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Ottomans advancement info

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  • #16
    There is England, Germany and Russia too in the game. There was no germany until the beginning of 19th century, but there were germans. So I dont think the game follows a straight line in naming Also as I said before: All turks dont belong to the same culture, but the culture of ottomans and turkey is very similar, same in many cases. If I named it turks, it would cover an are from eastern europe to middle asia. That is too general. I could name it western turks but that wouldnt make sense.

    As for Janissaries:
    1- I am doing your second idea, bu I will be making it 5/2/2. It may be kind of unbalanced but I could increase the cost slightly to make it fair. I am doing this because as you know turks never wore heavy armors and they moved really fast. The European fighters could not do much damage to turks because they were as slow as turtles.

    The progress will be slow for the next few weeks, because I will be having final exams. I could probably finish it by the end of the February brake.


    • #17
      I belive 'Turkoman' and 'Turkic' are both acceptable adjectives.
      Its all just zeroes and ones.


      • #18
        Cool leader graphics. I would personally prefer Turks/Turkish/Turkey. Its not that historical but neither Russia, Germany, America or France are historical since noone of them have existed very long(1000 years are not long!!! ).

        Siphai(Cavalary), Janissary(Longbowman) and Cannons can be used as special UU unit. I prefer Siphai or an Offensive Janissary since they were used as an offensive unit not pikeman or musketman like game unit. A cool solution could be like giving the janissary the same attribut as the aztec special unit.

        I am turkish and i prefer Suleyman as leader as turks not Ataturk since Suleyman represents the zenit of turkish power in history.

        Civ attributes, militaristic and religios

        Here is a good link about turkish(pre-ottoman) and ottoman history, its short so u could use it if you want.


        • #19
          Thanks for the comments

          I am turkish too and I know a lot about our history. For example I just had a history exam last week .
          For units: I wanted to do cannon but I cant! Cannons have no attack values, therefor they cant start a golden age. I dont really like the siphai part of the army therefor I am going to do janissaries. They played a more important role after the golden age (Even if they rioted every second). I wil do 5.2.2 for janissarie to make it historically correct. However it will be more expensive to balance the game.

          P.S. I used the wrong time in the message. Not "I will" , but "I have done"!

          Advancement: Civilopedia done. Modern, Ancient, Industrial animations done. Middle age 25%. All the shortcuts are done and all the mini faces too. I still have to do foreign advisor picture , otherwise the game crashes.
          Unit animations: They are scaring me!!!! Too many of them!!! Maybe I should just use the musketman, or maybe the persian immortal????

          I am sooorry this has taken so long. I had final exams last week, therefor I couldt work on this. I hope this will be done in a week or two (no unit animations!)

          P.S.2: Okay, Okay! I will do it turkey (at least it is the closest to Ottoman Empire) . Dont expect me to do "turkish" though. That is toooooo general.


          • #20

            Last edited by Emre Turken; October 16, 2006, 03:29.


            • #21

              Last edited by Emre Turken; October 16, 2006, 03:29.


              • #22
                Originally posted by PanicX
                Thanks for the comments

                I am turkish too and I know a lot about our history. For example I just had a history exam last week .
                For units: I wanted to do cannon but I cant! Cannons have no attack values, therefor they cant start a golden age. I dont really like the siphai part of the army therefor I am going to do janissaries. They played a more important role after the golden age (Even if they rioted every second). I wil do 5.2.2 for janissarie to make it historically correct. However it will be more expensive to balance the game.

                P.S. I used the wrong time in the message. Not "I will" , but "I have done"!

                Advancement: Civilopedia done. Modern, Ancient, Industrial animations done. Middle age 25%. All the shortcuts are done and all the mini faces too. I still have to do foreign advisor picture , otherwise the game crashes.
                Unit animations: They are scaring me!!!! Too many of them!!! Maybe I should just use the musketman, or maybe the persian immortal????

                I am sooorry this has taken so long. I had final exams last week, therefor I couldt work on this. I hope this will be done in a week or two (no unit animations!)

                P.S.2: Okay, Okay! I will do it turkey (at least it is the closest to Ottoman Empire) . Dont expect me to do "turkish" though. That is toooooo general.
                About that Turkey vs. Ottoman issiue, its not a big deal. You can allways use the editor to change the name to Turkey/Turkish/Turks or Ottoman


                • #23
                  good point. So I will stick with the Ottoman Empire/turks/turkish. This is the way i started it. You are free to change the name if you want to. Just dont rename it and publish it as a new civilization.
                  I also want to do Ottoman Empire as I have done all the civilopedia entries according to the history of turks from the beginning of Ottoman Empire.

