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Adding Governments with a purpose

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  • Adding Governments with a purpose

    Seems like most of us agree that there are too few government in Civ 3. A result is that most modpacks include a vast collection of new government types. This is sometimes exaggerated, and leaves the players with lots of almost similar choices. Each government must have its special purpose.

    My suggested government setup
    Anarchy - You get some income, but you will have to pay maintenance for the military and the buildings. The result could be that you lose a great deal of your infrastructure and military.
    Chiefdom - the new starting government. Decent until your empire starts growing.
    Tyranny - A good war goverment, but you will fall behind when in peace.
    Theocracy - Takes care of corruption and unhappiness in a large empire. Very attractive, but science will suffer.
    Monarchy - Middle-of-the-way government. Due to the feudal system, even small towns can support many units.
    Plutocracy - The leader is elected by the economic elite. Very productive and attractive, but poor military.
    Consulate - The people elect leaders like in ancient Athens and pre-imperial Rome. Productive and attractive, but only suitable for a small civ.
    Democracy - Great at peace, poor at war.
    Communism - great for very large civs at war.
    Fascism - Commerce bonus and great military police, but low attraction.
    Co-operative - Future AI-guided government form where citizenship is optional. An extreme varient of Democracy.
    Govt      Tile Corr ----Free units----  Unit Hurry Drft Sci Work Mil War  Dip Spy Assi Attraction Immunity
              prod      Civ Town City Metro cost type       cap rate pol wear         rate
    Anarchy      -    3   0    0    0     0    1  none    0  50    1   4 none con con    0 Very weak
    Chiefdom     0    3   8    0    0     0    1  gold    1 100    2   0 none reg reg    1 Defensive  Plant spy
    Tyranny      -    3   4    2    4     6    1  pop     0  50    2   4 none reg reg    0 Weak
    Theocracy    0    0   4    0    0     0    1  pop     1  50    2   4 none reg reg    4 Strong
    Communism    0    5   4    2    4     8    1  pop     2 100    2   4 none reg vet    4 Strong     Steal tech
    Fascism      +    1   4    1    2     4    1  pop     2  50    2   5 none reg reg    0 Weak       Steal plans
    Monarchy     0    1   4    4    4     4    1  gold    0 100    2   2 none reg reg    2 Medium
    Plutocracy   +    1   4    0    0     0    1  gold    0 100    2   0  low reg reg    4 Strong
    Consulate    +    2  12    0    0     0    1  gold    2 100    3   0  low reg reg    1 Defensive  Plant spy
    Democracy    +    0   4    0    0     0    1  gold    1 100    3   0 high reg reg    6 Very strong
    Co-op        +    5   0    0    0     0    2  gold    0 100    4   0 high vet vet   10 Supreme    Expose spy
    (made some small changes)

    "Attraction" is a rough image of resistance, propaganda and assimilation rates. An attractive government type is one which the citizens would prefer to live under.

    Most governments get some units for free, to favour small civs.

    I intend to allow drafting with the optional tech "conscription" which comes with Currency.

    I would also give diplomats the ability to incite propaganda, and allow espionage missions earlier.

    Common government additions which I do not really agree to:

    Extremely high assimilation rate for Fascism:
    Most modders' Fascist governments are inspired by the Third Reich. In that case, the assimilation rate should be zero. The regime of the Third Reich would never accept people of non-Germanic heritage as full-worthy German citizens.

    Social Democracy/Democratic Socialism being something between Democracy and Communism, having low war weariness and notable corruption:
    This must be a misunderstanding of Social Democracy, which is basically a Democracy with high taxes, an extensive welfare system and several state-owned industries. Just imagine a Democracy with lots of expensive city improvements.

    Theocracy/Fundamentalism being the ultimate war government:
    A Theocratic government shouldn't beat a Communist or a Fascist one when it comes to supporting great armies. This is something that CTP made better than Civ 2. The greatest advantage of a government based on religious law should be a very low corruption rate.

    The governments must be balanced, or the game would lose fun, realism and strategic depth.

    Please come up with suggestions of other government types that should be in Civ 3!
    Last edited by Optimizer; March 1, 2002, 23:13.
    The difference between industrial society and information society:
    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

  • #2
    Well it's looking to me that adding new governments is rather pointless anyway. I've just been paying special attention to the preferred government option in the editor and it's looking like that's largely irrelevant. All the civs in my game are going for Democracy, even though some are supposed to stay in Monarchy, that being their preferred gov. I strongly suspect that they will stay in Democracy until such time that they have a problem with war weariness, when they will change to Communist.

