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MOD: Long Winded Changes Mod: Improvements increasing Balance, Accuracy, and Fun

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  • Great Mod Until...

    Great mod Plutarck...up til the time I sent about 15 destroyers over to the Egytion city of Alexandria (size 22 ). I hoped at best to destroy a building or 2 and her ivory improvements. I ended my turn with my destoyers ajacent to her city. On the next turn I had destroyed every building in the city and reduced the city to size 1.
    After about 20 hours of game play I had to quit. I had a small land force and a large naval force. I could have reduced my oppenets coastal citys all down to size 1 in no time and basically walked away with the game.
    I would suggest you ace the blitz on ships as I did on your mod.
    Making radical changes that come in mid or late game should be given Hard thought as they can completly unbalance the game.
    Get out in the sun once in a while!


    • I have just installed version 6.

      Could not be easier.
      It has changed the game from being irritating and frustrating, to being FUN.

      Thank you. Thank you.

      Only up to AD so far, but no glitches.
      " There are no scientific facts, only historical ones and they are all biased."


      • Woops!
        I spoke too soon.

        I have had two general protection crashes.
        Both came at the end of my turn and when an announcement was made.
        Like..."Our supply of horses has run out." or..."We have discovered a new supply of iron ore."

        Difficult to be certain, because the screen goes black and you are left with just the Windoze illegal operation message.
        " There are no scientific facts, only historical ones and they are all biased."


        • One final thought on global warming:

          Has anyone ever heard of the dinosaurs? A rising of the temperature over the globe should decrease the number of violent storms and make more land available for agriculture. If you don't believe me, look at a map of Canada and Russia.

          Yes, there is probably some global warming. The amount of damage caused by it is not nearly as devastating as some may think. A much greater problem is deforestation (which the Civ3 programmers seem to actually reward!) and is not covered by the global warming in the game.

          As for the pollution effect, how many times did an area the size of Rhode Island become completely unusable during the late 1800's? None! Yet the game has this happen quite often.

          In addition, the super fund in the USA is hardly funded and does not exist in many other regions of the world. Why is it that there are sooooo few places on the planet that are so polluted that no one can produce anything there??? Civ2 and Civ3 must have had an Eco-nazi on the planning board.


          • Balance...

            great stuff you did here. Still the thing with the ships I also faced. Bashed every coastal city (does not matter if it has coastal defense).
            I think thats not realistic (look at the real damage of ships and even missles). Also want to hit the armies not the city = that is not possible, can you change that? More % to hit armies then buildings or civilians?
            I also would prefer more units in the time of the 16th to the end of 19th century. Dragoons, Grendiers, baloons for recon, Hussars as fast light cavalry, machingunners and heavy artillery for WWI, first airplanes (double wings), first battleships = dreadnaughts, flamethrower... There are 3-4 centuries with only one or two typs of every unit (my oppinion).
            Is it possible to get icons for the new buildings you made?
            And one of my most important questions:
            Is it possible to make armies with leaders (name to change) and to make some adds to offense, defense or even range (symboling the leader) In Call to power the diverent units in the army add different fighting technics. Maybe it should be possible in CIV III also (plus when artillery in the army or when infantry and cavalry together). If that's impossible I am sorry but I dont know anything about programming that game...


            • My, it's been quite a while since I posted anything, and I'm obviously quite back-logged in my replys.

              But to the meat of the issue that most people are most interested in: I Will be updating the LWC Mod for the new patch!

              What I will most likely do is wait for a few days after the patch to insure that no major bugs suddenly pop up, and that the installer build process wasn't (hilariously) FUBAR'ed

              Then I'll "remake" the mod anew, but with just some minor tweaks and taking advantage of the new options (if neccessary).

              As there are ways of handling things that I think will be alot less buggy (but which are completely invisible to you, the end-user; it's mainly just the process I use to make changes), it could be an improvement with no drawbacks.

              It'll basically (hopefully) be the current version with less bugs (keep your fingers crossed about that one).

