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MAP: Norm's Giga map of Europe

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  • MAP: Norm's Giga map of Europe

    GIGA SIZED (256x256) map of Europe

    1.3 is out NOW....

    1.2 removed after 2340 downloads
    1.1 removed after 96 downloads

    Changes since 1.2

    -Added more grassland bonus tiles.

    -Renamed the Ukraine to Kiev, adding appropriate leader names and such.

    -FIXED the 4 turn science bug.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Norm; May 17, 2002, 15:38.
    Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe

  • #2
    Ah, forgot a crucial thing: a good screenshot.
    Attached Files
    Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


    • #3
      Thats a great map, thanks for doing that.. I'm sure many people really wanted a map of the cradle of civ =o)

      but, it deserves to be perfected, I notice that the ocean, sea is very plain, surely there are islands in there? and some parts of the sea are deep enough to be oceans? and some parts of the ocean shallow enough to be sea?

      and yes a moderator (markg) has to post the files into the files section, even though he keeps nagging to me to put my stuff in the files section, does he not know that we can't!!??
      be free


      • #4
        About the ocean: I used a line of ocean squares on the edge of the map to prevent people from walking from morocco to arabia or building a harbour in russia to sail to england. To make this possible I removed the ability from *all* ships to cross oceans (didn't test that yet though, also aeroplanes probably will be able to cross the ocean anyway (from a russian airbase to a carrier waiting in the atlantic or something).

        I will touch up the ocean part of the atlantic though.

        There really aren't many islands in this part of the atlantic; between Iceland and Scotland there are the Shetland islands and the Faeroer. In the Mediterranean there are also very few islands besides the Balears, Corsica and Sardinia, Sicily, Elba, Crete, Cyprus and the smaller greek islands. Ah..for 1.2 I'll add Stromboli. In the arctic ocean there are some islands but most of them are too far north to be included on this map (great mineral resources..but no..can't be bothered to lower the map..and lose northern africa in the process.

        Now if an army of perfectionists could start complaining about ill-placed resources I'd really be happy.

        Oh yea, before I forget about it I'll thank Harlan for Civ3 Scenario Haven and LookANinja for BMPtoBIC.

        Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


        • #5
          All I can say is WOW!


          • #6
            Has anyone found a way to eliminate the east to west scroll at the map edges yet (ie flat world)? Is it possible to create a land type completely impassible to all units or just the artillery limits of jungle/mountain? Does anyone remember what their long term goals were previous to civIII?
            No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style- Brust


            • #7
              Originally posted by vladIV
              Has anyone found a way to eliminate the east to west scroll at the map edges yet (ie flat world)? Is it possible to create a land type completely impassible to all units or just the artillery limits of jungle/mountain?
              How about making 2 long rows or mountains all the way down through the map and seperate them by 10 rows of ocean squares? No cities can be built on the mountains, so no ports can be made to launch ships into this "dividing ocean" and the distance will be too long for planes to cross even from closely based carriers.

              Not a very elegant solution, but it might work.
              Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein


              • #8
                Yea...thought about that..but that would have been a little bit over the top imho...only in the very late stages of the game there might be some traffic between the middle east and morocco on this map. IMHO those 3000 extra squares of terrain are worth more than absolute flatness. (and how often does a game last until the very end?)


                ...btw...1.2 is out
                Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


                • #9
                  ...or with some tools like in civ2 add a row of barbarian units with defence 99 and barbarian cities with sdi defences inside them...
                  Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


                  • #10
                    Strange thing...

                    Strange thing with this map...

                    For some reason, I learn all technologies in 4 turns. Is this because the size is wacky? My game doesn't do this with any other maps. Something I'm doing wrong? It's not very fun this way...


                    • #11
                      Hmm..a strange problem indeed.

                      I have been playing a game on the map myself (with dutch civ) until about 0 A.D. I didn't encounter that 4 turn/tech problem, although there seemed to be some problems concerning the tech tree. I'm quite sure that the *size* isn't the problem, if that would be the case then this problem would have been reported many times already.

                      Has anybody else encountered the same problem.


                      All of these appear to be erratic problems..weird

                      - 4 turn/tech problem

                      - game crashes when sharing maps (human player: dutch, comp: egyptian)

                      - tech tree (F6) doesn't work as it should
                      Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe


                      • #12

                        The map LOOKS awesome, BTW...

                        My only problem is the techs all coming in 4 turns (I've only tried playing with the English -- twice). So, I'm superdeveloped by 1 AD. Kinda strange.

                        I thought it might have to do with the knowledge "tech rate" (under world size in the Editor menus) because the tech rate for "Huge" class maps is based on a 180X180 world. But, logically, wouldn't this cause the techs to come more *SLOWLY* for a larger sized world -- not the other way around.

                        My only other problem is that this enormous map takes a really long time between turns (and my computer isn't slow), but I guess this is to be expected with a map this ambitious in scope.


                        • #13
                          Great work, Norm.
                          The only problem is that anyone playing on this map will probably encounter the same problem I did when I made a similar map. Due to its size and a very high landmass-sea ratio, the limit of 512 cities will be reached sometime in the late middle ages. Before the patch this would just cause the game to crash. Now the time between turns will be insane since the AI will try to found new cities a 100 times with each settler it sends to available territory.
                          Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit


                          • #14
                            Great map! Looks to be extremely accurate!

                            Can't wait to play a WW2 scenario on it!


                            • #15
                              I'll try to find out that technologyproblem..maybe it has to do with the tech rate modifier.

                              Hmm...the 512 cities..maybe wait for firaxis to release a patch to allow 1024 cities (whoa..that's a LOT!)........or try making a smaller map..which wouldn't be a bad idea as quite many mappers are primarily toying with the ubersizes.

                              Yummy..ww2 scenario..for something like that the max_cities reached problem could be solved by disallowing settlers to be built.

                              /Norman, still waiting for the nit-pickers to come up with some geographical isn't easy to be good =]
                              Click here for Norm's Giga Map of Europe

