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Starting work on a new MOD

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  • Starting work on a new MOD

    Hey people!

    Im starting work on a new MOD. Im not new to MOD making, I've done MODding for Civ2 (original/FW/TOT), latest version is still in Apolyton's database, i think, its AGM3 Gold (yea, weird name, I might think of something different this time), I also have an unreleased mod for TOT with some new graphics that makes the map more pretty looking, besides many other changes, but it hasnt been playtested much.

    I dont think I have as much free time as some of the existing mod makers though So I may take a while. I'll be posting information here as I work on it, but I wont upload anything untill I have a working version.

    I'll be "stealing" ideas from other MODs, Ancient's, Blitz, hope its allright with you guys Of course I wont forget to mention that in the readme file or whatever.

    Right now I want to hear opinions on 3 things:

    1. The MOD will come with Satya's Earth map, what do you think of limiting the Aztec, Iroquois and Zulu's scientific progress, so by the time the Europeans reach America, they find some native civilizations there? I've tried removing the ability for them to build workers, it works, they dont build roads so they have no resources, they can build horse units if their city is on top of them But they wont build any unit that requires resources, they cant capture workers either cause I created another unit (a colonist, able to join cities and build colonies, nothing else), then a captured worker turns into a colonist. But they still get the technologies from trade, they'll be behind most civilizations, but not that far back.

    2. What do you think of getting read of civ specific units (at least some of them) to create more units to everyone?

    3. What do you think of creating new units without animations? Especially support units, like a troop transport (truck or amphibious) for infantry only? We can create units without animations right?
    Alexandre Madeira
    I create worlds. :)

  • #2
    Q about 3
    you are talking about land based transports, right? if so, GREAT!! that is one of the things i really miss in civ3

    i personally like the civ-specific units, especially those early ones, though a bit unbalancing maybe, but i wouldn't miss them.
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


    • #3
      Yes, ground transports. Provide a way for infantry to move faster, if it works, it will be awesome.

      I like the civ specific techs too, and i guess some may keep them, but there a lot of civ specific units that could be used for everyone, with a name and stats change. ex: the English Man'O War could be the battleship of the pirates age, and I think other civs had Man'O Wars. But then, what are we gona do with the War Chariot, have 2 Chariots?
      Alexandre Madeira
      I create worlds. :)


      • #4
        Unaminated units?

        If you are able to do it please let me know how

        I don't see how it would be possible right now.

        I realy like your ideas with the Zulus and Aztecs. Infantry unit transport is a good idea as well. I wonder if peoples will use it if mech infantry & tanks are available?
        Go BIG or go home.


        • #5
          unanimated units? just turn off the animated units in the game, and only use one frame of animation in the flc picture file. you'd need flicster probably.

          Land transport units work!!
          I just tried it with a panzer tank that can carry 2 foot units,
          this should make scenarios ,at least, more interesting.. Could do this for trains, carts, trooper trucks as well as planting mines and things
          Damn i think i need to lie down its so goood.
          See my entry on the Thread about New Units people want to see....
          Admiral Pete of the high sea- what theres more than one??


          • #6
            do you think someone could help me with a land transpot unit, something like a jeep would be cool.


            • #7
              If you want a Jeep, use the Mech Inf., allow it to carry one foot unit.
              A military truck would be really cool, able to carry 3 or 4 foot units.

              Update on ideas:

              Im droping point 2, there're not that many civ specific units we could use for all civilizations (man-o-war, musketeer, panzer, f15). So we should just leave it as it is.

              Archer units, they're ranged units, but they shouldnt have bombard abilities, cause like someone else said somewhere, it would be stupid to see arrows destroy city buildings But they can have Zone of Control, so they fire on passing units (they wont do that much damage if you increase hit points by 1 or 2 like im doing). That means archers, artillery units, and every unit with fire arms (all ships too i guess, since they have either archers or cannons or machine guns).

