Why is it that civs all start hating me?
Around 1980 i won via the UN - 4 out of 7 voted for me (including myself). Now, everyone is furious with me, with the exception of one, which i never had a war with, but he went from gracious to polite to annoyed real quick.
I never started a war with either one of them, i never broke a right of passage agreement. Although i did have a war with most of them, but through their own doing. I give them lots of gifts, be it money, workers (captured), techs, cities, etc... but they are still hate me.
I am the most powerful civ on the map - covering roughly 60% of the "power" chart. Do other civs hate powerful civs by nature?
The only thing i can think of is that i have a few captured units of them. Will they start liking me again once i give them back? Before i do that, i'd like opinions please
I also think government types have an effect on relationships. But even the ones with the same gov't as me don't like me (demo).
ANy ideas how i could improve relations? I'm doing a lot of trading etc... The only way it seems to make them like me is if i have a mutual war.
Thanks for any hints!
Around 1980 i won via the UN - 4 out of 7 voted for me (including myself). Now, everyone is furious with me, with the exception of one, which i never had a war with, but he went from gracious to polite to annoyed real quick.
I never started a war with either one of them, i never broke a right of passage agreement. Although i did have a war with most of them, but through their own doing. I give them lots of gifts, be it money, workers (captured), techs, cities, etc... but they are still hate me.
I am the most powerful civ on the map - covering roughly 60% of the "power" chart. Do other civs hate powerful civs by nature?
The only thing i can think of is that i have a few captured units of them. Will they start liking me again once i give them back? Before i do that, i'd like opinions please

I also think government types have an effect on relationships. But even the ones with the same gov't as me don't like me (demo).
ANy ideas how i could improve relations? I'm doing a lot of trading etc... The only way it seems to make them like me is if i have a mutual war.
Thanks for any hints!