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New Unit and New Gov't suggestions wanted!

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  • New Unit and New Gov't suggestions wanted!

    I have added a new gov't type and a new unit and am looking for input. Here's the stats:

    Government: City State (or Polis)
    Pre: Literature (not sure here)

    worker rate: 2 (same as Monarchy)
    Assimilation chance: 1% (same as despot)
    draft lim: 1
    mil police: 2
    corruption: rampant (same as despot)
    forced labor hurry
    no war weariness
    cost/unit: 1
    free: 2/4/8 (same as monarchy)
    flags: none
    titles: First Citizen, Tyrant

    analysis so far: This is a early government that eliminates the tile penalty for despotism. Has some other small benefits. I would imagine most every civ will pass through this one on the way to bigger and better things.
    Intended to model the confederation of Greek City States in the days of yore.

    New Unit: Operative
    I have seen lots of people adding terrorist or fanatic units to the game. I feel this name and type is pretty uncommon, but I liked the idea, so I have made a unit called the "Operative" [as in special forces, etc.]
    icon 68 (until I find a graphic)
    pre: Espionage
    cost: 6 (same as Cruise missile)
    moves: 2
    AI Strat: cruise missile
    bombard stregth: 8

    range: 1
    Rate of fire: 2
    NO required resources
    unit abilities:
    cruise missile
    all terrain as roads (for now..too powerful?)

    so there they are...what do you think?

    "You are, what you do, when it counts."

    President of the nation of Riis in W3's SimCountry.

  • #2
    i have a good suggestion which i use all the time

    gov. canniballism, i use this on my jungle age (global warming) where canniballism is prime - on the scenario, you can play as a normal civ, or as the canniball civ in place of zulu...
    also, new units you could have a piper that could enchant the enemy units and disband them, but it would only have a 1/10 chance of success.

    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried


    • #3
      If you want some possible suggestions for pre-literature, I have put a couple down in my Thread "Mod Challenge-Ancient Techs". The 2 I have suggested are Aristocracy (sort of a pre-monarchy stage, similar to Athens before they went Democratic or Rome under the Etruscans! Rule by an elite GROUP rather than a single absolute ruler) The Advance required for this government also allows the construction of Villas!
      My second Gov. Suggestion was: Athenian Democracy (or Classical Democracy if you prefer!!). This government can also build ampitheaters (open forums) and the Parthenon!
      I also suggested a few new ancient units like cohorts, armoured horsmen, slaves and Royal Gaurds.
      If any of this interests you, please check out the thread.



      • #4
        How about a government that caters specifically to people with small empires in the latter ages?
        "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

        "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


        • #5
          Well Pythagoras, how about Social Democracy or Democratic Socialism. They would work well for small empires, I think!

          The Aussie_Lurker


          • #6
            Some more ideas

            Okay, I have a few more gov't ideas I want to throw out there:

            Oligarchy -- conincident with Republic and Monarchy...more warlike than Republic, more peaceful than Monarchy.

            Mercantilism -- the government for the Netherlands in the 18th C. It is a good government for small countries, as it will have huge bonuses to production, etc. but won't allow assimilation.


            "You are, what you do, when it counts."

            President of the nation of Riis in W3's SimCountry.


            • #7


              ...loves these faces too, brings out emotions in the text...


              • #8


                • #9
                  The Operative should actually have Precision Bombing so that it can only take out population or building, as in real life. I know that this works, because I did it for the cruise missile. The graphic will look funny (you'll have the unit flying over the target), but this can't be helped; it's hard-coded into that command.

