flics but they were real simple to make...). So, let me know the status!

        (I definitely want a Dark Elf civ, ahhhh, Witch Elves....)

        Oh, for Warhammer I field Empire, Brettonians, Dark Elves, High Elves, Vampire Counts, Chaos Knights, Wood Elves, Chaos Dwarves, and Lizardmen.


        • #34
          Originally posted by GhengisFarb
          Oh, for Warhammer I field Empire, Brettonians, Dark Elves, High Elves, Vampire Counts, Chaos Knights, Wood Elves, Chaos Dwarves, and Lizardmen.
          What are you, made of money?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Jer8m8

            What are you, made of money?
            LMAO No, I've been playing a long time and about 6 years ago a friend of my (who happened to previously own a game store) decided he wanted out of Fantasy to play 40K. He sold me his Wood Elf army for $35, and his Chaos Dwarves for $50, I picked up the Empire before 6th Edition when they were considered a 'useless' army for pennies on the dollar and now they're not so useless....


            • #36
              Hi, i love Warhammer and would love to help. I can't really mod but i'd love to play test and i've got loads of background for warhammer and 40K. I usually do Empire/mercenaries or Imperial guard, but I've got stuff for orcs, dwarves, marines and nids as well.
              Last edited by KieranC1; June 11, 2002, 15:37.


              • #37
                ok...i used to play 40k, and have quite a bit of background knowledge and stuff. I would like to help on that side of things, im trying to learn how to make units, so maybe i can lend a hand.

                ok, my thoughts on this mod.

                1) is it a warhammer only mod? if not, i advise that it should be separate. to cut down on too much fiddling around

                2) take tanks for example. the 40k units could simply replace current civ3 units, like unique units do.

                so for example, you were playing as the eldar, when you researched motorised transport or whenever you get tanks, you would get a one of those big 2 person jetbikes, with perhaps +2 movement points, but less defense

                3) warhammer units would be a lot easier to replace, and a lot dont even need replacing, take knights. i believe someone has done some good AoK knights, or other similar ones. pikeman would work for the empire, as would early gunpowder units. and some of the other civ's units would fit over current units, just using a different model

                4) cities. the graphics could be changed fairly easily, with hive citys for humans, domed citys for the eldar (ok i know they are spaceships, but that doesnt matter)

                5) cut the numbar of civs down to about 4 or 5 to start with. for 40k i recommend humans, eldar, orks and chaos
                for warhammer i suggest empire, one of the elf races, orcs, and chaos

                6) titans / daemons . this would look very cool at the end of the game

                7) i say tyranids should be barbarians instead of a race by themselves. too complex
                I know nothing. Nothing is me. No-one knows nothing, Know nothing and you shall know me.


                • #38
                  Ok, I think its time to get serious about this thing. Everybody who is interested in being a part of this mod speak up now.

                  Jesse Coombe
                  Lab Monkey
                  Bodiless Jack
                  Bane Star

                  I want to put together a mailing list and get this thing organized. Clearly we have enough people that we can get started on this thing. I am just finishing up my Double your Pleasure Mod, so I have a good understanding of what this is going to take.

                  From reading the thread, it looks like this is going to be a War Hammer Fantasy Mod.

                  If it is I will volunteer to do the map. You can check out my other map work over on CFC. Follow the links in my signature.
                  Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
                  or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
                  For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


                  • #39
                    sounds good, im still interested, though i never really played warhammer fantasy.

                    count me in, and if theres 40k work to be done, ill volunteer
                    I know nothing. Nothing is me. No-one knows nothing, Know nothing and you shall know me.


                    • #40
                      dudes, count me in. I know everything there is to know about 40K and I also have lots of artwork that could used as the basis for flcs
                      Up the Irons!
                      Rogue CivIII FAQ!
                      Odysseus and the March of Time
                      I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


                      • #41
                        but i thought he just said not 40K...?


                        • #42
                          I started this futhamucka and I aint quittin so I'm definitely still involved
                          If you have any interest in Games Workshop games then please contact me!


                          • #43
                            ok get your ideas down, and mail em to the people who have signed up for this mod
                            I know nothing. Nothing is me. No-one knows nothing, Know nothing and you shall know me.


                            • #44
                              Count me in! I volunteer to make Leader flcs! We need to iron out what the Civs are going to be and which (if we're doing both fantasy and 40k) 40k race the fantasy races turn into. I haven't tried making units yet but I can work on it,

                              High Elves - Eldar
                              Dark Elves - Dark Eldar
                              Dwarves - Squats
                              Empire - Space Marines
                              Bretonians- Praetorian???
                              Chaos - Chaos Marines
                              Lizardmen - ???
                              ??? - Tyranids
                              ??? - Tau
                              Vampire Counts - Necrons
                              Skaven - DEAD (never liked Skaven)
                              Orcs&Goblins - Orks & Gretchin


                              • #45
                                I'm In.. I'm in transit right now, but since I'll probably be contributing 3D Max Units then thats a bit down the track after you guys have a better idea of what troops exists first.
                                EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests

