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Guerilla Warfare Mod?

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  • Guerilla Warfare Mod?

    Hi Guys,

    I haven't got the game yet (waiting to upgrade my computer so it will run on it!!) but, having read many of the posts here, I've thought of a possible mod to replace the stupid Partisan unit from civ2, with a more effective Guerilla unit!
    Firstly, either have communism enable you to research a "Guerilla Tactics" advance, or have Communism and Fascism together enable research of "Guerilla Tactics". The main effect of this advance, obviously, would be to allow the discoverer access to Guerillas! This unit would have the following capabilities:

    1) Attack and Defense somewhere between rifleman and infantry
    2) Mobile unit (ie. move of 2), which would allow them to escape from most combats and fight another day!
    3) Treats all terrain as roads.
    4) Minor stealth capability (is that even possible?) ie: hard to see.
    5) No ZoC
    6) Rapid pillaging??
    7) Require the Saltpetre resource (at least).

    The only problem with this idea is that I'd like some way of restricting access to these units, except under certain conditions!

    Some possibilities are:

    1) Unit can only be obtained from conscription?
    2) Have the Advance "Guerilla Tactics" give access to the "resource" Rebel Base/Guerilla Hideout which, if its within your cities borders, allows you to build Guerillas (this is in addition to saltpetre.
    3) My most favoured option, but the one which is possibly least likely, is to give Guerillas attributes similar to a strategic resource. Thus allowing the terrain to "spawn" or "lose" guerillas in the same way that you gain and lose strategic resources. The big issue here is that I wouldn't want it to be completely random, but connected to the capture of a city by a foreign power. Thus having terrain within a captured cities radius "randomly" spawning guerillas to try and recapture your territory (or at least to harrass the attackers!

    Anyway, that's the challenge I put out to the Modding community (who are certified geniuses, by the way!). Please tell me what can be done, and how you might go about doing it.


  • #2
    Adding a guerilla unit seems plausible. But i don't quite understand your ideas about resrouces?

    How about a minor wonder, The College of the Americas (heh heh). And this would let you build a guerilla unit, which moves like an explorer, and would be 4,4.

    but I think everyone would just use them to steal slaves. heh heh.
    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


    • #3

      I had the idea to make a similar unit and modified an explorer to do my dirty work. It blew up in my face. I don't want to take up a lot of space so, check out my Thread in the stories forum.
      To make a long story short Kc7mxo is right.....heh heh.


      • #4
        Which resource reference are you referring to?
        If it's the first, them I simply mean that only cities that have access to a rebel base can produce Guerillas. In this case, the "Rebel Base" is acting as a "strategic resource".
        My second reference is that Strategic Resources can appear and dissappear from the map over time. My point is that I'd like guerillas to appear and dissappear in the same way (so that civs can't Purposely build them).
        The only problem is that I'd only want guerillas to really only have a chance of appearing near cities that have recently been captured by an enemy!

        I hope this has answered your question!



        • #5
          Hey Bubba,
          Just came back from reading your story. Man from all I'm hearing, the A.I really does ROCK!!! A Merc unit is also a great idea for a modern unit!
          Back to my original point, however, I'd just love to see a unit that can randomly appear to fight for you after you've lost a city! The chances for spawning a geurilla should never be HIGH, but it should be possible, and it'd be a hell of a lot better than the partisan unit from civ2 (the ability of a geurilla being mobile immediately makes it more survivable!)
          Anyway, on the Mod side of things: can it be done?!



          • #6
            Originally posted by Kc7mxo
            Adding a guerilla unit seems plausible. But i don't quite understand your ideas about resrouces?

            How about a minor wonder, The College of the Americas (heh heh). And this would let you build a guerilla unit, which moves like an explorer, and would be 4,4.

            but I think everyone would just use them to steal slaves. heh heh.
            OH! That would be awsome! You could have the college of the americas allow you to make the land based equivalent of a privateer! Run around stealing workers and destroying improvements. Let it bombard and you could ruin cities too! Now you can fulfill all your abusive imperialist wet-dreams


            • #7
              Heh.. some people just have weird wishes.. But it does seem cool, and to think the AI knows how to use them too Making it stealth would make it much harder to detect. I mean, suddenly your workers switch sides and your improvement disappears.. That would really be havoc.

              And the parts about partisans appearing when cities get taken, they shouldn't have taken that out in Civ III. BTW, does it come out only after a long battle on that city? Or all the time? Or better yet, only when there's resistance Hope that can be done

