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MAP: Vertical Limit

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  • MAP: Vertical Limit

    this is a very vertical map (30 x 256). i first created a map like this in civ ii. the map contains 6 separate land masses. each is a strip of land that goes around the entire world. this prevents civs from moving around the map quickly. each continent has 3 civs except the furthest north and furthest south with 2 each (16 total). each contains 4 strategic resources and some luxuries. the north and south hemispheres are separated by more than 3 ocean squares to deter early civs from crossing. can do it but it can cost you a few settlers and such.

    i've made the following changes also:
    map shape = 30 x 256
    research min/max = 2/20
    golden age = 30 turns
    clear forest = 15 shields
    town size = 8
    city size = 16
    barbarian sea unit = caravel
    all resource disappearance = 0
    scout defense = 1
    optimal number of cities = 60
    tax collector = 2 gold

    comments would be appreciated. my daughter and i have been playing civ (ii & iii) for quite a while. (she loves to clobber the spanish in civ ii... i think they took some of her cities in the first game she played and she's never forgiven them). anyway, i hope you enjoy this map!
    Attached Files

    "craven a go choke puppy"

  • #2
    My suggestion:

    -put Privateer as barbarian naval unit


    • #3
      here is a look at the map. it is stretched horizontally in the map window while playing the game but i have adjusted it to be a more accurate rendition here.
      Attached Files

      "craven a go choke puppy"


      • #4
        Originally posted by player1
        My suggestion:

        -put Privateer as barbarian naval unit
        the privateer attacks with a strength of 2 and has a defense of 1 (2/1). this would make them more vulnerable to attack from a galley (1/1). and more of a danger if they catch you crossing. i suppose i could allow privateers to carry units but this would carry over for all the civs. do we want private vessels carrying troops?

        is there a particular problem with using caravels for the barbarians? it makes it a little more difficult to get rid of the barbarian vessels. until larger vessels like frigates appear. that seems ok. pirating has never disappeared but it was easier and more prevalent when vessels were smaller and not well armed.

        "craven a go choke puppy"


        • #5
          well... very interesting. Testing...
          Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
          religiones mohosas hasta el alma...

