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UNITS: Attack chopper and transport plane

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  • #46
    Last on Chopper addition


    Here's the last posting:

    7. I'm attaching a screen capture of the new unit called 'Attack Chopper' and its attributes. Check it out. One note: In the 'Unit Abilities' box click on 'All terrain as Roads' and CTRL+Click on 'Ranged Animation' (neither really required but will help you if you decide to change it into a land unit)

    We can discuss attributes... forever! Is it an air unit? Is it a land unit? What's its strength? Can the AI make use of it?
    And here's my reasoning behind the attributes:

    i. Saying that the Chopper is a land unit is silly (sorry couldn't find a more proper word!). A chopper is an air unit and that's final!
    ii. Despite being an air unit it should be able to land on any tile (or hover above a sea tile). It should also be able to DESTROY an enemy unit.
    This needs some justification: Making it a land unit with allthe attributes described in the previous postings doesn't justify WHY it is an Attack Chopper! It could be a "Partizan" unit... or an advanced Fusion Tank (remember CTPII?)... So it HAS to be an air unit... but... there go the disadvantages:

    1. The AI cannot use a unit that can act as an ait unit (Bombard, Precision Strike) AND as a land unit (direct assault).
    2. This MUST be a bug, but air units when left without protection in an open tile can be destroyed by anything (like a barbarian)

    1. So what if the AI can't use them? Have you seen the AI use paratroopers the way we do (drop behind enemy lines and pillage everything?]. In fact have you seen the AI perform combined arms attacks (bombers+artillery+land units)? Ever??? If you want to make this game harder, play it on a harder level... stop complaining about the MODs!
    2. "It's not a bug it's a feature" a.k.a. "If you can't fight it... USE it!". So what if a chopper is destroyed by... anything? If it has completed its run, chopper simply lands and waits for refueling or whatever (YES I AM oversimplifying), so it's vulnerable!

    Bottom line
    The graphics are awesome
    All glitches (like the phantom image when bombing) are resolved with the new .INI file- it's awesome (or did I mention that)
    I've added a new HelicopterMissile.wav modified from a REAL missile sound. I've also made use of the Jet Fighter bombing animation and the result is... AWESOME
    All in all the Attack Chopper is an excellent (though expensive) unit. I doubt if the AI will use it, but then again I don't really care that much! If I find that the game becomes too easy I can always go up a level (from Chieftain )

    That's all... If I have forgotten something feel free to ask...

    Attached Files


    • #47
      To the Caesar...

      I've re-read my postings and apart from the typos I've noticed something that I thing is REALLY important:

      I said NOTHING about BlueO, the person who designed the icons and animations.
      BlueO, my humble apologies... Your graphics are REALLY great! The animations work perfectly (though I couldn't open the ...Default.flc) and the icons (large or small) work perfectly! Noone can appreciate this more than a person who TRIED to create his own graphics (unit/improvement).

      And to all you thread readers:
      This is NOT a MOD... It's a feature!

      Merry Xmas


      • #48
        Details on adding a unit...

        Oh well...
        It's been like 10 minutes since I posted the Chopper Addition guide and I got my first email (hey, where did you find it?).
        The request is a "Civ3Edit for dummies" tutorial.
        Unfortunately I can't go into ALL the details of the Editor tool but here's a step-by-step guide on adding the unit:

        1. Download the hacked Civ3Edit
        This one has got Add/Delete buttons on most tabs
        2. Replace Civ3Edit.exe (found in your Civilization III folder with the downloaded EXE
        3. Copy your civ3mod.bic to a different file (just drag'n'drop to the same folder keeping the CTRL key pressed)
        4. Run Civ3Edit. Select File-->Open-->[path to Civ3]-->civ3mod.bic
        5. Unselect Tools-->Use Default Rules
        6. Go to Rules-->Edit-->Units and click on the Add button
        7. If you've copied the units_32.pcx to the correct folder, apply the settings found in the attached image of my 3rd posting.
        8. Click on the disk icon or select File-->Sace. Restart the game

        Please note that if you make a mistake in any of the steps there's a chance that the game will crash. If this happens, the simplest (though not quickest) solution is to re-install the game.
        The quickest solution is to rename civ3mod.bic to and the rename the backup 'Copy of civ3mod.bic' (created in Step.3) to civ3mod.bic
        Last edited by yiapap; December 25, 2001, 07:52.


        • #49
          Also the problem with using Mobile air units is over sea they can't be seen , and so can't be reselected - you need to wait for the helicopters move before you can move it over sea.
          The AI can't use them either.


          • #50
            Downloads are not working

            The download zips of the and top-of-thread zip. are NOT transfering as valid. They will not unzip. does.
            Don't make me come down there!

            GOD :hmmm:


            • #51
              Also the problem with using Mobile air units is over sea they can't be seen , and so can't be reselected
              The problem I found with creating non-imobile air units is they will capture enemy worker and artillery units. I rely hated this idea, if anything air units should destroy the enemy instead of capturing them. I looked hard but found no way to make air units react like barbarian units, where they would kill workers instead of capturing them. If anybody has any advice on my delimma please post it, until then truly offensive air units, that are capable of actually killing the enemy not just injuring them, will have to remain ground units. There's also the notion that the AI wont use them which, kinda, keeps the idea at the drawing board.


              • #52
                Please send an answer as fast as you can.

                How do I instal and run this new unit and how can I instal a new mode [I've got it also from apolyton].



                • #53
                  how da hell do u guys unzip it
                  i already run da winzip but they said smth bout it being an invalid directory


                  • #54
                    Try WinAce. It worked...

