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MOD: Airbases

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  • MOD: Airbases

    This is my Airbase Mod. The Airbase is actually an immobile ground unit with the carrier and radar abilities that paradrops eight tiles. It has a defense of zero, so it can be captured. It carries six air units.
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    Last edited by Kuciwalker; January 10, 2002, 19:13.

  • #2
    This won't work as a true airbase... to build your "air base" you have to build it just like a normal unit so why have a airbase in a city when you don't need it what is needed is the same sort of function as the build fortress for the worker. the worker needs the ability to build airbase in a remote location just like a colony and any plane can rebase their etc. etc. as of right now this isn't possible to do that i know of hopefully the patch may add this option or add the ability to create it by the mod community but i doubt this will happen. Stupid of 'em to take the airbase out i myself used them all the time in civ2 had 'em based all around the world in strategic places! My favorite aspect of all civ games is air power am really dissappointed in civ3's but for the most part my dissappointments should be fixed in the patch
    "To live in peace you must take the war to the enemey"


    • #3
      It does work. I tested it. As I said, it paradrops. Maybe you are confused because I said "immobile." "Immobile" is a unit flag that they used for the air units to force you to use the unit commands.


      • #4
        no i didn't get confused...paradropping the unit is still relatively useless in my opinion yeah it will extend you a base somewhat say a forward operation base but what about say an airbase you need that is all the way across the world with no friendly cities around to paradrop from? it's a good idea but would only be good for say like i said when you first open an invasion and set up a forward operation base in enemy territory........can this unit be carried say on a transport and sail it's way to a destination area then paradrop on a isolated island far from friendly cities?? if thats the case then i say it may be the answer and someone should come up with a air base looking unit to do this with! wouldn't be a correct all solution but hey would be an airbase!
        "To live in peace you must take the war to the enemey"


        • #5
          This IS an airbase. It functions as an aircraft carrier on land, except that, once deployed, it cannot be moved, only disbanded. I would have given it a larger range, but the maximum is eight due to hard-coded limits. Anyways, it actually is effective: it essentially extends an air units range by eight tiles. Also, say there is a small island between you and your enemy, and being able to stage air units from there would allow you to bomb the enemy? Then, it would be much more efficient to just drop an airbase there than to build a city. And it is also better than a carrier in this situation, because it carries two more air units and costs less. Most importantly, though, is that it adds realism to the game.


          • #6
            like i said it is a good idea, I like it and i personally would use as forward operation base, does the ai use it? We still need the ability though for a worker to be able to build an airbase anywhere on the map just like a colony except it doesn't go away cuz of culture but can be captured and taken by force. we need civ2's air base back. should lose worker too when building it
            "To live in peace you must take the war to the enemey"


            • #7
              It is meant to be a forward operations base. I don't recall ever using the Civ2 airbase for anything different, either. Your comment about how it should be like a colony that can be captured and ignores culture is more or less accurate, minus the worker. Since it has a defense of zero, it is capturable, just like artillery. All I need is to figure out how to make it so that you can deploy it anywhere on the map. Maybe the ICBM flag could do that. However, why don't you download it, see how you like it, and THEN come back and criticize it, construcitvely or otherwise?


              • #8
                i'm sorry if i came off as critizing you wasn't meant to be was stating my opinion....Like i have said i like the idea and have already downloaded it and looking into. You brought up a good point about the icbm flag....that is possible to do that i believe just the same as immobile and icbm maybe it will let you deploy it anywhere. But i wonder for gameplay reasons if thats a good idea would allow the player to plop one right next to a capitol in the middle of a continent and move in the bombers but then again wouldn't be too smart cuz the next turn they'd lose 'em anyways something to try.
                "To live in peace you must take the war to the enemey"


                • #9
                  I'll see what i can do about a airbasedefault.flc to make it look like a airbase instead of a carrier!
                  "To live in peace you must take the war to the enemey"


                  • #10
                    If you could do that, please send it to me so that I can update the file. I never modded the graphics in Civ2 either (I used other people's graphics), so I used the carrier graphic, which looks sort of like an airbase.


                    • #11
                      Umm, I had a question, but I figured it out myself...
                      Yes, I am the King of Babylon.
                      No, you don't have to bow if you don't want to.

                      <~~Balloons are the BEST!


                      • #12
                        Just a suggestion...

                        To create an "effective" airbase, why don't you just create settlers, build a city where you want the base, name it differently and then manage the resources for growth of zero and just don't build anything in the city (except maybe an airport and or harbor). That way there is no limit on the number of units that can be stationed there AND defensive units can be placed for protection. It has the same effect as an airbase except the population cost from building the settler.

                        I also like to emply air power and have found it very effective.

                        Gothwycke the Wise


                        • #13
                          why would anyone use normal settlers then?
                          Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


                          • #14
                            Goth, the airbase is more efficient than the settler because a) it doesn't use two population points and b) there is no chance of cultural absorption, unhapppines, etc. Also, you CAN protect the airbase; all you need is to fortify a defensive unit over it.


                            • #15
                              Y'all are right of course about the airbases being a BETTER way to do it. I was not implying that using settlers is better, only that since there currently is no airbase function, using settlers is one way to get the job done, albeit at the population cost.

                              On the protection, I meant to imply that you cannot protect (that I know of) the CARRIER-based method of building an airbase described earlier.

                              Anyway, has anyone heard if this (airbases) is being included in the patch?

                              Gothwycke the Wise