              Chariots, they're useless right now, most times we dont even see them cause we get the horseman right after the chariot, so, we make them upgrade to Knight only, give them the same attack and movement as horseman (though they're wheeled, so they cant move in mountains), maybe better defense (I'll look into that), more expensive, requiring some metal besides horses, AND, able to transport one foot unit. If you look at the Chariot's description in civilopedia, you'll read about chariots carrying archers to battles. I suppose if the chariot is destroyed with a unit inside, they both get destroyed, but I'll have to test that.

              Changing Iron resource to Base Metals (Copper, Nickel, Zinc, Tin, Iron, etc...), with small graphic change, have them show up with Bronze Working, and have all non primitive (stone age) unit require it (except those with other requirements). Keep in mind this Mod will be meant to use a custom map, with metal deposits spread all over the world, so most civilizations should get it. Most city improvements (except for the basic ones) and wonders will also require it, so if I go forward with the idea of limiting iroquois, aztec and zulu scientific progress, you wont see them building wonders and more civilized units

              One recent idea. I hate seeing dozens of ships crossing my borders, or being attacked by 2 dozen units when i go to war, the AI allways seems to be able to build more units than I do. I tried increasing excess unit cost and decreasing government/town/city/metropolis supported units, but I ended up having my treasury allways near 0, loosing money, and most other civs too. So instead, I thought of population requirements for units, why should workers and settlers require population, and not units? What about most units require 1 pop? It will slow down your civilization's growth. To counter that a bit, we could also increase city size requiring aqueduct to 8, and hospital to 16.
              Alexandre Madeira
              I create worlds. :)


              • #8
                One recent idea. I hate seeing dozens of ships crossing my borders, or being attacked by 2 dozen units when i go to war, the AI allways seems to be able to build more units than I do. I tried increasing excess unit cost and decreasing government/town/city/metropolis supported units, but I ended up having my treasury allways near 0, loosing money, and most other civs too. So instead, I thought of population requirements for units, why should workers and settlers require population, and not units? What about most units require 1 pop? It will slow down your civilization's growth. To counter that a bit, we could also increase city size requiring aqueduct to 8, and hospital to 16.
                wouldn't that be a bit expensive, maybe you should also decrease the food required for city growth, if that's possible.
                <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
                Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


                • #9
                  Hmmm no, I've tested this, and it works great!
                  Right now im trying to add a new technology, needed to use the worker, all civs get it from the start except zulu, aztec and iroquoi, it will be very expensive (also increased max time to research to 100 instead of 40 ), so it is possible for those civs to research it, but they'll take quite some time (and they'll probably start by researching other techs first, which will also be slow since they wont have roads to increase commerce).
                  Alexandre Madeira
                  I create worlds. :)


                  • #10
                    I made an APC using some of the animations from the radar artillery. I took the attack sound from the marine. I think it's ADM stats are 2/12/2 - carries five foot soldiers (especially cool when you put eight of them on a sea transport). Here's the ini file in txt format.
                    Attached Files
                    "Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what has it produced? The Cuckoo Clock... goodbye Harold"


                    • #11
                      Just downloaded APC I will try it out thanks Gromit
                      John Plavchan


                      • #12
                        Negative culture seems to work, but not for barracks it seems.. wonders and other improvements work to an extent, though when my harbors produce -1 (as they are millitary ports really) they seem to take off -2 instead?!.

                        It only shows negative cult in the culture advisor, where my city of Marseilles produces -1 culture!

                        Neg cult could be great for factories where the mundane repetitive production makes a less interesting culture.

                        Millitary units reducing culture shows the absence of freedom affecting peoples creative/cultural stimulation.. so they want to revolt to less millitarisitic, free-er cultures.

                        The main problem may be the city screen dosen't add up culture correctly, but the game seems to know how to use it.

                        I think someone made another Negative culture mod early on.


                        • #13
                          Oops sorry, that was meant for a Negative culture thread,

                          ON TOPIC: the apc sounds nice, but 5 is a bit much, maybe it should only carry 2 units at most, per APC.

