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Firaxis Editor Tools - Let's help them by telling them what we want.

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  • Firaxis Editor Tools - Let's help them by telling them what we want.

    Markos said that Firaxis would release better editor tools, but the question remains.

    How about a scripting language?

    Anyhow, maybe we should help Firaxis make better editor tools by telling them what we expect?

    1: Scripting Language
    Lo there do I see my father
    Lo there do I see my mother
    and my sisters and my brothers
    Lo there do I see the line of my people
    back to the begining
    Lo they do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them
    in the Halls of Valhalla
    where the brave may live forever

  • #2
    Look at the tools in Fantastic Worlds.

    Put them in Civ III.

    Problem solved.
    "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
    "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
    "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


    • #3
      The editable txt-files look brill so far. Seems like EVERYTHING pretty much is in there. So what we need now is this :

      1) advanced scripting language of some sorts, with multiple combined flexible triggers and actions.

      2) flexible objectives scoring system, so you can assign a vast number of different victory conditions.

      3) flexible combined map/scen editor, that allows placement of cities, units, improvements and civ settings.

      Lastly, I think a graphics database would be nice, with more animated leader pictures and units by firaxian artists, but it's nowhere nearly as important as 1-3.
      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
      Kaplak Stream


      • #4
        Little Things

        Make the movement rates of Railroads editable
        (probably could be done if they allow access to scripting language)
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • #5
          Wish List

          Via the in-game editor

          Ability to :

          - add extra units (and alter static Unit Graphics easily)
          - add in extra unit features a la Civ2-ToT
          e.g. "Unit is invisible until it attacks"
          "Times x defense against mounted"
          "All as road"

          - print Modpack Unit List including att/def/move etc. parameters
          (easier to determine what has, hasn't been modified as modpack is evolving)
          - add in extra techs
          - add in extra city improvements & wonders (big and small)
          - easily add in extra types of terrain (e.g. Swamp, Forested Hills) and graphics for same.
          - alter the Railroad Movement mutiplier
          - expand the types and effects of "Impassable terrains"

          Also, for scripting language - There should be at least all that was available in Civ 2 ToT Macro language,
          plus :
          An Event that allows change of all (or a proportion) of terrain tiles of a certain type within a certain area to another type (allows climate change / natural disaster simulations, and seasonal simulations e.g. summer -> winter )


          • #6
            Addition to the scripting

            I'd like to add the ability to locate a unit on the map as well, ie: with a (eg) triggerattacker/unitkilled set by a particular unit, that units co-ordinates can be identified and used in the followup effects.

            Plus, please fix triggerattacker so that it resets after the event and doesn't remain locked for the rest of the game - ala the Verne scenario in FW

            Also it would be nice to be able to alter unit statistics or city improvements through events, rather than having to save, exit, run batch-file, load save.
            ie: researching depleted U shells or somesuch can add 1 to attacking values of arty, armour etc, or techresearched=invisibility gives all/selected units for a certain civ the tot "invisible until attacks" flag on.

            (I don't have civ3 so replace FW/ToT references with same from civ3)

            Basically - Add in every possible flag/trigger/conditional that you can think of, and then think up new ones and add them too!

            More to come when I think of it ...


            • #7
              Wish List Continued...

              1. Ability to specify the %s & #s for certain wonder effects - such as changing 75% for SDI to whatever we want.
              2. Using the map editor to place specific civ starting locations and edit the content and size of the cities, place units, etc. (aka Civ2 Gold Edition).
              3. Option to add another type of road if we wished.
              4. Option to keep barbarians (type up to designer, could be modern terrorist) to continue showing up even if entire map has been explored.
              5. Ability to import short movies to display for wonders/events (from Civ2, SMAC, etc.). A player can turn these on/off if they want.


              • #8
                First - could this be our official wish list thread (topped by a mod)?

                Things I´d like to see:

                - support for flat maps
                - events language, including more and improved commands (compared to civ2)
                - much more events space
                - all options that the editor not has yet, e.g. free placing of units on the map, specific start locations etc,
                - a little tool that can convert ANY anim (that has the right size/res) in these *flc files
                - map tool that can convert images into maps, and can read also maps of other games

                to be continued...


                • #9
                  - ability to set citizens to produce culture
                  (I want to create an artist citizen that should became able after the discovery of Free Artistry, but looking at the sceenshots this can't be done)
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    My wishlist - I emailed the attached to them yesterday.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      1. The ability to ADD CUSTOM CIVs to the playable mix in a STANDARD RANDOM MAP GAME.

