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"Real" Government Mod

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  • #16
    A lot of people like to knock CTP, but for mp it is good. The choice of governments is also good, the total number being 12.
    ones not mentioned in this thread are also pretty good. ecotopia, virtual democracy, technocracy.

    Civ 3 is quite disappointing were choice of government is concerned, but I am preety sure that within the month there will be a patch to rectify this. On the other hand the lack of governments does simplify the game play, thus any newby will have no difficulty when it comes to choosing a government.


    • #17
      you could check out my attempts at fixing the game some what

      it adss fundamentalism and fascism, trys to make nukes and naval/air units resonable..

      i think its decent but its a working project..

      ialso made the governments contrast more sharply.. so youll definitely notice the difference..


      • #18
        o heres the file..
        Attached Files


        • #19
          file duly downloaded


          • #20
            I think a good idea would be to base the government on the CSAs. Each CSA has a government type associated with it that it would receive bonuses for.

            Religious: Religion-based govs (Theocracy,Fundamentalism...)
            Commercial: Oligarchial govs (Republic, Corporate Republic...)
            Industrial: Egalitarian govs (Democracy, True Socialism...)
            Militaristic: Force govs (Despotism, Fascism...)
            Expansionistic: Expansion govs (Imperialism, etc...)
            Scientific: Technological governments (Republic, Technocracy, etc...)

            Note that a government can fall into more than one category. For example, a Republic is scientific and commercial. Fascism is both military and expansionist, etc. Not all possible governments are listed above - this is just an idea, not a full-fledged system. Yet...
            Last edited by Keyser Soze 0; November 14, 2001, 22:17.


            • #21
              Great Ideas Guys!

              I agree with an earlier poster who suggested that with the limited number of variables, only about 3 governments at a time would be viable. So, what governments would be different enough to warrent placement in the game?

              The ancient-medevil era trinity of Despotism/Republic/Monarchy seems well liked.

              And most people like the modern trinity of Democracy/Communism/Fascism (with "Fundamentalist" governemnts, and in fact, any non-communist autocratic government fallign under Fascism).

              I believe the porblem exists in the middle period of the game. Democracy and Communism come too early. I think we'd all like to see some type of const. monarchy/ imperialism / etc, if we could. However, with the limited number of variables to change....

              I'm left with a dilema. I think the real solution is to get Firaxis to allow greater modification of the game files. For example, if you are changing government stats around, you get to choose whether or not said government gets a "trade bonus" (IE Democracy). However, all you get to say is yes or no. If we could define the trade bonus and any number we wanted, we could fine tune our governments, allowing more to be in teh game without being both uneccesary and unrealistic.


              • #22
                In CTP2 I was able to form a Democratic-Socialism were essential services would cost more in maintenance but happiness would increase and gold bonus would still exist. Army would cost a bit more but corruption would be nil. I still have yet to complete it for Civ3 but am waiting for better editor controls. I want to be able to build more Forbidden Palaces with the invention of Democratic-Socialism this would give a good control over corruption. I don't know if I want to use Forb. Palace or make a new small wonder like, Supreme court or even Provincial/State capitol.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Karhgath
                  List of possible governments :

                  Social-Democracy - Mix of socialism and democracy (France, Canada/Quebec(somewhat))

                  So, if you look at canada, they are a constitutional monarchy because they still answer to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II(and no, I am NOT kidding), they have a general governor, a parliament democracy, with a somewhat social-democratic approach, and a confederation with federal states.
                  Perhaps you're a bit confused by Canadian politics, because I live here, and you seem to be drawing your own inferences. Yes, the Queen is still a figurehead. But Canada adopted their own charter in 1982, and now the Queen's position is superfluous. She no longer approves or vetoes Canadian laws being passed. That job belongs to the governor-general, Britain's "representative". However, there has only been one veto in Canadian history, I believe, so the postion is (almost) superfluous as well.

                  Our parliament democracy? Split into two chambers, the Senate and House of Commons, which is the equivalent to the House of Representatives. Laws are passed in an almost identical fashion as in the United States. The only difference is our Senate is appointed, but they are not the more powerful chamber anyways.

                  True, provinces are given more individual power than their counterparts in the U.S., but provinces are democratic as well, so it has no true bearing.

                  I'm sorry to say this, but you seem to have gleaned much of your information from outdated books.


                  • #24
                    Way to tell them jpps1 (my fellow canuck)

                    As I do agree with you on the notion of the queen I must state that Canada does have a more Socialist approach to politics than our southern counterparts. Essential services are (somewhat) provided to us by the gouverment and we do oppose privitization or exploiting every natural resource we have ( we will NOT sell our water).


                    • #25
                      We do, however, sell our power, which is derived from our water(if you want to get technical )


                      • #26
                        Are there actually government-specific units in CivIII like Fascist in CTP2 or Fanatic in non-edited Civ2?


                        • #27
                          Are there actually government-specific units in CivIII like Fascist in CTP2 or Fanatic in non-edited Civ2

                          No only civilization specific units; ie: Aztecs=Jaguar warrior, Germans=Panzer tanks, Americans=F-15 fighter.
                          It is possible to add new units via goverments but requires one to change the .bic files (?), there is a thread in the files forum wich explains how. Good Luck


                          • #28
                            Another possible government type could be Religious Order.
                            Quite a lot of these existed in the Middle Ages, and some such as the Teutonic Order got quite powerful. This should be a good war-time govt for the Middle Ages with many free units and good happyness. However, it should have appalling science rate.


                            • #29
                              Facism and military dictatorship


                              I just wanted to reply to someone who said there are similarities between facism and military dictatorships.

                              I totally disagree. Facism, as well as Communism. was based on police power much more than on military one.
                              This has a strong influence on society.

                              Best book I know about that topic is by political philosopher Hanna Arendt about Totalitarism (or is it Totalitarianism in English ?).

                              The Great Armada scenario

