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Modmakers Tutorial: How to add new units, improvements, wonders, and technologys!

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  • I tried this procedure, but now I can't get into my editor?

    I saved a back-up and started with the procedure:
    When I got to my multi tool, it asked for the name,
    I tried putting in civ3mod.bic and it said it didn't have a map? I tried with it saying no map, and with my mod, and both times, when I clicked the big copy, it changed the unit to settler, and I got 1 ok, saying complete. After the first one, I looked in my editor, but it wasn't there, then when I tried with my mod, after the same responce, I couldn't get back to my editor? I can't get back into it from anywhere? Do you know what happened?
    Last edited by SpydraXxX; April 16, 2003, 11:35.


    • The Multitool isn't for PTW. You can add with you normal editor and the civelopedia.txt and etc. the symbols manually. I think ou don't use Writing (the symbol) for other techs. for examble make a new symbol:
      Ich bin die Leere , Samiel.
      Ich bin stolz auf mein Vaterland ohne rassistisch zu sein.
      Die Kirche soll verrecken.
      Böhse Onkelz immer wieder immer wieder


      • I was responding to the initial post for tutorial.

        I don't have ptw. I sorta fixed it though, I had to reinstall to get my editor working again. Now I have back-up copies of everything. But I still don't know what happened? Why it crashed on me? I also assumed that when he refered to Civ3 Copy Tool, he meant the Civ3 Multi Tool by Gramphos....


        • Also, I created an animation using the tutorial from here, and I can't get my .flc file to be read by FLICster, says it must be a non-civ3 .flc? I even took my animination and went over an existing usable file and renamed it. Still wouldn't read it? Anyone know why?


          • Plutark or anyone else may be able to solve my question.
            I changed some of the unit graphics in the editor (PTW) w/ some of the extras that came with PTW. The building que (right click outside city menu) will show the changed unit that has replaced for example the old archer.But, the unit when built is stil the old graphic for the archer. If I left click on the city, the unit inside is the new version but the building que on the city view is still the old archer unit.
            This thread talks about adding new units. I just want to change graphics for what was already there. Is the process the same? If the answer has already been posted plz direct me there. thanx


            • foreign advisor screen

              I made a new civ and graphics and all, but, as others have had problems with, the foreign advisor screen graphics don't work. I make a pcx file for the new civ, and I added the line in the pedia file that specifies what pcx file to use (btw, the picture files used in the foreign advisor screen are in the advisors folder for some reason), but I still get the unknown civ picture even after I've encountered the new civ...


              • Plutarck:

                I followed your steps on how to create your own units but whenever I try to load up my scenario I get the following Error message:

                Load Error
                Error Reading File

                I was just messing around with creating my own unit and Brigantine is what I named it. Any idea on what I did wrong or why it isnt working? Any help would be appreciated thank you for your time.


                • Ack nevermind I got it working.

                  Sorry about the useless posts.


                  • adding technologies

                    I downloaded the monsterman mod from his website, but it didnt load and said that technologies are missing from the pediaicons.txt. So it turns out the pediaicons.txt doesn't have the techs in it, so I copy them from the backup, but it still doesn't work. I see that it has new techs in it, so i try to add the techs by adding new entries, and use on of the other icons for the techs, but it still doesn't work.

                    I have civ III vanilla, and patch 1.29f.

                    I tried to change writing, by lowering the icon in the editor, but it doesn't have one.

                    Can someone tell me how to do this.


                    • When I added in the light tank from the ww2 sen I dident need the civ3 copy tool i just used regular copy and it worked. Is there an explanation behind this or is the game going to crash.
                      I allready tested it I started my self with a couple of them and I dident get an error so I guss it worked.
                      Absolute power corrupts absolutely


                      • what about adding techs for C3C? Is that also a different procedure and if it is where do I find it?


                        • I'm looking for a tool that will help me manage my tech tree. I've got it made on paper....but I'd like to get it on the computer so it is easier to make changes. Any one have any ideas?

                          Yes it is a different procedure. Good luck, I haven't done this, however here is some pertinent info.
                          The Graveyard Keeper
                          Of Creation Forum
                          If I can't answer you don't worry
                          I'll send you elsewhere


                          • That's a reael waste of time. You could just download the A Civ tool from Utilities in files that has a Wizard to do all of it for you.
                            Not to insult your intelligence or anything. Backward programming like that is hard.


                            • The link to the tool in question is found at the link I provided. However, the wizard is misnamed, if you doubt this go to it!
                              The Graveyard Keeper
                              Of Creation Forum
                              If I can't answer you don't worry
                              I'll send you elsewhere


                              • Help adding an existing (sort of) unit

                                I'd appreciate the help, this might be a dumb question nut I'll ask anyway.I'm trying to add a P-51 unit to the Pacific War scenario. I've already got the Civilopedia entry done and such.

                                My question is how do I get the scenario to use icon 157 for the unit animations in game? That aircraft would make a decent P-51 but so far I can't figure out how to use it in game.

                                If that's not possible can some on point me to where I might find a acceptable aircraft unit to use?

