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Great War (WWI) scenario?

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  • #61
    That's right. I went to vimy ridge in france, and they were all saying how much they owe to canada.

    there are war cemeteries all over the place dedicated exclusively to canadian soldiers


    • #62
      When thinking about this type of scenerio, the map size should also play a role as well as when one begins. Also, no civ should be relegious, to avoid cheap and simple government switching.

      Personally, having given it independent thought to this type of scenerio have come up with the following list

      Initinial Allies:
      1.Great Britain and empire:each civ should have an own units, like the WWI scenerio of Civ2. Possible UU's, besides British infantry: ANZAC, Canadians, swopwith camel, Mark IV tanks.
      2. France and empire: Possible UU's besides French inf., F-17, Neuports, African Troops
      3. Russian Empire: Cossacks, conscripts.
      4. Minor allies- This would include Serbia, montenegro and Belgium. We should remeber that any civs which might die two quickly would never be fun to play. Each type of troop (belgian army, Serbian army) could be built only if one had access to a certain resource, and we made those resources national- imagine creating a resource caled (S) for serbia- only cities connected to it could build Serbian troops- and it would be placed in the map in Serbia only. This type of shortchut would not be needed for other, bigger civs, since one assumes they will be around long enough to make their own troops.

      Later alliesif they choose to join)
      5.Italy: mountain troops
      6.Rumania: Rumanian troops
      7. Amercians: AEF
      8. Minor allies: The greeks themselves barely fought in WWI, they mainly served as a staging area for Anglo-french troops in Salonika. So they, the Portugese,a nd other late commers would be bunched in this group.

      Central Powers:
      9.Germany: German army, albatros, Fokkers, stromtroops
      10. Austria-Hunagry: all sort of national troops
      11. Ottoman Empire: Turkish troops, so forth
      12. Bulgaria: Bulgerian troops, so forth.

      Neutrals: (or not)
      13. Sweden
      14. Spain
      15. Minor Neutrals: Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway- all those countries of little power and influence.
      16. OPen space- perhaps rebels, such as Arab rebels vs. Turks, or Irish rebels vs. Great Britain. so forth.
      If you don't like reality, change it! me
      "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
      "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
      "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


      • #63
        *note* wrote this awhile back, haven't bothered to post yet.

        Alright you convinced me, the US did have a role in ww1 (oh and btw almost all air forces had a 100% casualty rate, in WW2 the avarage life expectancy for a pilot, no matter the country was a couple of days.) But I hold true that the value of the american military was mostly moral based. When they entered the war the Germans almost pissed themselves cause they knew that if the american industrial power was used with lets say any competance (which it really wasen't until WW2) it would stick it to just about anybody, also this helped to alliviate the pressure from the French whose soldiers were rioting.

        Thus I propose that a WW1 scenerio would use a map of the eastern world, I'm sorry to all the Canadians who believe that we deserve our own country in WW1 but we really didn't, we we're British, even in Vimy we had Sir Douglas Haig commanding Sir Arthur Currie (the Canadian) who had only partial control over the troops with Sir Julian Byng (notice the large amount of Sir's) So therefore Canada would be set up as a small # of British UUs, while they would probably have others.

        The Americans would fall under a the catagory of a great wonder. yes I said wonder. earlier on in the war it was touch and go as to what side they were going to side with, while everyone knew that they'd choose a side as soon as they didn't have to risk anything. They would reduce war wearieness and maybe boost the shield count.

        And yes we had a higher casualty figure, just about everyone but the japaneese did. (Japan lost 300 soldiers) But what I was saying was that most countries actually got into the fighting, want proof look up the 2nd and 3rd battles of Ypres, the Somme (especially the Newfoundland Regement), there are Canadian victories but look at Verdun that's where france got their 73.3% casualty rate geez.

        so yeah I'd say the sides would be:
        Brittish Empire (I'd give them Belgium, it'd just make things easier)
        Russia + Serbia
        Italy + Greece + Montenegro + Romania + Portiugal
        Ottoman Empire + Bulgaria


        • #64
          oh yeah anyone else hear that Tolkien was at the Somme?

          yeah when you first hear it it's weird, but it kinda makes sence.


          • #65
            Yeah I knew that, he lost all of his friends from school there (or at least during the course of the War). I don't think he was in the War for a long time, he got sick after a little while. However, he was already working on his stories and poetry about Middle-Earth at the time.
            You sunk my Scrableship!

