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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod

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  • Originally posted by sfbaytf
    I like the idea of the Partisans, but feel they may be too powerful? You seem to be able to use them against your opponents without any adverse affects.
    A city of mine was razed by Chinese partisans while the Chinese were at peace with me. OTOH, if you defend your cities with mech. infantry, the AI will still attack them with partisans every single turn. No threat, but annoying like hell.

    Also does it seem like it takes a very long time to research advances and move to the modern age?
    Yes, Korn increased research times by 25% for all map sizes. I think that the original values need some tweaking according to map size, but no overall increase. Maybe I'll convince the modmaker.

    Edit: Note that while I don't like some of Korn's changes, this is still the best mod available IMO. Only Vel's 'no-name' mod seems to come close, judging from the readme and comments of people who actually tested it.
    Last edited by lockstep; February 7, 2002, 17:16.
    "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


    • I haven't tried out any other civ3 mods, but so far I do like the Korn's mods-abnormalities and all. Since I'm currently unemployed and looking for work I have lot's of time to kill. I'm going to start up another game.

      It would be great if there was a way to somehow incur a penalty for excessive use of partisans. No country would allow continuous assaults by irregular forces and not respond.

      Off the subject I downloaded a mod for Total Annihilation that allows you to play NATO vs the Russians. Looks like the robots have been replaced with M-1's, Apaches, T-72 and a bunch of other modern hardware.

      I also have CTP2. Any suggestions for CTP2 mods?

      Thank god for mod makers!


      • Originally posted by sfbaytf
        I also have CTP2. Any suggestions for CTP2 mods?
        Just by hearsay, you should try the Apolyton pack ('CtP2 as it should be').
        "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


        • Originally posted by star mouse
          60 x 60, 4 civs, cities = 18, research = 90, min dist = 15.

          80 x 80, 6 civs, cities = 20, research = 100, min dist = 16.

          100 x 100, 8 civs, cities = 24, research = 120, min dist = 18.

          140 x 140, 12 civs, cities = 32, research = 160, min dist = 20.

          180 x 180, 16 civs, cities = 40, research = 200, min dist = 24.

          This leads to well-spaced civs with fewer corruption-plagued cities. Research settings are much the same as usual but are tweaked so they are more consistent across sizes.
          Just to smooth out the tiny/small/standard succession, I suggest a number of optimal cities of 16 and a research rate of 80 for tiny maps. Otherwise, I'm with you regarding city/research figures, although our reasoning may differ.

          I can't really comment on minimal distance at the moment.
          "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


          • Originally posted by lockstep commenting on my world size changes
            Just to smooth out the tiny/small/standard succession, I suggest a number of optimal cities of 16 and a research rate of 80 for tiny maps. Otherwise, I'm with you regarding city/research figures, although our reasoning may differ.

            I can't really comment on minimal distance at the moment.
            Decreasing minimum distance to 14 on Tiny maps will work well with the progression idea:

            60 x 60, 4 civs, cities = 16, research = 80, min dist = 14.

            80 x 80, 6 civs, cities = 20, research = 100, min dist = 16.

            100 x 100, 8 civs, cities = 24, research = 120, min dist = 18.

            140 x 140, 12 civs, cities = 32, research = 160, min dist = 20.

            180 x 180, 16 civs, cities = 40, research = 200, min dist = 24.

            However, a poster in my thread has pointed out that the isometric progression means a 100 x 100 map actually has 5,000 grid squares, not 10,000 as I assumed, and this throws out all my calculations.

            Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!
            None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


            • Well it will be interesting to see how the next version of Korn's blitz mod will turn out. I started another game-large map, archipelago with 5 civs (Chinese, Japanese, Indians, English, Russians). Without a doubt the abiltiy of the galleys to move 50 squares makes for a much diffrent game. I never played on a naval oriented map - I usually stick to contential maps. It will be interesting to see how it all eventually pans out. I can't wait to see how the modified naval units work out.

              I have a suggestion-if it's at all possible-Marine Amphibous Units. A combination of marine ground units, Harrier type aircraft that don't need to be based at cities and helecopters-both transport and attack. Mabye a WASP type assault ship too. I know I'm probably getting carried away here, but who knows? From what I've seen so far it looks like you can edit Civ3 extensively.

              I also wouldn't mind seeing actual paratrooper drops. I used to love pulling them off in CTP. For some reason they took them out in CTP2.


              • arrrg!
                another hour and a half lost because i foolishly think that the submit button works

                anyways short version
                *i updated the wonder stats from the readme (now i need to redo this )
                *new units for beta 7, outrigger 1.1.1 naval unit you can build from the start, colonist, grenadier offensive ground unit with musketmen, partisan, modern army, special forces/command
                *government changes

                i'm going with a trinity

                builder: republic --> democracy (high war weariness, low support, low/none police, high money, low corruption, high assimilation)
                hybrid: monarchy --> communism (medium war weariness, good support, good police, good production, poor money, medium assimilation)
                war monger: despotism --> fascism (no war weariness, good support, good police, poor production, medium corruption, no assimilation)

                i'm dropping confederation

                i've had some computer problems at home and just now got around to fixing them so i haven't played or modded civ3 in a while, i know i'm slow but i'm getting there eventually


                • So Fascism becomes the ultimate war government? With lower war weariness than communism? I'm not sure how this will work out - even in beta6, every single AI switched to Fascism as soon as it was available.

                  Another question, how are you going to diferentiate production?

                  At last, please give special attention to the AI's use of partisans. For me, they're annoying like hell.
                  "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                  • Well I've been at my 5 nation game on the archipeligo map for 2 days straight. I'm playing at Monarch level. I went past the manditory end date. 2 of the civs the English and Russians have started to build spaceship components. I haven't started any spaceship components. , but I've been able to entice the Japanese to go to war against both so perhaps I can catch up or take them over since I have a huge navy, modern armor and stealth technology and have already taken over several islands. I notice that partisans don't seem to be as active-perhaps the nature of the map I'm playing has something to do with it. All in all I have to say I really like the blitz mod, but as I've said in the past it takes forever to advance. I don't see how anyone could get a spaceship built before the mandatory retirement.

                    On another note i noticed that there is a new tournament game out. Can you submit a tournament game using any mods or does it have to be played with the standard CIV.exe?


                    • lockstep

                      i think part of the reason why the AI builds so many partisans is because from longbowmen until marines there isn't a ground offensive unit that is why i am adding in grenadiers and i'm going to switch the costs around somewhat

                      i'm thinking of making the grenadier 10.4.1 40 and it will come around gunpowder, and in that case i almost might not add special forces (12.8.4 130 air drop, amphibious, hidden nationality {oil, rubber} advanced flight or rocketry)

                      the partisan will remain 8.8.4 40/1, so the AI will still still build them, but hopefully not quite as much

                      as for governments here is what i'm thinking about stats

                      3 police
                      3/3/3 1 support
                      3 draft
                      tile penalty
                      no war weariness
                      80 rate cap
                      2 worker rate
                      forced labor
                      0 assimilation
                      rampant corruption

                      2 police
                      2/4/6 2 support
                      3 draft
                      low war weariness
                      90 rate cap
                      4 worker rate
                      paid labor
                      1 assimilation
                      problematic corruption

                      1 police
                      1/2/3 2 support
                      2 draft
                      high war weariness
                      90 rate cap
                      trade bonus
                      5 worker rate
                      paid labor
                      2 assimilation
                      nuisance corruption

                      4 police
                      3/5/7 3 support
                      4 draft
                      no war weariness
                      no rate cap
                      trade bonus
                      4 worker rate
                      forced labor
                      0 assimilation
                      problematic corruption

                      5 police
                      4/5/6 2 support
                      4 draft
                      low war weariness
                      no rate cap
                      6 worker rate
                      forced labor
                      3 assimilation
                      communal corruption

                      0 police
                      0/2/4 3 support
                      1 draft
                      high war weariness
                      no rate cap
                      trade bonus
                      8 worker rate
                      paid labor
                      4 assimilation
                      minimal corruption


                      if you submit a tournament game played with the blitz mod, just make sure to inform them of it

                      here is another question for every about AI strategies

                      i'm going with techwin's suggestion to override the individual AI choices for each civ and try to give them the best AI choices

                      how many of each setting should we have? builder/hybrid/warmonger

                      here is an example for a war monger

                      high agression (either level 4 or level 5)
                      favorite government fascism
                      shunned government democracy
                      manage citizens
                      manage production
                      offensive land units
                      air units

                      here is an example for a builder

                      low aggression (either level 1 or level 2)
                      favorite government democracy
                      shunned government fascism
                      manage citizens
                      manage production
                      emphasize trade
                      defensive land units

                      here is an example for a hybrid

                      medium aggression (level 3)
                      favorite government communism
                      shunned government none or anarchy
                      manage citizens
                      manage production
                      offensive land units
                      defensive land units

                      thoughts on that?

