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CIV3 MOD: The History of Middle Earth

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  • CIV3 MOD: The History of Middle Earth


    This project is a mod for Civ3 based on Tolkien's Middle Earth. It will be released in several stages. Currently it is still in the planning stages, though mapping should begin sometime in the following week. Version 1.0 will be just the map. Version 2.0 will include rule changes such as technologies, units, buildings, and races, along with some new animations. Any ideas or constructive criticism are always welcome.

    There are two of us working on the mod: John (me); and Chris. We plan on having a website and email address setup for the mod sometime in the near future, and it's URL will be posted here. The ideas we've got here might not necessarily make it into the final version, but this is what we're thinking so far. It's also possible we are over estimating or misinterpretting what Civ3 can do. If so, please let us know. This document is as much a wish list as it is a design plan.

    The mod is called "The History of Middle Earth." This name may change though, before we release it.

    The map itself will be pretty big. We've got a Middle Earth map with the proper Civ3 grid overlayed on it. As I said, the mapping should begin over the next week. The map will be approximately 200 by 250. The reason for making it so big is mostly so that the land can be as detailed as possible. This may make travel a little slow initially, but we feel a beautiful map makes all the difference. It's designed for 16 races.

    Pollution, corruption, and strategic resources would be reworked to a more Middle Earth style.

    The four eras of civilization will be replaced by the four ages of Middle Earth. This is where the 'history' comes into play. Instead of technologies, the four ages will contain moments in their history, such as the forging of the Rings of Power, Smeagol finding his Precious, Sauron's return from Dol Guldur, etc. Units, buildings, and further moments in history are unlocked by researching certain earlier moments in history. For example, one cannot research "The One Ring" until "Three Rings for Elven Kings," "Seven for the Dwarf Lord," and "Nine for Mortal Men" have been researched. Once the elves research "Three Rings for Elven Kings," they are able to produce the elven rings unit. As with civilization, the power of the units made available will increase with each historical advance.

    The civilizations will be the different civilizations of Middle Earth. Shire, Isengard, Mordor, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Ents, Gondor, and Rohan to name a few. There will be 16 races, each with their own unique units, unit animations, leaders, and cities.

    Each civilization will probably start with a leader. For example, Isengard would start with Saruman, Mordor with Sauron, etc. These leaders would have some advanced military abilities, and many of them will have army properties. The remaining heroes of each race would be major figures in it's history. Ideally, they would die when they lose a battle, instead of being captured like I beleive heroes are now. It would be odd to see Balin fighting for the Easterlings.

    Mordor's heroes would be The Mouth of Sauron, and each of the Nazgul. The Nazgul would not have the army ability. They would be faster and stronger than most military units though. Following "The Flight to the Ford," they may be upgradable to flying Nazgul, though they would probably still technically be land units because of how things work for air units in Civ3.

    We've come up with several Wonders and Small Wonders. So far we plan on using the names of major towers, The White City (resembling a city wall?), Mount Doom, and the Mirror of Galadriel as Wonders. And the Seeing Stones are an example of a small wonder.

    The Rings of Power will exist, as units. This is how we are thinking of using them. Once an elven race researches "Three Rings..." (or the dwarvish race their equivalent) they would be able to produce a unit called Elvish Ring-keeper. (or something to that effect) The rings of power will be extremely slow to build. They would be capturable units. They would also be army units. (i have yet to try a unit in game with both properties) Ideally, having a ring of power would give that race certain benefits. However, we have yet to discover any way to have a unit give it's controlling civilization any overall benefits (less corruption, faster growing, benefits of that nature that buildings can give) and so this will probably not be the case. It's a possibility that there could be a Wonder associated with the rings which would give these overall benefits to the races, but we'd prefer to find a way for the units to do it. The rings will have excessively long build time, in order to keep their numbers down. We will probably try to find a way to end production of rings after a certain point. Making a unit obsolete would allow this would it not?

    Ents are the one peculiar race we've discussed already. As they are quite strong, their stats will look like 7.1.1, 5.1.1, 1.4.1, etc. They would each have either a high offence or defence, and very little speed. We don't need any hasty ents! Most likely, their army unit would have a higher speed, so that when the ents decide that war is neccessary, they can rush off to battle a little quicker. If this were to prove unbalancing, we would probably change it. Ent unit improvement would be through upgrading, not building stronger units. The basic ent offensive or defensive unit can be built, but then has to be upgraded to an "older" and more powerful ent. It's also possible that all ent units built would reduce city size by 1. Again, this is only an idea. It may prove unrealistic or unbalanced to do it this way.

    There is one thing that we really want to do, but are not sure if it's possible. We would like to make mountain unpassable except for certain units. (dwarves, and mountaineers could make a mountain pass for others to travel by) The reason for this is that we see great potential in the mountains of Middle Earth from the point of view of military strategy, Mordor especially. In Mordor, the land is small, but the ways in are few, allowing someone controlling this land to build up an army of sufficient size without the threat of attack. Moutain passes could be built by some, if we can single out units to be able to walk across mountains. Or we could simply build a road/rail across a mountain and call it either a mountain pass or a mine such as Moria. If anyone knows any way we can accomplish this (even if it's just making mountains unpassable and leaving it at that) please let us know!

    It would also be nice to have civilizations start in their propper location, but I don't beleive there is any way to control who starts at which starting point.

    Well, that's what we've got for now. Any comments are appreciated. We'll check the message board on a fairly regular basis.

    And if anyone posts an idea that we use, we'll of course give you credit in the readme.

    John & Chris

  • #2
    Good Luck

    Check out the files section, there is already a map (fourth age). I guess you want Beriliand also? You could use the existing map as a starting point though...
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      Oh my god !!! If this project sees the day, I'll be a hell of a happy guy !

      KEEP UP !

      If you need help in any way, I'm here ! contact me ...


      • #4
        thanks! Right now we're still figuring out what's what. I've started mapping and Chris is getting set to do some graphic design. We'll post some ideas when we see where help could be needed.



        • #5
          Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
          religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


          • #6
            request for help - race specifics


            It's been a while since we posted anything, but here's an update.

            Mapping is going well. Got the eastern coast of the map outlined, along with the mountains east of the shire and the grey mountains. the misty mountains and the mountains of mordor are next. It looks pretty proportional in Civ3Edit so far, but we'll probably take it into Civ3 and check it out this weekend. Once we've got that done, and it's proportional, we'll be colouring in the propper terrain types. Initial unit design is also underway.

            But anyway, as the subject says, we'd like a little help. As stated in our initial post, we want to include all the major races of middle earth, along with their heroes, cities, and unit types. For alot of the races (Gondor, Rohan, Dwarves, Elves) this isnt' too difficult. But for some of the races we want to include (Easterlings, for example) resources are a little harder to come by.

            Here are the races we were planning on using so far: Shire, Wood Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Gondor, Rohan, Mordor, Ents, Isengard, Orcs, Easterlings. I think I'm forgetting one or two obvious ones Chris and I already talked about.

            But regardless that still leaves a few races of the 16 unaccounted for. What we would like would be for people who know, or know where they can get the info, to post as much info about each race as possible. What we need are hero names, and city names. Unit types would be cool too, if you can find a list. We're more concerned about the obscure races right now, like the Easterlings. Anyone who posts information of this type will get credit. There's no worries about that. It just speeds up the process since Chris and I are pretty busy with other things too.



            • #7
              re: easterlings, I think this is pretty definitive. The rest of the site gives some interpretation, but I think most of the FAQ and info sections are based on speculation and imagination, rather than the Gospel according to JRRT.

              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #8
                nice! thanks.


                • #9
                  how goes things?
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #10
                    not so much a bump as an insane work schedule. I've got one project out the door after this week, which will hopefully mean I'll have some time again to get back to the map.

                    The state of the map currently is the entire western shore is complete, and most of the mountains (except for mordor) and about half of the forests are complete. Following that we'll be adding the propper terrain types.


                    • #11
                      If I can assist in any way. please let me know.


                      • #12
                        Re: CIV3 MOD: The History of Middle Earth

                        Originally posted by alienXterminatr
                        The mod is called "The History of Middle Earth." This name may change though, before we release it.
                        The four eras of civilization will be replaced by the four ages of Middle Earth. This is where the 'history' comes into play. Instead of technologies, the four ages will contain moments in their history, such as the forging of the Rings of Power, Smeagol finding his Precious, Sauron's return from Dol Guldur, etc. Units, buildings, and further moments in history are unlocked by researching certain earlier moments in history. For example, one cannot research "The One Ring" until "Three Rings for Elven Kings," "Seven for the Dwarf Lord," and "Nine for Mortal Men" have been researched. Once the elves research "Three Rings for Elven Kings," they are able to produce the elven rings unit. As with civilization, the power of the units made available will increase with each historical advance.
                        The civilizations will be the different civilizations of Middle Earth. Shire, Isengard, Mordor, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Ents, Gondor, and Rohan to name a few. There will be 16 races, each with their own unique units, unit animations, leaders, and cities.
                        Stop right here: Have read the Silmarillion? If you are going to use the four ages, my suggestions: Throw Shire out, Wood Elves, High Elves, Mordor and maybe Isengard out too.
                        The following have to be in it:
                        Noldor and Sindar (principally the most import Elves in the world)
                        A few ancient men's tribes.
                        Replace Mordor by Morgoth. Sauron is only a great leader, Morgoth is the big leader. I would say. Give Morgoth all advantages (four starting techs, all attributes, very agressive.), so that it'll be one vs. all. More suggestions later when I have more time.


                        • #13
                          The way I would do it:
                          15 good civs, 1 evil (Morgoth) The evil one gets all sort of advantages, like cheaper settler and is superagressive.
                          2 Govermenttypes (one good, one evil: Manw"e worship/Morgoth Worship(+Transition Type)) Both of them avaiable at once. Start in transition type. Good civs: favo government: Good gov, shunned: evil gov. Morgoth other way round. That way you can make unique buildings for Morgoth and unique buildings for the good ones.

                          I would do 5 Elvish civs, 5 Human civs and 5 Dwarvish civs:

                          For Elves:
                          1. Noldor (Leader: Finw"e, Great Leaders: F"eanor, Maedros, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Felagund, Fingon, Turgon, Gil-Galad) Very important in Silmarillion. Basically the most important factor throughout the first age. Can't be left out, or it would only be about LotR.
                          2. Sindar (Leader: Thingol (or Elw"e, what you like) Great Leaders: Beleg, Dior, E"arendil, Elrond, Celeborn) The other important civ in the first age. My gues is that Rivendel and Lorien still derive from this race. (Galadriel is an exception though. She's a Noldor.)
                          3. Nandor. I think these are the Elves that live in Murkwood, but I would like some confirmation about that. What I do know: they refused to go on the great marsh when they had to cross the Misty Mountains and settled east of them.
                          4. Laiquendi, Minor groop of Elves. Not crucial, but it will serve to make the number of five complete. Also knows as Green Elves.
                          5. Avari, live in Mid-Earth as well, but I know nothing about their whereabouts since they refused to go on the marsh. Somebody could help me here.

                          Human civs:
                          1.Haleth/Harach (My suggestion: put them together.)
                          (Leader: Marach (first known leader, suggestions are welcome.) Great Leaders: Halmir, Hador, Galdor, Huor, Turin, Tuor)
                          An ancient human civ. First known to have contact with the Elves in Belerialand.
                          2. Beorans (something like that)
                          (Leader: Beor the Old, Great Leaders: Barahir, Bregolas, Beren (OK, now you all know where I get my name from. He happened to be a fierce warrior. Wanna know all about him? Read 'Beren and Luthien' in the Silmarillion.), Bregor, Belgund, Baragund) Ancient civ of humans. Helped in wars against Morgoth. Died out.
                          3. Numoreans (Leader: Elros, Great Leaders: dunno, haven't really got into this yet.) Basically the only civ in the second age.
                          4. Gondor (Leader: Aragorn, Great Leaders: Isildur, Boromir, Faramir(haven't read much bout this)) Do I really need to say why they should be in here?
                          5. Rohan (Leader: Theoden, Great Leaders: Eomer, Eowyn (haven't read much bout this)) For LotR feeling...
                          Possible extras: Easterlings, Haradrim

                          Dwarvish civs:
                          Ideas: Erebor, Khazad-Dum (Or Hadhodrond, but not Moria. That name was only given after it was destroyed.)
                          Haven't gotten into this subject. Maybe with help from the names of the seven dwarves created by Aul"e we could create something.

                          These are of course just suggestions.


                          • #14
                            as for not being able to traverse mountains, catapults/chariots cannot cross mountains/jungles without a road. This probably can be toggled on and off in the editor.
                            [size=1]"As night fell she emerged with a box under her arm that held her pledge of allegiance and her uniform. She laid it at the gates of the General's embassy and her whisper echoed into dawn as she disappeared: The truth will set my people free."
                            Visit my personal civ3 page here.


                            • #15
                              I'd balance the human civs with at least one race of "evil" men. Even in the Silmarillion some men had allied with Morgoth, and by the LotR, the Haradrim, Easterlings, and men of Rhun, Corsairs, Umbar, and the Wainriders etc etc, were all evil races or tribes of men.
                              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

