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Bunch of questions, plz enlighten me :)

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  • Bunch of questions, plz enlighten me :)

    I played the game for a coupel of days now and i have a big-a** list of questions. Its a chieftain game this one im playing, if that influences the answers in any way?!

    1.In F1 screen (domestic something), you get all the economic data yada yada yada for a total of = - 10 gold per turn (for example). Now when i got zero gold reserves, and i get -10 gold..what negative effects does this have? other than the fact that i cant buy stuff. I played a couple of turns with negative income and none of my city improvements got sold, nor units disbanded (i was under monrachy btw). So whats that all about?

    2. is it possible to make cities prompt for new construction item every time they complete any thing they were building (including units)?
    Its a pain in the a** to set my cities to build a longbowman, then in 4 turns to find out that they completed it and made a couple of triremes or catapults (<---bloody useless these catapults!!) as well. Yes i know about build queueueueues i was hoping for different solution. (governor is turned off and all the governor options are set to "never")

    3. how to turn on the city radius border in mapview...not culture border but the (5x5 -4 squares in the edges)radius indicator...that would make empire and city planning a bit easier. it possible to turn on symbols that represent what the worker unit is currently doing? (good ol' civ games had a big fat letter "R" when worker was building roads etc). Also is it possible to see what each worker is doing by just looking at the stack list?

    5. is it normal for the first science advance in the beginning to take 32 turns (i tried changing my science output from 1 up to 8 and it was still 32)?

    6. Sometimes little messages flash over my cities in the start of turn, is it possible to make em stick around for longer or to see em again in a summary somewhere?

    7. Why cant i build a settler when city has 2 pop? It should prompt me if i want to disband (since settlers now take -2 pop), not just stall the production until city reaches 3 pop!!!

    8. i got a leader and 3 veteran spearmen, i make an army out of them. Its ranked: Regular...duh!...i had veteran spearmen and now theyre regular. Anyways can an army get more exp? Does army always move at speed of 1 or depending on what units are inside?

    9. When going to war i get stacks of about 15 units, is it possible to select all of them and move them together (not attacking, but just moving together,cuz doing it all onebyone everytime is a pain in da butt)

    Thank you in advance for your patience and helpful replies! (fingers crossed)

  • #2
    Whew. That is a lot of questions. I don't have time to hit them all, but I'll get as many as I can and hopefully someone else will fill in the blanks for you.

    1. At Cheiftain the game will not automatically sell of your improvements. This is a "training" feature since one of the primary problems newbie players seem to have is keeping their income level positive.

    2. Not as of yet. The governors will continue to be annoying until Firaxis changes it or someone mods it.

    3. Don't actually know right off hand, don't have time to check. : (

    4. Not as far as I know. You can tell what they're doing by looking at the animation they do when working, unless you turned that option off.

    5. Yes, it is normal for the first advance to take 32 turns. Once you get a few more cities try changing the science rate again - you should see a difference then.

    6. Nope, they go by quite quickly no matter what you do. Once again, something for Firaxis or a mod.

    7. Actually, the city will prompt you to disband if the city is not growing at the time, i.e. it has a food shortage in it's box or zero surplus. Try taking all the workers off and making them entertainers.

    8. Don't know, haven't seen any documentation on that, first time it's come up. As far as I know the only ability armies allow is mobility.

    9. No, unfortunately you can't move them all at once. This is an issue that has been brought up several times and will hopefully addressed in a patch. If not, there's always a mod.

    Hope this helps.

    --> Norm


    • #3
      that was fast!
      Thanks for the help
      My endo-cranial resources have been replenished, thanks to your liberal use of data.

      One more thing. In the editor or anywhere else, is it possible to toggle the oldschool zone of control for units? (not just allowing others to pass and taking one hp as in CIV3 but blocking all movement on adjacent squares like civ1,2)
      Last edited by Inerz; November 9, 2001, 20:12.