                      EDIT: also i am going to make a few changes to the general settings...i am going to make the draft penalty only 15 turns, and i am going to increase the shield value of each citizen to 25, but make the turn penalty for it 25 as well
                      Last edited by korn469; February 9, 2002, 16:49.


                      • i'm going with techwin's suggestion to override the individual AI choices for each civ and try to give them the best AI choices
                        Before you go with your proposed route for Civilizations (the editor tab), I would like you to view my version for Civilizations. I've been working on this for about a few hours, and I'm almost finished. I imagine that I will be able to post the documents within the next half hour.
                        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                        • Well, I guess I had less than a half hour of work left.

                          Here is the original (unmodified) document for Civilizations. For all of those who use this mod I would appreciate it, especially you Korn, if you would download this file and give feedback on your thoughts. Also, sorry about having to have this as a file, but it would be far too difficult to do it otherwise.
                          Attached Files
                          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                          • Here is the modified document for Civilizations. For all of those who use this mod I would appreciate it, especially you Korn, if you would download this file and give feedback on your thoughts. Also, sorry about having to have this as a file, but it would be far too difficult to do it otherwise.
                            Attached Files
                            However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                            • The two main problems with that occurred with the formula I used are as follows: 1) Some Civs have too many preferences. 2) Too many Civs (IIRC all of them do) have the preference for production. I would have tried to fix these problems myself in the document, but I thought I would just show what the final results were first. Not to mention, I felt that the rest of the tinkering should be left up to Korn.

                              thoughts on that?
                              Well, I like your changes, but I hope you decide to use mine instead. In large part because I spent so much time on that document, which includes the organization of the document and the actual thought process of editing Civ3. However, one thing I forgot to do are changes to the governor settings.

                              as for governments here is what i'm thinking about stats
                              I like most of your ideas, except I just can't see why anyone would be a Communism. Democracy is at one end and Facism very other end, then there is Communism sitting right there in the middle. It would seem that most Civs are going to want to lean towards one end or the other, not linger in the middle without receiving any big benefits. So I think you should make Communism have zero war weariness.
                              However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                              • techwins

                                ok i am looking at it now

                                hehe my very first thought was, hey you got the traits for the americans wrong, but then i realized you changed them

                                so let me see if this is correct

                                Commercial, Industrious
                                Agression Level 3
                                Offensive Ground Units
                                Air Units

                                Militaristic, Religious
                                Agression Level 4
                                Offensive Ground Units
                                Defensive Ground Units

                                and so on, i'm getting ready to leave so i can't copy them all down right now

                                6 Industrious +1
                                5 Expansionist +0
                                5 Militaristic -1
                                5 Religious -2
                                6 Scientific +2
                                5 Commercial +0

                                AGL = 1 = CUL – TRA – HAP – PRO – SCI – GRO –WEA
                                AGL = 2 = PRO – CUL – TRA – HAP – DLU – SCI - GRO
                                AGL = 3 = PRO – HAP - SCI – GRO – OLU – CUL - TRA
                                AGL = 4 = PRO – OLU – DLU – HAP – SCI – GRO – CUL
                                AGL = 5 = OLU – DLU – PRO – HAP – SCI – ALU - EXP

                                Each Civ gets an additional 3 building preferences based on their aggression level. If a Civ already contains one of the listed building preferences it will receive the next most valued preference, therefore, no matter what a Civ will receive 3 additional, building preferences.
                                ok if you could explain that part a little better, because the Americans have 8 build preferences and the Aztecs have 5 and i'm not sure how you arrived at those numbers exactly

                                do the numbers in front of each trait determine the original number of preferences? like a commercial civ will have 6 or am i missing something?

                                although i don't understand the methodology behind your system yet, it looks like you put alot of though into it, only thing you might want to consider is that aggressive civs will most likely need air power

                                like here is how i would set up ag5

                                AGL = 5 = OLU – DLU – PRO – SCI – AIU – GRO - EXP

                                also how about governmental preferences? should i leave them the same or what?

                                plus what did u think of the preliminary government stats i posted techwins?

                                I like most of your ideas, except I just can't see why anyone would be a Communism. Democracy is at one end and Facism very other end, then there is Communism sitting right there in the middle. It would seem that most Civs are going to want to lean towards one end or the other, not linger in the middle without receiving any big benefits. So I think you should make Communism have zero war weariness.
                                in addition to the items listed above there are also the resistance charts and the immunities, fascism will have experience alot of resistance, and spies in communism will be the best; then there is the fact that democracy is immune to propaganda, fascism is immune to tech steal, and communism is immune to city investigation...i really wish it was possible to distinguish more between governments
                                Last edited by korn469; February 9, 2002, 18:08.

