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tech tree problems....

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  • tech tree problems....

    I've been fooling around in the map editor a bit, and I've noticed that every time I change one of the rules, any one, and then play the game, the tech tree in the science advisor menu has changed.

    The arrows going from tech to tech are replaced by lines that go from corner to corner and make the tree very difficult to read. Also, when selecting a tech to research, if I select "What's the big picture", I cannot change the researched tech or access the Cilvilopedia description for any tech from inside the tech tree.

    I've also noticed these changes in the tech tree screen are also present if i don't actually change any of the rules in the map, but simply deselect "Use default rules".

    Somebody please help....

  • #2
    Has anyone else had this problem...


    • #3
      I have the same problem, except that it looks fine but I can't select any of the techs.


      • #4
        Check this thread Dan Magaha of Firaxis attempted to help with this problem during the first days of the Civ Release.


        • #5
          Yes, I saw Dan's suggestion, but has anyone actually been able to fix the problem? Has anyone had a working science advisor screen while playing a scenario/map with modified rules?


          • #6
            save your scenario as civ3mod.bic (in the main Civ3 dir). Make a backup first!
            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #7
              ...still doesn't work....

              Thanks for the replies. I read that thread with Dan from Firaxis, but even with saving the file as Civ3mod.bic it still doesn't work. Something must be done about this, it's really frustrating, a patch MUST be released SOON!


              • #8
                Civ3mod.bic patches the game, so don't start it as a scenario. Instead, simply hit New Game and start a standard random map - works fine here.


                • #9
                  Here's how you get the tech tree working while using custom map, I'm pretty sure it's been discussed elsewhere, but people seem to have problems still =) as the clues on how to solve this problem is scattered throughout the board

                  Back up civ3mod.bic from the main directory, copy & paste to another directory, or make a copy, or whatever. Just leave a version of civ3mod.bic there, we gonna do some tinkering with this file.

                  Open it and make some changes:

                  First of all, click the 'no map' option under 'Tools' (ie get rid of the tick)

                  then, you must also check the size of the map, and make sure that size can be accomodated (ie, 256x256 real world map, then you have to go to Edit Rules --> World Sizes and change one of the entries to 256 by 256, the default max is only 180 180).

                  change also any rules that you want, changing most things should be ok, (ie, place your scenario rules here).

                  now, go to your scenario (map) file.

                  click on 'use default rules' under 'Tools'.

                  now play the game, load scenario and load that map you want. Should have no problems. If you do it right, then the game won't warn you about 'scenario not using default rules'

                  The reason why the tech tree is stuffed is because you're no longer using the default rules, it will go berserk if you load any kind of scenario not tagged by 'use default rules' because that means, well ... you are NOT using default rules. So the trick is to make the change the default rules into scenario rules, ie change your civ3mod.bic to your scenario rules.

                  Hence you load your scenario, Civ3 checks scenario and see that the scenario uses default rules, so it loads up civ3mod.bic, no question asked, tech tree works.

                  Hope this helps.


                  • #10
                    Worked like a charm.... Thanks for the comprehensive explanation Qeinchi.

