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emperor and deity

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  • emperor and deity

    Dear fellow civ fans,

    i've been playing this game from day one, when civ1 came out.....i can beat monarch no problem, but i dont even stand a chance at emperor....can anyone give me any tips on how to keep up with the rediculous speed of expansion, development and production of the ai opponents???? please help, its driving me crazy!!!

  • #2
    There are several threads about emperor that are quite good. Look in this forum for Ducki or some of the others.

    I will presume you are using a start with something going for it, such as a river. Has a food bonus in 8 tiles in one direction or the other and at least one lux in 10 tiles.

    Not on a small island or smack on the edge with civs righ close by.

    IOW a good start and a civ that matches the setting you selected. I mean not expansion if you are playing archipelago and such.

    So if you have a good civ and a good location are you still having problems?


    • #3
      Ok here is a link to Mountain Sages


      • #4
        Anyway the most common issue is lack of workers to start the game. If you are looking at tiles being worked by citizens that do not have both a road and a mine/irrigated, you need to get workers.

        Of course be sure the gov is not moving pop to work some hill/mountain. You need to be able growth, so food tiles are king.

        Second thing at emperor is to not bog down your empire with too many structures. I have seen more Monarch/Emp games that have temples that are not needed at that point in time or libs in towns that are netting 1 beaker. Later they will have Caths all over the place for towns and cities. These are twice fold expensive. First to build and second to maintain.


        • #5
          thanks a lot for your quick reaction. Unfortunately i already figured out most things myself. I still have the problem that the opponents are much faster at everything. I.m in a game right now thats ok, im in 6th place around 430 AD.....and climbing slowly.....but for example: how can i ever get any world wonders? The opponents always have it earlier then seems like they have twice as much shield production as i feels impossible to keep you have any more tactical tips, for example: do i make my own tech imp, or do i set it to 0 % so i can buy it from the opponents. What is the best order in which to do the research etc.

          Many thanks,



          • #6
            Well I would have see one of your saves to decide what is right and what is wrong. It may not appy to your game, but I have been reviewing saves for a long time and they have a lot of commonality.

            As to wonders, it depends on which ones you want, you just can't get them all at this level. You have to go for one or two in the AA and MA, the IA is where you can start to get more than your share and MA you can get them all.


            • #7
              thats doesnt seem to matter which one i pick, someone else always has it finished earlier....probably im doing something wrong.....i just cant figure out what....ill send my last save......check it out


              • #8
                here it is
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  At emperor they have an 8 for cost factor, so they pay 80% for things and that added to the additional free unit support and the 6 troops to start and an extra worker makes them get off to a nice head start.

                  If I wanted to get the GL, I would want to start with alphabet, but it is not manditory. So if I do have it, I research writing at minimal. Once I get that I go full out for Philo and take Lit for my free tech.

                  I would try to get as much of a prebuild as makes sense and switch once I learn Lit. So it may well be that I cannot get much of a prebuild as I may not have anything to use, so it could get touchy.

                  In that case I would have several workers come to the wonder city and mine tiles and then join the city to get it close to size 12.

                  This will be enough in nearly every case to get the GL. If you want to then get Sun or something from the next age, you should find a prebuild to start at the point you figure is enough to pile up 300 shields or better. This may be hard, but a palace could work.

                  The trick is when to start as you do not know when you will gt the tech for sure.


                  • #10
                    I am able to build it at sid, so it should be a snap at emperor. I see some quick concerns. It is 480AD and you have only 5 tiles improved in the capitol.

                    It is size 6 and is making a colloseum? You never need those, they are just a waste of shields and maint and certainly not in a size 6 town.

                    Switch immediately to an aqua. Get some water to the cows. You have no river next to the capitol, so that hurts.

                    No need for walls at a straight up emperor game, except for border towns at war. If this was an always war game, maybe. The capitol is not going to come under attack in a std game at this level.


                    • #11
                      Three workers is about what I would want to build up the capitol, not to handle the whole empire. You need about 2 per city with the land you have.

                      Thermopyle (sp?) could have been founded on the desert tile and next to a river. This takes a crap tile and makes it useful and you get the free aqua. Not to mention not crowding the other city.

                      I am not a fan of the Greeks as I do not care for Hops. Yes they are strong, but they are defenders and not attackers. You will be forced to use them and trigger an early GA. In any event you have too many and not much in attackers.

                      Swords are not much after the AA. Why no horses? Why not take Chiv and wait for Theo? Knights would be useful and Sistines is not.

                      Yeah I know low level players love it. You do not need to build cath at emperor or less and hence no need for Sistine. Above that level you probably will not get it or you will have to put out way to much effort.


                      • #12
                        Granaries are going up all over the place, why? Build one in two or three core cities and no others. Certainly never build them in isalnd three tile towns?

                        Those towns should be doing something useful like spitting out workers.

                        I really hate to see so many forest still standing at this stage of the game. They could have been chopped to rush need items. Oh wait, you have only three workers so that can't be done.

                        You have three rivers in your land or near it and not a single town is founded on one?

                        So with no rivers, no irrigation early, few workers, how would you intend to expand and get some land? No attackers to take any land either? I hope you are not counting on flipping AI cities as that will be very haphazard at best.


                        • #13
                          Looks like all towns have a temple, probably over kill so early, not a crime, but it will hurt you at the start.

                          Kronossos is size 5 and not growing. It has a temple a lib and a wall and is making a market. This is not the way to use a town.

                          You have specialist in some towns. Is this vanilla civ3? I see the scientist is making one beaker, so it cannot be C3C.

                          In that case it probably is better to up the lux slider and put them back to work. In that town alone it add 1 food, 2 shields and 3 gold. The 3 gold will make more beakers than the specialist will.

                          In vanilla republic gets no unit support, so no need to create towns right next to one another. In the main the spacing is not bad, but you have a couple too close.


                          • #14

                            thats more then i could have ever hoped for!
                            you really know this game, and i now realise that i would have never got any better at this without your help, so : thanks a lot!!!

                            just a few questions (hope you dont mind):


                            • #15
                              -i dont understand what you mean regarding the tech. You want a GL, but to get it you need lit first. So how do you get a free tech before that?
                              -what do you mean by prebuild?
                              -actually im not a fan of greeks either, but i started this game because someone posted a thread saying that this setup was easy to start emperor with...what do you prefer?
                              -i understand that i should build less temples, no colloseums, and no cathedrals.....then how do i keep my people happy? i know i can use the slide, but this takes so much money that i can barely do any research...
                              -how can i get so much workers? I already get closed in very quickly by enemy you start building it as soon as a city is 2?

                              thanks again, hop this is not to much

