without the MPP cheat
This is going to be from the French perseptive, but may be applyable for other countries as well.
Govts: All forms of govt already discovered. France is in their best one (Republic) but also starts the game with at the max low WW limit for all countries it's involved in a locked war with. The bad news is the inital unhappiness problem, but the good news is that it won't get any worse as long as you wipe out England's lackies before actually declaring war on others. There is an unconnected Fur resource near Paris. There is also only two native French workers. There are no Great Wonders that can be built. (England starts with Adam Smiths in London) France also starts with 2 MGLs and has no Small Wonders built. In addition France has a large military combared to most countries, but most of them are the inferior units. France does start with a Baracks in all their cities along with many improvements in most of them.
Cities retain culture is on, noone is allowed to build settlers, victory conditions are 60K points domination is 40% land + 40% pop, but your probably playing on too low a level for yourself if you hit domination before VPs.
Turn 1: First sign MA with all countries (excluding the locked war ones) against England. All of the except your Denmark ally will glady hand over their entire tresury for the honor of fighting the Brits.
Austria and Prussia will quickly need RoPs as well, so they'll go thru your territory at a quick rate rather than at a snails crawl. (They are trying to get to Gibratura, but will turn around in route when Italy declares war on them)
Now aquire the Turk luxary you don't own. You need it.
Then you have a decision to make as to if you want Fur now in trade (and duplicate your unconnected one) or willing to wait.
On the Monarch level, if your waiting, you'll need 10% luxary slider.
On Emperor+ levels, you may need the 10% luxary slider even with Fur.
(If you allow the cities to grow, the locked-war WW happiness problem will get worse. I have often seen two additional people unhappy when one of my cities grew by one.)
Since there's a bit of a happiness problem along with a worker shortage, kill two birds with one stone by having cities build workers.
On the 2 MGLs, I sugest using the southern one to build your FP on turn 1, but not on the spot it's at. I built mine in the size 5 city just north since it's so close to so many other cities. (Actually, I think that Marsellis would have been the better choice considering it has more iferstructure) There's only 96 turns in this game; no time to waste building it normally.
For Napleon, I sugest making him an army and filling him with your special ones. (The one that counts as your UU)
Use the massive cash you just got to upgrade all your untrained infs to your UU.
Techs: I sugest reseraching the one that doubles worker speed first and the one allowing the French Guard second.
I sugest the Dutch & Italains first.
Won't take much to knock out the Dutch. The first city in Italy will also fall quickly, but Naples will require Cannons, Napolean, and some Calvary in addition to your inf. [Size 10 on a hill] There is a reward for getting Naples though: A unique luxary.
Next would then be Protogual and then the rock. [No, let other countries take care of them first.]

This is going to be from the French perseptive, but may be applyable for other countries as well.
Govts: All forms of govt already discovered. France is in their best one (Republic) but also starts the game with at the max low WW limit for all countries it's involved in a locked war with. The bad news is the inital unhappiness problem, but the good news is that it won't get any worse as long as you wipe out England's lackies before actually declaring war on others. There is an unconnected Fur resource near Paris. There is also only two native French workers. There are no Great Wonders that can be built. (England starts with Adam Smiths in London) France also starts with 2 MGLs and has no Small Wonders built. In addition France has a large military combared to most countries, but most of them are the inferior units. France does start with a Baracks in all their cities along with many improvements in most of them.
Cities retain culture is on, noone is allowed to build settlers, victory conditions are 60K points domination is 40% land + 40% pop, but your probably playing on too low a level for yourself if you hit domination before VPs.
Turn 1: First sign MA with all countries (excluding the locked war ones) against England. All of the except your Denmark ally will glady hand over their entire tresury for the honor of fighting the Brits.

Now aquire the Turk luxary you don't own. You need it.
Then you have a decision to make as to if you want Fur now in trade (and duplicate your unconnected one) or willing to wait.
On the Monarch level, if your waiting, you'll need 10% luxary slider.
On Emperor+ levels, you may need the 10% luxary slider even with Fur.
(If you allow the cities to grow, the locked-war WW happiness problem will get worse. I have often seen two additional people unhappy when one of my cities grew by one.)
Since there's a bit of a happiness problem along with a worker shortage, kill two birds with one stone by having cities build workers.
On the 2 MGLs, I sugest using the southern one to build your FP on turn 1, but not on the spot it's at. I built mine in the size 5 city just north since it's so close to so many other cities. (Actually, I think that Marsellis would have been the better choice considering it has more iferstructure) There's only 96 turns in this game; no time to waste building it normally.
For Napleon, I sugest making him an army and filling him with your special ones. (The one that counts as your UU)
Use the massive cash you just got to upgrade all your untrained infs to your UU.
Techs: I sugest reseraching the one that doubles worker speed first and the one allowing the French Guard second.
I sugest the Dutch & Italains first.
Won't take much to knock out the Dutch. The first city in Italy will also fall quickly, but Naples will require Cannons, Napolean, and some Calvary in addition to your inf. [Size 10 on a hill] There is a reward for getting Naples though: A unique luxary.
Next would then be Protogual and then the rock. [No, let other countries take care of them first.]