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CIV: Spain!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mr. Llera
    It is just inexcusable to have civilizations like the Aztecs, Iroquois, japanese, greeks, and yes, i'll say it even the Americans, but not the Spanish. Before the patriotic USA guys go berserk, let me just say why the Americans because, first off, while i never heard anyone say this, Americans are truly a fishy "civilization" i mean, it was only 100-150 years ago when the United States could even be considered a world power and Americans are really just a mish mosh of other peoples and cultures, even the "native " americans probably came from asia.
    I think you need to read a book. I recommend J.M. Roberts' "A History of the World."

    We've had these debates ad naseum. The civilization one-upmanship is really getting obnoxious. Firaxis went with the Aztecs for a few reasons:

    1) they're traditional, as they've been in since Civ I
    2) They are a unique culture.
    3) They wanted more than just Eurasian civs.

    What fun would have been to only include Eurasian civilizations? What kind of bull**** Eurocentrism is that? Remember, this game is about ALTERNATE history, and being FUN, so the Aztecs are perfectly fine for it.

    We already had several worthy Euro civs, there just wasn't room this time for the Spanish. They're coming in the expansion, so just pipe down.

    Oh, and the Greeks contributed far more to modern civilization around the world than the Spanish did. That's not putting them down, but Greek cultural achievement still shapes the modern worldview. Your assertion they aren't important is laughably ignorant.

    Read a history book.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #32
      Originally posted by Boris Godunov
      Remember, this game is about ALTERNATE history, and being FUN, so the Aztecs are perfectly fine for it.
      what about historical scenes?

      Personally I think greeks (of course) and aztecs ALSO are fundamental...
      Israel = apartheid


      • #33
        Originally posted by Mr. Llera

        Thats no insult to Americans, its just a further point I believe of why Americans should have been left out for a more influential civilization.
        True we have only been around for 220 some years, but in that time look at how much American ways have impacted the world. The car, the internet, electricity... even our political structure. We may be a new nation, but we have contributed alot of things.
        Last edited by RomanGod; July 28, 2002, 03:37.


        • #34
          Originally posted by RomanGod

          True we have only been around for 220 some years, but in that time look at how much American ways have impacted the world. The car, the internet, electricity... even our political structure. We may be a new nation, but we have contributed alot of things.
          The american people have not only been around for 200 whatever years, before that the people lived in other places of the world (mostly in Europe). That's why I think America should be in the European culture group, it is basically the same culture. People can't just pop out of nowhere.
          And stop being so ****** patriotic, i'm getting tired/sick of it.
          Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

          The new iPod nano: nano


          • #35
            Originally posted by Estilpón
            Felipe II: the creator of the first real world empire, he's also a dictator, but this is usually in his time...
            I agree on Phillip II, as a matter of fact he's one of the leaderheads in the batch I'm working on now....

            El Cid was another choice I was looking at.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Hagbart

              And stop being so ****** patriotic, i'm getting tired/sick of it.
              Thats right. How dare you be so ****** patriotic by saying such flag-waving drivel as 'contributed many things'. Darn Americans can't stop themselves.

              Get over yourself Hagbart. The US has every right to have it's claim to fame and someone defending that right isn't always a flag-waving fanatic. Sorry if stating a fact makes you tired/sick, but get over it.
              Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


              • #37
                N. Machiavelli,

                Don't those penquins get kinda hot standing around in Guam?


                • #38
                  The secret is snowcones. Lots of them.
                  Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                    El Cid was another choice I was looking at.

                    Personally I would love if you made el Cid for my scenario.
                    Can you contact me if and when you make it ?
                    The Great Armada scenario