    Now I haven't even reached the Industrial Age yet so maybe things will change. But right now it's looking like all the civs will either be Democracy or Communist, with maybe the odd Republic. Adding new forms will only apply to the human player, I suspect the other civs won't use them. I could be wrong here, but that's the way it's shaping up in my game so far.


    • #3
      Yeah, but you could make a series of buildings that require a certain government, so there is incentive for a civilization to remain as that government (unless they have the religious trait and can swap back and forth every other turn).


      • #4
        Extremely high assimilation rate for Fascism:
        Most modders' Fascist governments are inspired by the Third Reich. In that case, the assimilation rate should be zero. The regime of the Third Reich would never accept people of non-Germanic heritage as full-worthy German citizens.
        i agree completely!
        fascism has ALWAYS been set to 0 assimilation with higher resistances than the other governments in the blitz mod

        plus i gave it the trade bonus with forced labor which means they have to dump their extra gold into either tech or military upkeep

        Anarchy - You get some income, but you will have to pay maintenance for the military and the buildings. The result could be that you lose a great deal of your infrastructure and military.
        leaving it on catastrophic corruption and requiring to pay upkeep on units but not buildings seems to work the best

        Consulate - The people elect leaders like in ancient Athens and pre-imperial Rome. Productive and attractive, but only suitable for a small civ.
        i wish this was possible, something like a feature to set the optional number of cities for each government type to have as many as two kinds of extra corruption kick in


        • #5
          Yeah, but you could make a series of buildings that require a certain government, so there is incentive for a civilization to remain as that government (unless they have the religious trait and can swap back and forth every other turn).
          I agree. Ideas?

          About the governments Chiefdom and Consulate:

          i wish this was possible, something like a feature to set the optional number of cities for each government type to have as many as two kinds of extra corruption kick in
          Well, the main favour of Ciefdom and Consulate is that it supports many units for free (8 in this table, but I could increase it) which is only a great matter when the civ is small. They would also have "defensive" resistance and propaganda modifiers, which prevent them from conquering and being conquered.
          The difference between industrial society and information society:
          In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
          In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


          • #6
            Well, the main favour of Ciefdom and Consulate is that it supports many units for free (8 in this table, but I could increase it) which is only a great matter when the civ is small. They would also have "defensive" resistance and propaganda modifiers, which prevent them from conquering and being conquered
            optimizer i didn't really have time to look over your governments in depth, i focused mainly on the definitions, however i was thinking of how better to balance the governments in my mods and i was thinking of the exact same thing when it comes to the number of units

            lots of free units coupled with a low per city unit support rating and you would have a government that would do well when it was small and would do poorly once it got beyond a certain size

            too bad you can't have slightly different versions of things depending on map size

            i might make two versions of my mod, a standard and smaller size map mod, and then a larger and bigger size map mod (but if i do this would be on down the road)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mizaq
              Yeah, but you could make a series of buildings that require a certain government, so there is incentive for a civilization to remain as that government (unless they have the religious trait and can swap back and forth every other turn).
              Well as a postcript, the Japanese did eventually go back to Monarchy, so maybe I was being overly pessimistic. Anyway regarding your question, I don't think there's much you can do about the AI changing govs, it just will. I doubt very much if having gov specific buldings will provide any incentive whatsoever for it, after all that's not even a default game feature so it probably doesn't understand the implications very well. They only added it in the editor for us modders. Though I suspect they're making plans for using that function in the XP.


              • #8
                I love the social democracy...
                Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                • #9
                  You'd have to allow for military police for the Chiefdom government or else you'd never get off the ground in the higher difficulty levels.


                  • #10
                    You'd have to allow for military police for the Chiefdom government or else you'd never get off the ground in the higher difficulty levels.
                    Good point. The Palace could add some happiness too, so you don't get too much problems with your capital.
                    The difference between industrial society and information society:
                    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


                    • #11
                      As korn said, making different mods for different map sizes would make sense. That will also allow us to alter aircraft ranges.
                      The difference between industrial society and information society:
                      In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                      In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

