I just did a fresh install of Civ3 and used the Conquests disc only to install the PtW files. When I go into the .ini file, I can't find the 'NoAIPatrol' line anywhere. Is there an equivalent line, or do we need to install from the PtW disc first in order to get the wandering barbarians?
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.ini file changes
No, I want them after me.The default for Conquests is NoAIPatrol=1 or on. That means the barbarians don't do anything but attack when units enter their killzone. I'm changing the file so that NoAIPatrol is off, which was only the default prior to Conquests.
I don't recall having to add the line to .ini in my previous install- I thought I just unset the flag. [although Modo is very correct :-]Last edited by Rommel2D; April 2, 2005, 04:01.Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!
Originally posted by Rommel2D
I'm changing the file so that NoAIPatrol is off, which was only the default prior to Conquests.
Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
Why can't I find the "Turn of the Palace improvement" setting from the preferences? After a HD crash, too...
Originally posted by Willem
I wasn't aware of that. So does having NoAIPatrol=0 fix that problem with the Barbarians only attacking from a SE/NW axis?Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!