Originally posted by lockstep
At least it should straighten out that one of my interests is dancing - not exercising.
At least it should straighten out that one of my interests is dancing - not exercising.

are you a member of a group of dance performers?
we run a dance/cultural association here in Hungary. (not for making Austria flip

got a look at modern naval units and have some thoughts:
-destroyers should have zoc to counter passing shipping (they are fast)
-aegis AI could be set at naval power+missile
-nuclear sub has an attack of 10 equal of ironclad
it's quite strange, why not the same 16 as (diesel)submarine
i'm not naval warfare expert only played "harpoon" game sometimes it seems authentic. modern guided torpedoes could do serious harm to any vessels. it should also have a zoc to attack passing shipping. could have naval power+missile AI.
- carriers should carry tactical missiles, intruders and the such can launch cruise missiles can even carry nukes. according to this and because I think it's recommended to carry 3 helicopters for antisub-recon, a carrier should carry 12 units or so (i'm not sure but 5 planes,3 helos, 4 missiles seems real). It should also require some cost increase, now it costs just 33% more than a nuclear sub it's irreal I think. AI could be set to naval carrier+missile. anyways the picture shows a nimitz class so make it really dangerous.