                  This is the civilpoedia entry: (I need your comments to finalize it
                  so please make some)

                  ^Ottoman Empire
                  ^Ottoman Empire was a dynastic state centered in what is now Turkey, founded in the late 13th century and dismantled in the early 20th century. Ottomans were Turks and their Turkish ancestors came from Middle Asia.
                  ^Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman, the leader of a small tribe that settled in western Anatolia. The Turkish name for Ottomans is Osmanlilar, which means the followers of Osman. This tribe quickly gained power and conquered many lands around it. Merely 150 years after its foundation, Ottomans conquered that times largest city, Constantinople, ended the Eastern Roman Empire, and renamed Constantinople to Istanbul.
                  ^At its height in the mid-1500s, at the end of the reign of Süleyman I (Süleyman the Magnificent, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman) , the Ottoman Empire controlled a vast area extending from the Eastern Europe to the Middle East and North Africa.
                  ^The empire went into slow decline after Süleyman, and by the early 1900s it controlled only Asia Minor (the Anatolia region of present-day Turkey) and parts of the Balkans and the Middle East. The Ottomans lost even more territory during World War I (1914-1918). Ottoman Empire was allied with Austrian and German Empire in WW1. After allies won, the allied troops divided and occupied the empire from the end of the war until 1922. However a great leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk drove them out; Mustafa Kemal Atatürk abolished the empire later that year and proclaimed the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is a very important person for Turkey, since in what seemed the end for Turks in Anatolia, he managed to save them. The modern system in today’s Turkey is based on his ideas and without him and his friends Turkey would not be an independent country now.
                  Last edited by PanicX; January 15, 2002, 11:45.


                  • #24
                    Probably a small point, but the Ottoman Empire's height, or greatest extent was during the 1600-1700s when they controlled all of eastern europe until Vienna, and the all the lands surrounding the Black Sea, such as the Crimea.


                    • #25
                      They controlled the largest area in the beginning of 1600's but they started losing after that. This period is called "duraklama devri, stopping age (something like that)" Also the government started losing its power and many riots happened.
                      Ottomans were strongest during 1500-1600.


                      • #26
                        How's this going? I can't find any files in that briefcase, and have therefore moved this away from the Files forum, as it to me seems to be a project rather then a file.
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #27

                          I've posted something similar to this before so pardon my persistence. As great as the Janissaries, Ottoman cannons and Sipahis were, the fact of the matter is that the heart of the Ottoman empire (Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and the former Yugoslav states) was not won by any of them. It was won by the Gazis. I think that because of this fact, you should consider them as the unique Ottoman/Turkish unit. Without the Gazis, the Ottomans probably wouldn't have conquered Konya, much less the Serbian Princes.



                          • #28
                            Nice job, DhulKhidr, I forgot about Gazi's, they were the key of the early armies (pre-yeniceri and pre-empire), and they could use bows (so a replacement for longbowman makes sense).
                            I personally like 5/2/2, with a 60 cost. So kinda like the offensive version of a musketeer (name it janissary, or yeniceri, which I personally like more), and using both of them together will make them dangerous . BTW make sure the leader is Mehmet II, whoever is making the mod, because that guy was, IMO, the best. Can the Turks have several unique units, like a 3/2/3 knight that costs the 60 shields (called sifari or whatever) and a musketeer name janissary. This is great, peace out.


                            • #29
                              I have created an Ottoman Turk scenario a few times and I always just replace the Iroquois with the Ottomans because of the Iroquois UU, the Mounted Warrior. I think Big Turkey that your suggestion would not only be better, but more accurate. The Gazis were more advanced than a Mounted Warrior but that seems to be their best fit. Maybe I should create my own Ottoman Turks civ. Is it just me or is this thread almost dead? I'm going to see if PanicX has posted more elsewhere.


                              • #30
                                AT LAST!!!!

                                I'm sorry I didn't reply!!! I couldn't access apolyton for the past 1 month. My computer can open but not I always typed I realized this mistake today, and consequently I finished my project today too For the UU I used Janissaries, but I dind't have time to do the animations for the unit Gazi is a good idea, but it is too ancient (start the golden age too early) and everybody doesn't know them. I hate early golden ages...

                                Gramphos: Thank you. This was a project when it was posted... I never understood why it was in the files forums anyways. But know it is complete!!

                                Note: I have posted the files on civfanatics . The limit here is 500kb so I won't upload the files here! I would be very grateful if an administrator could post these files here (if you have no limit for uploading, otherwise don't even bother)
                                The link to the thread:
                                Last edited by PanicX; May 19, 2002, 04:25.

