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What units would you add?

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  • What units would you add?

    Some of my ideas:

    War Elephants - 3/2/2 - Horseback Riding and Elephants (new strat. resource) - available to all civs
    Gurkhas - 5/6/1 - Nationalism - treats all squares as road, Indian UU

    Coracle - 0/0/3 - no tech - carries 1 unit, sinks in sea
    Steamer - 0/3/8 - Steam Power, Coal, Iron - carries 5 units
    (These movement rates are with respect that all ships should be speeded up)

    V2 rocket - weakened Cruise missile - Cruise missile comes with a later tech
    Airship - 0/2/0 4/2/4 - Combustion, Oil, Iron - can recon and bombard

    Have you got others?
    The difference between industrial society and information society:
    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

  • #2
    Well, I was considering adding one or so "pseudo-unique" unit for each side. Basically, it would be a standard unit using the standard name yet with slightly tweaked stats (and no chance of starting Golden Age). For instance, English (or Welsh, rather) Longbowmen and French Knights. Unfortunately, such units show up in the Civilopedia using the same name as the original unit (thus, you'd get the same unit entry twice), so I've abandoned the idea for now.


    • #3
      Excuse my ignorance, but what's a coracle and a Gukhas?
      "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners." - Edward Abbey


      • #4
        Gurkhas are elite warriors from uh Nepal, methinks. Their peculiar-looking (and big!) knives is more or less their trademark.

        Coracle is a very simple (and ancient) celtic boat.


        • #5
          this would only work if battlefeild medicine is enabled after sanitation is researched(which im not quitre sure of)
          medic 0/0/3-need medicine heals units in enemy territory . move to hurt unit ask medic to heal 1 turn = 2hit points.inaffective when battlefeild medicine is made.

          b52 bomber-0/7/0 12/2/1(5)adv. flight, mass produc. oil rubberupgrades from the jet fighter as the bomber is to the fighter.

          tomohawk-0/0/0 9/3/1(3)-rocketry,oil,aluminumanti-tank missile,can be loaded on to battleships, and destroyers and hercules (down).when loaded canm be bombarded with.

          c-130 hercules(transport)-0/5/0(1missile or 4units or 2 tomohawks)can airlift.

          intruder(anti-sub aircraft-against subs(a/d/m)9/6/8(if flys 2 far will crsh) against other 6/5/8. adv. flight, rocketry aluminum oil. can be rebased.yes can move lke gground units

          "Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ears."


          • #6
            Self-Propelled Artillary - Same stats as artillary, same move as tanks... needs oil.

            Motorized Infantry - (Think Jeeps) Same stats as Infantry, same move as tanks.... needs oil

            Attack Helicopter - Similar to a jet, can't intercept, shorter range, high bombardment stats.

            Special Forces - An upgraded version of Marines/Paratroopers with stats more on par with Mech. Infantry.


            • #7
              The following unit I made in Civ2, more for fun than anything else. I wish I still had the graphic...

              The Grim Reaper
              (replaced the Crusader)
              A=50 D=1 M=2
              Attributes: Destroyed after attacking

              With "the Touch of Death", the Grim Reaper was a fearsome, irresistable attacking force, but expensive to build and not reusable. Further limited by its fairly short availability.


              • #8
                Bring back Dragoons!!! Or Cavalry (if the current cavalry is supposed to be dragoons)


                • #9
                  Terrorist unit, 1/1/2 (8 bombard), attacks only once before expiring, and uses precision bombing to attack improvements, population or units. Either linked to one or two civs (Persians being one), or to fundamentalist governments (if the improved editor allows linking units to governments.) Enabled by Nationalism, or added advance - Fanaticism (prereqs: Nationalism and Monotheism, or somesuch.)

                  It's too bad that barbarians generally don't make it to modern times, as this would be an excellent unit for them.


                  • #10
                    These ideas are good.

                    What about pre-industrial units? I would like more emphasis on the early game.
                    The difference between industrial society and information society:
                    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


                    • #11
                      I would suggest the ballista/scorpion to represent early anti-infantry seige weaponry. Comes with mathematics like captapult, but functions like a normal unit, not bombardment. Stats [4.1.1] Can only attack units with 1 movement point to reflect how ineffective it was against faster units.


                      • #12
                        I already went with the War Elephants idea when I started messing around with the editor. I took the existing War Elephant Indian special unit, made it stronger and slower than a knight and made it require Ivory. I made Ivory more common, and made it appear in grasslands, forests, plains, and jungles.

                        Since finding out you can make a unit require any resource, I'm considering making an alternative mounted unit that uses game instead of horses, maybe a reindeer-drawn chariot or moose cavalry, that way I could make a realistic map of the Americas without horses and still have mounted units. Only problem is that it would end up being used by all civilizations and make horses less useful - if I could fix start locations to particular civs I could make it so that only Iroquois and Aztecs could use these units, but since you can't fix start locations it would defeat the purpose.


                        • #13
                          Some suggestions:

                          I would like to have some ability to extend the visual range, either by buildings like Radar Stations in cities or as a terrain improvement like the fortress (I wonder how the Brits would have stopped us without the radar stations in WWII).

                          I can't understand why a gallon has the same range of view (in real perhaps 50 km) as a modern battleship (in real about 300 km).

                          Perhaps we could get some kind of radar unit (visual range about 5 squares) and a radar plane like the E3-Sentry or the Hawkeye (visual range about 8 and 6 squares).

                          A small wonder like "GPS" or "Spy Satellite Command Center" should reveal all the map incl. units.

                          Thanks for reading...

                          "Amicus magis necessarius, quam ignis et aqua. - A friend is more necessary than fire and water. - Ein Freund ist notwendiger als Feuer und Wasser."
                          Marcus Tullius Cicero


                          • #14
                            An interesting idea I've succesfully tested is to remove the 'immobile' flag from 'copters in the editor, allowing them to move around in the field. This gives them the ability to fulfill their real-life functions of extraction and insertion of strike teams and wounded. It also allows attack helicopters to have a role that isn't pointless compared to jets, by being able to base out in the field and attack deeper into enemy territory.


                            • #15
                              NB: A gurkha's knife is called a "kukri."
                              Lime roots and treachery!
                              "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten

