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GRAPHIC: Labels on Strategic Resources

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  • GRAPHIC: Labels on Strategic Resources


    Maybe I'm alone here, but I've been having trouble locating those vital strategic resource icons, since they often tend to blend into their surroundings.

    So after spending more than 5 minutes scanning the map for a Rubber resource I decided to edit the graphics slightly to make'm easier to find. The result looks like this:

    Notice I've only added labels to the 8 Strategic resources, not the other kinds. The labels are as follows:

    A = Aluminuim
    C = Coal
    H = Horses
    I = Iron
    O = Oil
    R = Rubber
    S = Salpeter
    U = Uranium

    How to "install":
    1) Backup your \Civilization 3\Art\resources.pcx file (NOT resource.pcx)
    2) Unizip attached file into \Civilization 3\Art\, overwriting the original file.

    REQUEST: I'm no artist so if anyone can do better please don't hesitate to post your results
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thanks - I was having a hard time seeing them too - much easier now


    • #3
      Re: MOD: Labels on Strategi Resources

      Originally posted by 0 Innocence
      I'm no artist so if anyone can do better please don't hesitate to post your results
      The idea is good but the letters in that screenshot seem rather crooked. Maybe someone can take your suggestion and give it a nicer look. Nice try though. (and no, I couldn't have done it any better btw ).


      • #4

        Will definately be downloading this mod when I am able to buy Civ 3.

        EDIT: Capitalising a letter. Better late than never.
        Last edited by Skanky Burns; November 18, 2003, 17:52.
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #5
          Re: Re: MOD: Labels on Strategi Resources

          Originally posted by PGM
          Maybe someone can take your suggestion and give it a nicer look.
          Exactly I figured I could either request one to to it properly or do it quick-and-dirty myself, then hope someone liked the idea enough to make a better version

          I made the letters crooked on purpuse - tried with straight letters and it seemed out of place. Either way it's easy to change


          • #6
            Hey There All!!

            Great Idea, my friend! My again eyes were having a wee bit o'trouble with those resources. I diddled around with the lettering and hope I made them a little easier to read. Let me know if this is any better (I can redo it if the lettering is still hard to read.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              lol, well, they say that variety is a good thing, so here's another option. I had been thinking about doing this, but never got around to it. I have added tabs for all of the resources and colour coded them: red for strategic, green for luxuries and blue for terrain bonuses.



              Last edited by Heed; November 12, 2001, 10:42.
              Thought thinks itself.


              • #8
                Originally posted by arktiem
                Let me know if this is any better (I can redo it if the lettering is still hard to read.
                Definately easier to read:

                This looks like the first set I created, which I discarded since I felt they looked out of place. Maybe I was wrong - I guess it depends on the individual. I'll play with your set a while to see which one I prefer


                • #9
                  Excellent idea! In my current game I recently discovered Coal, and trying to find some, in the jungle, with the FoW on, made it almost impossible to see any.

                  I'll be downloading this as soon as I get home. Thanks, big time.



                  • #10
                    If only there was a way to toggle these on/off. They all look great, but I don't want to see them all the time.

                    Oh, and I'd recommend a text file included in the zip file. Put the path where the file to be replaced is.


                    • #11
                      I'm afraid it's an all or nothing deal. There's a short readme included in my zip with the path included. Also, Innocence has described the procedure clearly in his post above.

                      Thought thinks itself.


                      • #12
                        Strategic Resource Labels

                        Nice little mod, thanks!!!


                        • #13
                          Thank you for this!!!!!!

                          Playing on a huge map, I was squinting myself into chronic eyestrain trying to find the resources in the AI's territory.

                          I loaded the resources file and then reloaded my saved game, and POOF! - there are resources there I hadn't detected.

                          The Babylonians are kidding themselves if they think building mines on everything is going to protect their oil supply now! No more security by obscurity!


                          • #14
                            Innocence, Arktiem, Heed,

                            Great idea/job! Wish I had found this last night...

                            One question: Have you tried your mods out in "zoomed out" mode? Do they work/look good?

                            (I dunno if zoomed out mode uses a second set of graphics or if it automatically shrinks the first set)


                            • #15
                              That's an excellent question mengo. I hadn't tested it zoomed out (I play zommed in almost exclusively). I just checked and it shrinks the graphics: it's not quite wholly readable in terms of the lettering (most can be made out, though). The colour coding is clearly visible allowing you to spot what type of resource group the resources are.


                              Thought thinks itself.

