At Diety, I learned a painful lesson --- You can't always get what you want. Fall behind technologically, because techs come cheaper later, and there are few great early techs, getting your UU is one of them. WOWs look good, untilyou ralize how much is tied up in them. Rexing is useful in the begining, but life is vey cheap early on. You might only expend 2 archers to conquer each city, cheaper than the 2pop+30 shields of a settler, plus any tribute at the end of the war. If your enemy is in despotism, he may make great sacrifices to save his butt, if you sign a peace treaty with a neighbor who has lost a few cities, and poprushed to save others, you will be a huge advantage when the treaty expires,
because you're shield production will be so much higher. Since your goals in war #1 are modest, a few cities, you need not worry about culture until intermission.If war #2 doesn't annihilate him, then your peace traety should leave him with at most a few cities to make him a punching bag in future wars. You probably have enough troops left over to attack someone else with. Only make libraries (or temples if you're a religious civ other than Babylon) a priority when supply lines gets long, you're behind in culture, or corruption gets high.
Science - A large populuous empire generates lots of culture without libraries.
Ancient WoWs - WoWs are always sedective, but most aren't worth even 10% of your shields if you can Rex or conquer with swordsmen.
Exceptions - When you have a total of 4 settlers and towns, if you are an agroculture civ and have a city for wonders build the Pyramids. If you currently don't have enough workers for all you're cities, make sure your Pyramid city gets it first. If you're nonagro, the cost of aquaducts postpones breakeven to the point where it's likely you'll get it.
Temple of Artimis - for all noreligious, AND nonscientific civs, start the prebuild when you have 8 cities, it will give you enough culture, and expand your cultural borders for quite a while. By the time you need more culture, your empire will be so big that libraries make more sence then getting ever more corrupt cities
Science - A large populuous empire generates lots of culture without libraries.
Ancient WoWs - WoWs are always sedective, but most aren't worth even 10% of your shields if you can Rex or conquer with swordsmen.
Exceptions - When you have a total of 4 settlers and towns, if you are an agroculture civ and have a city for wonders build the Pyramids. If you currently don't have enough workers for all you're cities, make sure your Pyramid city gets it first. If you're nonagro, the cost of aquaducts postpones breakeven to the point where it's likely you'll get it.
Temple of Artimis - for all noreligious, AND nonscientific civs, start the prebuild when you have 8 cities, it will give you enough culture, and expand your cultural borders for quite a while. By the time you need more culture, your empire will be so big that libraries make more sence then getting ever more corrupt cities