              Then, as time allows, I'll work on a new version taking into account the ability to have more resources and, most importantly of all - possibly rescaling attack/defense and use HP instead. It's definately a more elegant and functional solution with considerably less drawbacks than the current way of doing things. Of course I think it works pretty well as is, but I think I can keep all that's good and get rid of all that's bad, even if it's just a minor tinkering in some areas (should be able to be used to help "fix" submarines, too - they'd likely have more firepower than normal ships, but less HP).

              All the rest lies ahead.

              Until then... [cues Phantom of the Opera music, fade to black]
              Better to be wise for a second than stupid for an entire lifetime.

              Creator of the LWC Mod for Civ3.


              • Hm please add pcx files to scince advisor. If you use default you cannt see advance requirments.
                money sqrt evil;
                My literacy level are appalling.


                • Please, send me pediaicons.txt for v1.29
                  money sqrt evil;
                  My literacy level are appalling.


                  • Haaalp me! Spock!

                    I d-loaded LWC (the latest version) and was zooming along nicely in a game where I was all alone on a rich continent. Suddenly the game crashes when I tell one of my cities to build a swordsman! The error screen said this....

                    CIVILIZATION3 caused an invalid page fault in
                    module CIVILIZATION3.EXE at 017f:004030c3.
                    EAX=0a873040 CS=017f EIP=004030c3 EFLGS=00010246
                    EBX=00000008 SS=0187 ESP=00abe844 EBP=005c89f0
                    ECX=00000000 DS=0187 ESI=005cfe68 FS=1937
                    EDX=00000001 ES=0187 EDI=00000002 GS=0000
                    Bytes at CS:EIP:
                    8b 79 78 8b 47 04 85 c0 75 06 8b 17 8b cf ff 12
                    Stack dump:
                    00000002 005cfe68 fff8afff 8ffff79f f57ffff6 fff46fff 4ffff35f ed4efff2 ddde49ee 3fcccf44 b13abbc0 99a235aa 2b889330 7e278884 fff8bcff 77eefcfc

                    Do I have to re-install and give up trying to use any of these mods or do I need a specific patch? I tried playing with the newest patch but that made the game crash before I got to the movie screen! Its getting to be very frustrating to not taste the fruits yo'alls labors. I've played with an earlier version so I know you guys do good work. What am I doing wrong?

                    "Where are we going? And why am I in this handbasket?"
                    from the ashes , in the desert.


                    • Is this mod compliant with Patch 1.29? It worked fine until I install the patch. Now it doesnt.


                      • Science Advisor

                        I just started out playing a game with your mod. By the way, my impression is that it'll be a lot of fun. Right away I ran into a concern with the Science Advisor. I know I'm not the first but here goes, anyway.

                        Lines between techs don't draw properly...right-clicking does not bring up the Civilopedia...and clicking on one does not allow you to switch to that tech.

                        As a result, aside from the inconvenience of not being able to browse the techs there, if you go to that screen before the game prompts you the first time to pick a tech. You cannot leave the screen without picking a tech, wich you can't do, so you have to CTRL-ALT-DEL.

                        Is there a solution/fix/workaround? If not, will there be one in the future? Thanks.


                        • Oh, one last question. I read something about ivory being available in tundra. At the risk of showing my ignorance. What's the reasoning behind that? As I understand it, most of the sources of ivory are in the tropics...elephants and rhinos and such. Walrus are the only contributors from tundra that come to my mind (I _think_ I read somewhere their tusks are ivory). Even considering that, if you were looking at using ivory as elephants in the future, this wouldn't make sense. Just some thoughts.


                          • Bushman,

                            Our ancestors in the British Isles and Scandanavia hunted the walrus populations to extinction long before the Romans even knew Britain existed. And they were hunted almost exclusively for their ivory tusks.

                            If anything, Ivory should be available as a coastal bonus.

                            "Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
                            leads the flock to fly and follow"

                            - Chinese Proverb

