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MOD: Ancients Civ3 Gov/Balance Mod

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  • MOD: Ancients Civ3 Gov/Balance Mod

    NOW V2.0

    This mod includes many (80+) Minor changes to civ3.

    V2.0 is honestly a polished V1.81 i suggest an upgrade if you got aany earlier one and liked it. The largest Changes which are pretty huge revolve arround the scout, he is now an excellent early age fighter/builder. Also Republic is now more of a worthy government, democracy has been drastically changed, and every thing is Rejumbled in new and intersting ways, version 2.0 is Deffinitely the best version of civ3 you can play.

    Changes in 2.0 from 1.81
    -Great wall now cost 35, and gives you a wall in every city on the continent under size 6
    -Constitutional monarchy now has low war weariness
    -republics now recieves trade bonuses
    -republics now revieve 2 free units
    -republics workers now work at 200%
    -democracy workers now work at 250%
    -Additional unit suppoirt for democracy is now 3
    -Democracy now has support of 1t/2c/3m + 6 free
    -democratic socialism workers now works at 200%
    -communism is now limited to 3MP and 3 Recruits
    -fascism now has a rate cap of 7
    -anarchy now has a rate cap of 5
    -Archer now has origional stats
    -mech infantry now has 20 attack and 11 defense and 5 movement
    -Cruise Missiles now cost 5 (+1)
    -Jaquar warriors now have 2 attack and cost 1
    -impis now cost 3
    -aircraft carriers now carry 6 planes
    -panzers have 5 movement
    -tanks have 4 movement (+1)
    -modern amour now has 6 movement (+2)

    V1.81 replaced with 2.0 after 240 dl's
    V1.8 replaced with 1.81 after about 300 dls
    V1.5 Replaced with 1.8 after 970 Dls
    V1.35 replaced with V1.5 after 612 Dls
    V1.25 Replaced with V1.35 after 443 Dl's
    V1.2 replaced with 1.25 after 346 downloads

    Download Here
    Attached Files
    Last edited by ancient; December 18, 2001, 20:19.

  • #2

    Main Features V2.0

    -Updated Civilopedia
    - Fascism
    - Theocracy
    - Democratic Socialism
    - Constitutional Monarchy
    - Rebalanced Governments
    - Introduction of Rate Caps
    - Varying Gold Support
    - Rebalanced Naval Units
    - Rebalanced Air Units
    - Cheaper Nuclear Weapons
    - Cheaper Bombard Units
    - Reduced Corruption
    - Redone Leader Personality's (to reflect new govs)
    - Modified Worker Effects
    - Reverse Culture
    - Modified Wonders & Improvements
    - Modified Success Rates
    - Better chance to counter Air missions
    - More Manageable pollution
    - Faster Naval Units
    - Increased Paratrooper Range
    -More Civ2 Styled Rules
    -Changed Colors

    Full Changes

    Government changes

    -immune to build embassy
    -diplomats are conscript
    -spies are conscript
    -resistant fa:5 fu:5 ds:-15
    -rate cap 5
    -propaganda ds-30
    -war weariness is high
    -worker rate is 50%

    -3 units free for town
    -5 free for metro
    -resistant fa:0 fu:-5
    -propaganda fa:0 fu:0
    -rate cap 6
    -5 free units per city
    -7 free units per metro
    -resistant fa:0 fu:5
    -propaganda fa:-5 fu:-10
    -rate cap 8
    -worker rate is 100%

    -worker rate of three
    -m. police limit 4
    -work rate is 150%
    -paid labor
    -1 free unit per town
    -4 free units per city
    -8 free units per metropolis
    -units cost 2 to support
    -Propaganda a:40 des:25 m:15 c:0 R:10 D:5 fa:-10 fu:-15 Sd:-5
    -standard tile bonus
    -resistance Fu:-15 fa:-10 sd:-10
    -rate cap 9
    -Spies are now Elite

    -1 free unit per city
    -2 free units per metro
    -2 free units
    -corruption is now only nuisance
    -resistance fa:0 fu:-5
    -rate cap 9
    -standard trade bonus
    -worker rate 200%

    -worker rate is 250%
    -diplomats are veteran
    -spies are conscript
    -now immune to sabotage production
    -5% assimilation chance
    -1 free unit per metropolis, town and city
    -6 free units
    -units cost 2 to support
    -Resistance fa:15 fu:5
    -Propaganda fa:15 fu:-15
    -rate cap 10

    -prerequisite Nationalism
    -Corruption Nuisance
    -free units: 4,t 6,c 10,m
    -diplomats are regular
    -spies are veteran
    -immune to investigate city
    -worker rate is 100%
    -3% assimilation chance
    -draft limit 4
    -military police limit is 4
    -forced labor
    -1 gold per unit
    -forced labor
    -Propaganda A:25 Des:15 m:5 c:0 r:-5 d:-10 fa:-5 fu:-15 ds:10
    -rate cap 7

    -Prerequisite Monotheism
    -all units free
    -corruption minimal
    -worker rate 2
    -cant hurry
    -no war wearyness
    -resistance A:20 Des:15 M:10 C:5 R:0 D:-15 Fa:5 fu:0
    -diplomats are conscript
    -spies are conscript
    -no immunitys
    -1 draft limit
    -0 military police
    -propaganda a:20 des:10 m:5 c:-15 r:5 d:0 fa:5 fu:-5 Ds:10
    -assimilation chance 1%
    -rate cap 6

    ----------------Democratic Socialism
    -Preresiquite Radio
    -Corruption is problematic
    -Rate Cap is 9
    -Worker Rate is 200%
    -Assimilation Chance is 10%
    -Draft Limit 1
    -Military Police Limit is two
    -Paid Labor Rush
    -Requires Maintenace
    -standard trade bonus
    -free units: 2t,3c,4m 5 free units auto
    -units cost 2 apeice
    -immune to Expose Enemy Mole
    -Diplomats are Veteren
    -Spies are Regular
    -Low War Weariness
    -Resistance: A:30 Des:25 M:5 C:20 R:5 D:0 Fa:10 T:-10 DS:0
    -Propagande A:50 Des:0 M:10 C:5 R:10 Dec:5 Fa:15 T:-5 Ds:-5
    -1 military police limit.

    ------------------Constitutional Monarchy
    -Prerequisite Education
    -Rate cap is 8
    -draft limit is 3
    -Military Police limit is 2
    -Free units 3t/5c/7m 1 gold apice after
    -Diplomats are veterans spies are regular
    -Immune to steal plans
    -Paid Labor Rush
    -low war wearieness
    -Standard Trade Bonus
    -Requires maintenance
    -Corruption is a nuisance
    -Resistance modifier a:30 des:25 m:25 c:10 r:0 d:-5 f:5 T:-10 Ds:-15 Cm:0

    [Civilization Changes worth mentioning]

    Rome now favors Fascism, and shuns Communism (5) {white}
    Egypt favors Monarchy and Shuns Republic (3) {light pink}
    Greece Favors Democracy and shuns Theocracy (2) {bright green}
    Babylon favors Theocracy and Shuns Communism (3) {dark blue}
    Germany favors Fascism and shuns Socialist Democracy (4) {blue}
    Russia Favors Communism and Shuns Fascism (3) {brown}
    China favors Communism and shuns Constitutional Monarchy (2) {yellow}
    America favors Democracy and shuns Communism (4) {light blue}
    Japan Favors Fascism and Shuns Republic (5) {pea green}
    France Favors Democratic Socialism and Shuns Monarchy (3) {dark pink}
    India favors Democracy and shuns fascism (1) {dark purple}
    Persia favors Theocracy and Shuns Democratic Socialism (3) {teal}
    Aztecs favor Monarchy and shun Communism (4) {evergreen}
    Zulu favor Fascism and Shun Democracy (5) {black}
    Iroqois Favor Democratic Socialism and shun Fascism (3) {light brown}
    England favor Constitutional Monarchy and shuns Democracy (4) {orange}

    (+_ indicates aggresiveness 1 being lowest, 5 highest)

    Unit Stats
    Mech Infantry's Defence was raised to 20 (+2), its attack was decrease to 12 (-2), and its price was dropped to 10 (-1)
    Chariot now has 3 moves, and 2 attack, thats +1
    Jaguar Warriors now have 2 attack (+1)
    war chariot is now 3/1/3
    Musketmen now cost 5
    Knights now cost 6
    Riflemen now cost 7
    Infantry now cost 8
    Tanks mow have 4 movement ponts, +2
    Panzers now have 4 movement +1
    Mech infantry now have 5 movement points 20 defense and 11 atack and cost 11
    Modern amor now have 6 movement points, +2
    Paratrooper range is now 6
    Impis Now Have 2/2/2 over 1/2/2 and cost 3
    Panzers have 5 movement


