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CIV3 MOD: The History of Middle Earth

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  • #16
    WOW! Thanks for all the input!

    Beren, this is great! Just the kind of info we were looking for! No, I haven't read the Sillmarillion. I tried it about 4 or 5 years ago when I was in university and it was just too much for me at the time. I'd like to give it another shot and probably will sometime soon. Thanks for the info on those races!

    The map we are using is a map of the third age of middle earth. So while our "History of Middle Earth" theme will be aparent in the events tree (equivalient to technologies). I like the idea of including the older races. We'll most likely include the newer ones too, since there are 16 available races. That way we can cater to both the the current pop culture and the hard core LOTR fans. I am by no means an expert on Middle Earth lore, so anyone else who wishes to post ideas feel free!!

    Immortal Wombat, thanks for the suggestions too.

    exsanguination, I'll play around with catapults and see what I can do! I'd actually never noticed that about them before. Hopefully it is a flag we can set, and not tied to another property like bombardment or something similar.

    As I mentioned in my last message (yeah, i know it was a long time ago) work was pretty crazy. Well, it's died down significantly now, so I should be able to put alot of time into it over the next week and get you guys all a map to play with.

    see ya,


    • #17
      Just curious as to how the project is coming along?


      • #18
        Another bump to see how the project is coming.


        • #19
          Any news yet? Have you finished the map? Put it up!
          Greatest moments in cat:

