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MOD: BadtzMod

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  • MOD: BadtzMod

    I've finally completed the finishing touches on my mod. It's a conglomeration of a number of ideas lifted from these forums and ideas of my own. Here is the readme.txt (also included in the .zip):

    * World Sizes

    Enabled 16 civilizations on each map size

    * General Settings

    Increased movement rate on roads to 4
    Increased forest value to 20
    Changed Barbarian sea unit to Privateer
    Increased Town Size to 7 and City Size to 14
    Increased Fortress Defensive Bonus to 75
    Increased Town Defensive Bonus to 25

    * Governments

    Added a new government, Fascism, which becomes available with Nationalism.
    Government Traits:
    Corruption is Rampant
    Towns, Cities, and Metropolises support 2 more free units than with Communism
    Hurrying method is Forced Labor
    Military Police Limit is 4
    Draft Limit is 3

    Added a new government, Theocracy, which becomes available with Theology
    Governmetn Traits:
    COrruption is Communal
    Units do not require upkeep
    Suffers Standard Tile Penalty
    Cannot hurry units
    Rate Cap of 5
    No Military Police
    Draft Limit is 2
    Resistant to Propaganda, especially from other Theocracies

    Modified Republic so that 2 free units are allowed per Town, City, or Metropolis
    Modified Republic so that Military Police Limit is 1

    *Improvements and Wonders

    Granary is now Expansionist
    Banks now reduce Corruption
    Factories are now Industrious
    Manufacturing Plants are now Industrious
    Nuclear Plants no longer require water, but generate one unhappy citizen
    Mass Transit System now becomes available with Motorized Transportation
    Coastal Fortress has had Naval Power and Naval Bombard Defense raised by 50%
    Harbor no longer produces Veteran Naval Units but does now raise Luxury Output. It is now Expansionist and Commercial instead of Militaristic and Commercial
    Offshore Platform is now Industrious
    Airport is now also Expansionist
    Police Station is now available with Nationalism
    The Pyramids no longer create a Granary in every city, but instead increase productivity and generate 50% more culture.
    The Great Wall now costs 50% more, but creates Walls in every city on it's continent
    The Great Library now requires you to have built two Libraries
    Shakespeare's Theater now produces one happy citizen in every city
    Leonardo's Workshop is now also Scientific
    Universal Suffrage now produces 1 happy citizen in every city, but is no longer Militaristic
    The United Nations now acts as the Great Library
    Longevity now creates 1 happy citizen in every city
    The Apollo Program is now Expansionist

    *Natural Resources
    Horses no longer have a prerequisite and now produce 1 Food. They are also slighty more common
    Iron is 25% less likely to disappear
    Saltpeter is now 50% more common, and never disappears
    Coal is now 33% more common, but twice as likely to disappear
    Rubber is 33% more common
    Aluminum is 33% more common and has Advanced Flight as it's prerequisite

    Desert now has a Movement Cost of 2 and can have Aluminum or Uranium
    Plains now have Saltpeter and Game
    Tundra can now have Uranium
    Hills can now have Gems
    Mountains can now have Furs
    Jungles can now have Fish, Game, and Ivory. They also produce 1 shield and have a Defense Bonus of 50
    Coast now can have Whales

    All units with a ranged attack now have ZOC
    Marines are now 10.8.1/4.1.1 and cost 20% more
    Horsemen cost 33% more and are now 2.1.3
    Swordsmen now upgrade to Marines
    Pikemen no longer require Iron
    Archers are now 3.1.1 and upgrade to Riflemen
    Longbowmen are now 5.2.1 and are only available to England
    Musketmen are now 2.5.1 and also available to France
    Knights are now available to India
    Riflemen are now 6.6.1 and will be used offensively by the AI
    Cavalry now costs 25% more, is available to Russians, and upgrades to Tanks
    Infantry is now 8.10.1/6.1.1, costs 11% more, and will be used offensively by the AI
    Tanks now cost 20% more and have 6.1.1 bombard ability, and are Wheeled
    Modern Armor costs 33% more, has a 4 move, and has 10.1.1 bombard ability, and are Wheeled
    Radar Artillery is now wheeled
    Tactical Nuke costs 33% less
    ICBM now costs 20% less
    Galley now has a move of 5
    Caravel now has a move of 6
    Frigate now has a move of 8 and it's Bombard Strength was raised to 4
    Galleon now has a move of 8
    Ironclad now has a move of 8 and it's Bombard Strength was raised to 6
    Transport now has a move of 10
    Carrier now has a move of 10 and can carry Tactical Missiles
    Submarine now has a move of 10
    Destroyer now has a move of 12 and it's Bombard Strength was raised to 8
    Battleship has had it's Move and Bombard Strength raised to 10
    AEGIS Cruiser has had it's Defense and Move raised to 12, and it's Bombard Strength to 8. It no longer requires Uranium
    Nuclear Submarine now has a Move of 12 and a Defense of 6
    Bomber's Bombard Strength has been increased to 10
    Helicopter has been removed
    Stealth Fighter's Bombard Strength increased to 6
    Stealth Bomber's Bombard Strength increased to 10
    Armies can now unload units
    Bowman is now 3.2.2
    War Chariot is now 2.2.2 and costs 50% more
    Musketeer is now 4.4.2 and costs 33% more
    War Elephant is now 3.2.2, is available with Horseback Riding, and costs 29% less
    Cossack now costs 50% more and has the Blitz ability
    Panzer now costs 20% more, is wheeled, and has a 6.1.1 bombard atttack
    Man-O-War is now 3.2.8/6.1.2
    Privateer now has a move of 6

    *Civilization Advances

    Theology now costs 16% more
    Invention now costs 9% less
    Nationalism now costs 20% more


    Scientists and Tax Collectors now produce twice the research and money

    I posted it here because for some reason I don't have permission to create new posts in the Files forum. I've played a game or two with it and it seems pretty good. I especially like how the AI attacks with footmen more now.

    I've updated it, I'd tell those of you who downloaded the first version to get the new one, but nobody has downloaded it.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Badtz Maru; December 15, 2001, 08:35.

  • #2
    every one has their own mix..


    • #3
      I see that six people have downloaded it. I was wondering if any of you had an comments or suggestions. I have noticed a couple of quirks with this patch so far. First, the AI rarely (if ever) uses the other governments. These are pretty much exactly the same as I had them in my pre-patch mod, and the computer loved using Theocracy (and to a lesser degree, Fascism). They seem useful to me, but the AI doesn't seem to think so anymore. Secondly, I've seen the AI build huge amounts of Infantry since the change - I think that maybe the AI thinks they are a REALLY good unit and goes overboard on them now. I was playing a game and it started to get REALLY slow in the mid-industrial period. I then saw one of the AI sending a long line of Infantry through my territory after I made a RoP with him. I clicked on some of the stacks and saw that there were 10-30 Infantry units in each square, and the chain went for about 10 squares. I thought that maybe it was a problem with my Theocracy government, which doesn't require maintenance, but I checked the Military advisor screen and it turned out the AI was a Democracy - he had hundreds of units, I'm not sure how he was able to support them (it was a standard sized map and he had 2/3 of a medium-large continent).

      Here are some ideas for what I'm going to do on my next revision.

      I'm considering raising the upkeep cost on all military units. I'm thinking 2 in every government except Democracy, which will have an upkeep cost of 3. I will probably give Theocracy an upkeep cost of 1 instead of 0, and maybe Fascism too to see if that will make the AI use it. This should cut down on the number of units in the game, which should reduce slowdown, and make warfare a bit less tedious.

      I'm also going to use the idea I saw on the boards (can't remember who made the suggestion but I thank them) of making it possible to upgrade units to UUs. The only drawback to this is it could cause a bit of confusion when people look at the civilopedia entry of a unit (as it will sometimes say it upgrades to a unit that civ has no access to) but most people who play mods are already familiar with how upgrades work so it shouldn't be that big of a problem.

      I may up the defensive values of towns and cities again, as in the Ancient ages I think that the 3.1.1 Archers may make conquest a bit too easy...I still haven't decided on this.


      • #4
        Heh, I looked to see if this was still up, and noticed that Civ4 uses the same governments I added, with the same prerequisites.