    -Cruise Missile/0.0.1/16.2.3/(0)/C6/Aluminum
    Now Cost only 4
    -Tactical Nuke/0.0.1/C30/Aluminum.Uranium
    Now costs only 10
    Now Cost only 20
    is now 4.2.4/4.1.2/(0)C5/""
    is now 5.3.4/5.1.2/(0)/C5""
    -Privateer /1.1.3/0.0.0/(0)/C6/Iron.Saltpeter
    Is now 4.2.3/0.0.0/(0)/C4/Saltpeter
    Is now 3.5.4/3.1.2/(0)/C6/""
    Is now 14.8.8/16.3.4/(0)/C10/""
    Is now 9.4.4/0.0.0/(1)/C8/"" (can now carry 1 footsoldier unit ex infantry)
    is now 17.11.7/20.5.4/(0)/C14/""
    -AEGIS Cruiser/12.10.5/4.2.2/(0)/16/Aluminum.Uranium
    is now 14.10.10/8.5.4/(1)/10/"" (can now cary 1 tactical missile)
    Is now/1.1.4/0.0.0/(2)/C3/
    is now 1.4.3/0.0.0/(3)/C3/
    is now 1.4.4/0.0.0/(4)/C4/
    -Transport 1.4.5/0.0.0/(8)/C10/Oil
    is now 1.5.8/0.0.0/(8)/C8/""
    is now2.9.7/0.0.0/(6)/C14/""
    -Nuc. Submarine/6.4.3/0.0.0/(1)/C12/Uranium
    is now 14.6.8/0.0.0/(2)C14/""
    is now 0.2.1/12.8.3/(0)/C6/""
    -Stealth Fighter/0.0.1/4.6.2/(0)/C12/Oil.Aluminum
    is now 0.0.1/8.8.5/(0)/C8/""
    -Stealth Bomber/0.0.1/8.8.1/(0)/C24/Oil.Aluminum
    is now 0.0.1/24.8.6/(0)/C10/""
    is now 4.2.1/4.4.1/(0)/C4/""
    -Jet Fighter/8.4.1/2.6.1/(0)/C10/Oil.Aluminum
    is now/8.4.1/4.8.3/(0)/C8/""
    is now 10.4.1/5.8.4/(0)/C8/""
    is now 0.2.1/0.6.0/(1)/C2

    Patch History

    -Democratic socialism is now tamed/bolstered..
    -Constitutional monarchy added..
    -Republic no longer recieves full trade bonus
    -Citizens Born Happy
    Cheiftan 5
    Warlord 4
    Regent 3
    Monarch 2
    Emperror 1
    Deity 0
    -Naval unit movement Boost
    -Archer now has Three attack, raised one from two
    -Chariot now has 3 moves, and 2 attack, thats +1
    -Musketmen now cost 5
    -Knights now cost 6
    -Riflemen now cost 7
    -Infantry now cost 8
    -Tanks mow have 3 mvement ponts, +1
    -Panzers now have 4 movement +1
    -Mech infantry now have 4 movement points
    -Modern amor now have 5 movement points, +2
    -Paratrooper range is now 6
    -war chariot is now 3/2/3
    -Paratrooper range is now 6
    -Impis Now Have 2/2/2 over 1/2/2
    -Calvalry will now upgrade to Tank
    -Longbowman will now upgrade to Rifleman

    -Caraval defense is now 3 -1
    -Galleon defense is now 4 +1
    -Radar Artillery now Cost 10 compared to 12
    -Artillery cost 6 compared to 8 before
    -Nuc. Subs attack is now 12 -2
    -Democratic Socialism Added
    -fundamentalism Renamed Theocracy
    -Communism now gets only 8 free units per metropolis compared to 10.
    -Reverse Culture is added
    -culture rules are changed
    -Wonders are Modified
    -Scientist now produce +2 science
    -Tax Collectors Produce +2 Gold
    -Germany now favors Democratic Socialism and shuns monarchy
    -France now Favors Democratic Socialism and Shuns Despotism
    -Persia now favors Fundamentalism and Shuns Democratic Socialism
    -Iroqois Favor Democratic Socialism and shun fascism

