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Calling all potential Lord of the Rings scenario makers.

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  • Calling all potential Lord of the Rings scenario makers.

    I am working on a Middle Earth map for a future Lord of the Rings scenario I plan on making. I know that it is impossible to make right now due to the serious limitations of the editor, but no harm in getting started early, right? I feel confident Firaxis will fix its problems sooner or later.

    Anyways, I am no graphics artist, so I was wonderig if anyone could help me start making graphics for the units and leaders and maybe some other aesthetic art. Here's what I need (not a totally conclusive list):

    Units: Hobbits, Nazgul, Gandalf, Ents, Elven archers, Rangers, Orcs, Trolls, Balrog, Eagles, etc.

    Leaders: all the portrait types (happy, neutral, angry, conquered, kissed, etc.) for the following leaders: Elrond, Galadriel, Sauron, Sauruman, Aragorn, Dwarf king (generic one will do), Hobbiton Mayor (again, generic), etc.

    There is a lot missing from this list, so feel free to make more if you think they are necessary.

    Anyone who has the talent and time to make some of these for me, please post on this thread.

  • #2
    Have you had a look at Harlan Thompson's Lord of the Rings Scenario for Civ 2? It's often considered one of the best scenarios ever made, and should give you heaps of ideas
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #3
      Yes, I've played it exhaustively It's what motivated me to do this.

      I'm thinking of changing some of the resources into "magic resources" such as Mana, Mithril, etc. Does anyone have any other suggestions?


      • #4
        What about letting the scenario end by sending Gandalf & the rest by ship to the west?
        PS: I would like it very much if I could test the scenario when it's ready
        The one previously known as Eru_Iluvatar; also bearing the name Bart Coppens


        • #5
          PLEASE!!! Include AMAN in this map!!! The idea of a foreign intervention of Valar always was possible in the LotR book
          Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


          • #6
            Please DON´T include Aman!
            I found it already irritating to have to deal with the entire Northwest of Middle-Earth, instead of just Frodo and company. I´d much prefer an RPG-like scenario, in stead of a large scale war scenario.
            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #7
              Hey, if you use the Chinese Civ for the Rohan you'll be all set for a UU, eh?



              • #8
                I want to make it a combo of RPG and War, like Harlan Tompson's classic Civ2 scenario. You know, get Frodo to Mount Doom while fending off Mordor's attacks against Gondor...

                Don't know about including the Valar. Maybe I could make 2 different scenarios..well, regardless, it might take a while for me to finish the map, as most of my time is sucked up by school and actually playing civ3, so hold tight!

