Hello there.
I would really like to know. Something.
Has anyone else gotten a message about their Source of iron being exhausted ?! i just got that, and im MAD!!!
Or any other source, for that matter. ive played a lot of games, and i ve never had a source of anything being exhausted before... It kind of adds some flavour to the game.
Can it happen to other sources too ?
Note: If i hadnt had another ironsource, i would have been a bt more MAD!!!
For now, its cool.
Anyone who wants to see the game tihs far ? Tell me how to post the save file. Im playing an american game, named Barack Obama. lol...
Hello there.
I would really like to know. Something.
Has anyone else gotten a message about their Source of iron being exhausted ?! i just got that, and im MAD!!!
Or any other source, for that matter. ive played a lot of games, and i ve never had a source of anything being exhausted before... It kind of adds some flavour to the game.
Can it happen to other sources too ?
Note: If i hadnt had another ironsource, i would have been a bt more MAD!!!
Anyone who wants to see the game tihs far ? Tell me how to post the save file. Im playing an american game, named Barack Obama. lol...