    V 1.35
    -Privateer is now /40/ instead of /50/2.1.2/0.0.0/Iron Saltpeter
    -Ironclad now has 5 defense, lowered from 6
    -Submarine now has 9 attack, compared to 8 earlier
    -Battleship Attack is now 17, +1, defense now has 11 defense, 1 higher than before
    -Destroyers defense was raised to 8, +1.
    -Carrier can now carry 8 airplanes.
    -Frigates now have 4A 2D and 3M, thats -1 from v1.25 in all forms
    -Fundamentalism now has rate cap of 6 and is available through
    Monotheism, not polytheism.
    -Despotism now has a rate cap of 6.
    -Rome now favors Fasism, and shuns Communism
    -Greece now Favors Democracy and shuns fundamentlism
    -Babylon now favors Fundamentalism and Shuns Communism
    -Russia now Favors Communism and Shuns Fascism
    -Japan now Favors Fascism and Shuns Republic
    -India now favors Democracy and shuns fascism
    -Persia now favors Fundamentalism and Shuns Democracy
    -Aztecs now favor fundamentalism and shun Communism
    -Iroqois Favor Democracy and shun fascism
    -England now favor Monarchy and shunns Fasism
    -china is less aggressive
    -france is more aggressive

    -Fundamentalism now is available via polytheism
    -Fascism is now available via nationalism
    -is now fully Stable
    Last edited by ancient; December 17, 2001, 20:41.


    • #3

      i care, i don't have the game yet but- i' think from what i've read the game needs patching, as you've patched it- but can i have a little more info on how much you've changed? for instance i read about the nukes not making sense to maintain and use, and air-units being too weak, but what do you mean you've changed AI personalities for govs? and why varying gold support?

      i will probably download this patch but i am reading this from somewhere i can't download it- so i concede you may have already answered these quimbos, just humour me please
      Freedom Doesn't March.



      • #4
        What's this "Rate Cape" thing?
        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
        Also active on WePlayCiv.


        • #5
          Taken from the readme.htm:
          "This Patch includes many (50+) Minor changes to civ3. I am too lazy to post all of them."

          But, i'm too lazy to find out what you've changed ...


          • #6
            Yeah... you're to lazy to tell me what you did... I'm too lazy to tell you I'm not gonna try it out... Man, guess I was wrong about that, but I'm not wrong when I say I'm not trying any changes to the game unless I know exactly what you did... it seems others feel the same way


            • #7
              this is now redundent
              Last edited by ancient; November 15, 2001, 20:02.


              • #8
                Now thats more like it
                Hoping that 4 is closer to 2 than 3


                • #9
                  very nice and detail.. only i'd suggest an executive version or some kind of diff vs default values for marketing purposes

                  kinda more of relative vs absolute values?:
                  -Rebalanced Naval Units
                  Submarine/80/ (can now carry 1 footsoldier)


                  or even 'Submarine is weaker but faster now' and btw, how does one squeze some batalion of troops into that tiny sub things..


                  • #10

                    so you think it should be

                    Origional Unit
                    New units
                    Why i changed what i did?

                    im thinking about adding notes to..

                    i wrote a bunch of stuff on paper, and i have a scanner..

                    download the new version 1.25, it make Fascism be accesable by researching Nationalism and fundamentelism available through Polytheism

                    i made those changes because it was unstable, and because i felt that they should be available easily..


                    • #11
                      ancient: yeah, better
                      but, what is that "rate cap" ?

                      thx in advance,


                      • #12
                        umm, won't this result in the ironclad killing even MORE battlesihps?
                        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hermanthegerman
                          ancient: yeah, better
                          but, what is that "rate cap" ?

                          thx in advance,
                          Rate cap is the limit that science and luxarys can be set to.

                          Ironclad has a 4 attack, battle ship has 10 defense, i dont see that happenning too often..


                          • #14
                            won't this result in the ironclad killing even MORE battlesihps?
                            If the Battleship was 18/12 & is now 16/10
                            and the Ironclad was 4/4 & is now 4/6.

                            More Ironclads will win Battleships than before.

                            Before: If the Ironclad attacked: 4/16 = 25% Ironclad win.
                            Now: If the Ironclad attacks: 4/14 = 28.5% Ironclad win.
                            ((About 10% more often here))

                            Before: If the Battleship attacked: 4/22 = 18% Ironclad win.
                            Now: If the Battleship attacks: 6/22 = 27.3% Ironclad win.
                            ((About 50% more often here))


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ancient

                              fundamentelism available through Polytheism

                              i made those changes because it was unstable, and because i felt that they should be available easily..
                              Isn't Polytheism a bit TOO early for something that is clearly much better than Monarchy? Polytheism is actually a prerequisite for Monarchy! At least string it out past Theology like Civ 2 did!

