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  • Lockups

    I got civ3 the second day it came out. I have a pentium 2 400
    256 ram, nvidia mx 32megs, The game can play smoothly for quite a while and suddenly I get locked up and have to reboot. I've shut off everything else that runs, played with the accelerator settings, I'm done. If a patch comes out that fixes it, that'll be great. I've read about alot of other problems, anyone experience similar ones? Any solutions?

  • #2
    Watching posts here and watching my own resource levels. I am stating to wonder if they have a memory release problem.

    Start game I have a 30 meg Swap file and 15% used resources. Oh, this is a P II 500, 64Meg Mem.

    By the time the game was up and running, I was at 89% resources and the swap file had grown a meg. to 31 meg.

    After an hours play the resources was 99% and 200 meg swap file.

    I am going to create a more detailed exam and post it here later.



    • #3
      So far, I've had four lock-ups. They occur in the individual city screens and only at the beginning of a turn when you're prompted for new production. I think it's more of a programming issue than resource management as Civ III is the only thing running at the time. At least there aren't any "Illegal Operation" notices that plagued me in Alien Crossfire.

