At last! The space race mod is rebuilt for Civ3 v1.29! Now I have been able to add new techs that help fix the modern age.
Space Race Mod v4.0
Space Race Mod v4.0
- Completely reworked the modern age tech tree. I think it makes perfect sense now. Including three new techs - Deep Space Travel, Expert Systems, and Cryonics.
- Moved the spaceship components to later techs, increased cost of all space ship parts significantly.
- Moved Tac Nukes to Rocketry. (Important since satelites which give ICBMs is now a prereq for space flight).
- Changed Americans to commercial/industrious, which is what we are after all. Changed 'Washington' to 'Wasgington D.C.'.
- Changed Bank and Marketplace to reduce corruption (Banks and Markets can be regulated, besides the game needs more corruption reducing buildings).