                      2. The ability to employ random maps in scenarios.
                      My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!


                      • #12
                        A proper cheatmode with editing options similar to those in Civ2 would come in very handy in playtesting scenarios.
                        Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                        Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                        • #13
                          Brief preface: The editor is WONDERFUL! It KICKS ASS! But I want more power. ^_^

                          [] More effects for tech advances, including effects that do not appear in the standard game.
                          * grants one free tech
                          * increases movement of ships by 1
                          * increases effect of [any happiness improvement] by 1
                          * decreases effect of [any happiness improvement] by 1
                          * adds 1 food to irrigated tiles
                          * wins the game (Transcendance ^_^)

                          [] More customizability for city improvements and wonders.
                          * Adds 1 [food/shield/trade] to [any terrain type/improvement type] (examples: Offshore Platform, add 1 shield to all ocean squares; Superhighways, add 1 trade to all road squares; Tree Farm, add 1 production to all forest squares)
                          * Adds [X] percent to trade, science or production (rather than being limited to just +50%; example: Museum, +10% science, 4 culture)
                          * Marco Polo's Embassy effect, grants embassy with all civs
                          * Statue of Liberty effect, all govs available, limits anarchy to 1 turn (I know, useless for Religious civs, but just include the option, pleeeeease ^_^)
                          * Old-school Adam Smith's effect, pays maintenance for all 1-gold improvements
                          * Gives 1 [food/shield/trade/science/happiness] per citizen
                          * Eliminates danger of global warming (no matter how much pollution there is)
                          * Gives +2 shields at every city
                          * +1 [food/trade/production] per city square (examples: King Richard's Crusade, +1 shield in all squares; Merchant Exchange, +1 trade in all squares)
                          * Doubles the effect of specialists (entertainers, taxmen and scientists)
                          * Ensures your cities will never rebel due to culture
                          * 100% protection vs. nukes
                          * Weak Great Library effect, gives any tech owned by 3 civs
                          * Pays maintenance for all Workers
                          * Doubles the effect of Courthouses

                          More options! More customizability! And of course, the ability to add technologies, improvements, and wonders.

                          Just because a wonder or improvement isn't in the final game is no reason to keep the options out of the editor.
                          "Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Arator
                            2. The ability to employ random maps in scenarios.
                            This can already be done -- if a scenario is loaded that includes a custom map, the player is given the choice of whether they want to play on the custom map or generate a random one. If there is no map in the scenario file, they must generate a world with the world chooser screen.

                            Dan Magaha
                            Firaxis Games, Inc.


                            • #15
                              More ...

                              Specifics w.r.t events:-

                              Actions :-

                              CREATE/DESTROY RESOURCE would be absolutely invaluable in an events file with the importance of strategic resources

                              CHANGE OWNER for units/cities - used to represent defections/rebellions etc. (also allow the barbarian flag for these - ie: units going "rogue").

                              MAKE PEACE/ALLIANCE - Similar to current MAKEAGGRESSION (only the other way around ) - highly useful for changing the political climate in scenarios without negotiation permitted.

                              INCREASE/DECREASE POPULATION - To represent special events/attacks on cities

                              Triggers :-

                              UNIT ATTACKED - to enable special effects BEFORE combat resolution and to possibly invalidate combat resolution.

                              CITY ATTACKED - Same as above

                              Conditions :-

                              IMPROVEMENT/WONDER PRESENT - Associated with CITY ATTACKED above. Effectively a flag for special effects if a certain improvement/wonder is present in the particular city attacked.

                              UNITKILLED - Allow this condition to enable if a unit is killed by a special (ie: nuclear) attack. Currently (civ2/ToT) nuclear attacks do not enable UNITKILLED.

                              OR Statement - Enable this for TRIGGERATTACKER UNIT= or OWNER= such that near identical events do not have to be completely repeated for different units/civilizations, thus freeing up valuable event space.

                              Miscellaneous :-
                              Event space ( ) - More of it! ToT had events expanded to 100kB for 7 civs. For 16 in civ3 we will need more still!

                              Flags - Same as above. 32 was nice for 7 Civs. Need more (64 - I presume this was a binary thing?) for 16.
                              Actually make it 128 - this is a wish list after all

                              Also to be continued...

